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Know Before You Go Trivia

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Presentation on theme: "Know Before You Go Trivia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Know Before You Go Trivia
Family Feud Template Introduction Slide – Family Feud!

2 TODAY’S CATEGORIES Family Feud Template
Introduction Slide – Family Feud!

3 Identity

4 Becoming Independent

5 Relationships

6 Education

7 Mental Health I

8 Mental Health II

9 Becoming Independent Mental Health I Mental Health II Identity Relationships Education 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 FINAL ROUND

10 Identity is defined as: (page 1)
A. Your inflexible state of being B. All of the pieces of you that make you who you are C. Your personality traits D. The one role you occupy

11 B. All of the pieces of you that make you who you are

12 Spirituality is defined as? (page 11)

13 A sense of connection to something bigger than oneself.

14 Gender identity is a person’s internal sense of being what? (page 13)
A. Male or female B. Both male and female C. Neither male nor female D. Any of the above

15 D. Any of the above

16 According to Know Before You Go, your social identity is defined as: (page 10)

17 The significant group characterizations assigned to us by the society in which we grow up.

18 Figuring out who you are is most influenced by: (page 1) A. Yourself B. Your friends C. Your family D. All of the above

19 D. All of the above

20 As you become more independent, you have an increase of what? (page 14)
A. Employability B. Educational ability C. Financial ability D. Responsibility

21 D. Responsibility

22 Know Before You Go defines resiliency as having the skills to ____
Know Before You Go defines resiliency as having the skills to ____? (page 15)

23 Adapt to the inevitable stresses of everyday life.

24 Stress helps us to: (page 17)
A. Learn to become resilient B. Avoid the things that upset us C. Stay healthy by avoiding it D. Learn about what makes us cry

25 A. Learn to become resilient

26 It is necessary to understand that when we experience the sensations we call stress, it is a signal that: (page 17) A. We have to leave B. We have a problem or challenge that we need to solve C. We have to avoid our work D. We have to sleep

27 B. We have a problem or challenge that we need to solve

28 Chronic stress is: (page 17)
A. Short term, negative stress B. Long term, positive stress C. Short term, positive stress D. Long term, negative stress

29 D. Long term, negative stress

30 Having time alone can help us to _____________, _______________, and _____________. (page 22)

31 Pause, recharge, and reflect on life

32 Sometimes our _________ stops us from making new friends. (page 19)

33 Stress signal

34 If you are exposed to ideas from people whose lives are vastly different from your own, and they make you uncomfortable, you should be: (page 21) A. Defensive and judgemental B. Curious, but not obviously C. Inquisitive and interested D. Dismissive and argumentative

35 C. Inquisitive and interested

36 If a relationship is not working out for you, you should: (page 29)
A. Ignore the person entirely B. Start a fight so you can end the relationship C. Tell them you’re interested in someone else D. Consider safe and healthy options to deal with ending it

37 D. Consider safe and healthy options to deal with ending it

38 In approaching a relationship, it is important to communicate your _____, __________, and ____________ with your partners. (page 29)

39 Expectations, needs, and boundaries.

40 Those who learn best through listening are: (page 32)
A. Auditory Learners B. Visual Learners C. Reading/Writing Learners D. Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners

41 A. Auditory Learners

42 A good learning strategy for visual learners is to: (page 32)
A. Summarize notes and rewrite them B. Create a hands-on task C. Create drawings, graphs, and charts D. Discuss ideas or repeat out loud while studying

43 C. Create drawings, graphs, and charts

44 How much caffeine should a person drink when studying? (page 35)
A. You have an individualized tolerance for caffeine B. Any amount is fine, as long as it’s from tea C. Any amount is fine, as long as it’s before lunchtime D. Unlimited, there are no side effects

45 A. You have an individualized tolerance for caffeine

46 According to KBYG, some people study best __________ ___________
According to KBYG, some people study best __________ ___________. (2 words) (page 35) A. Without pressure B. When hungry C. Under stress D. Without rest

47 D. Under stress

48 Resiliency involves asking yourself: (page 38)
A. Why me? B. What could I have done differently? C. Who else is at fault? D. What did I do wrong?

49 B. What could I have done differently?

50 What are the three categories of Mental Health? (page 42)

51 Mental Distress, Mental Health Problem, Mental Disorder

52 What is good for your ___________ is also good for your brain
What is good for your ___________ is also good for your brain. (page 40)

53 Bicep

54 According to Know Before You Go, depression affects approximately _____% of people over the course of one year (page 46) A. 10% B. 7% C. 32% D. 13%

55 B. 7%

56 Prior to what age does schizophrenia usually begin? (page 63)

57 Prior to age 25.

58 Double Point Question!

59 The recommended care for individuals with a mental health problem is what kind of medicine? (page 68)

60 Evidence-based medicine/
evidence-based care.

61 Panic attacks tend to last for how long? (page 54)
A. Two days B. Two hours C. Ten minutes D. Ten hours

62 C. Ten minutes

63 According to Know Before You Go, people with Bipolar II Disorder experience: (page 53)
A. Manic episodes B. Hypomanic episodes C. Neither D. Both

64 A. Hypomanic episodes

65 Bipolar disorder often begins before what age? (page 52)
A. 14 years old B. 30 years old C. 25 years old D. 22 years old

66 C. 25 years old

67 A symptom of Social Anxiety Disorder is an intense fear of social situations where people could ______ you or you could feel ___________, which lasts at least 6 months. (page 48)

68 Judge, embarrassed

69 Does a person with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder experience obsessions or compulsions? (page 64)

70 They may experience both

71 All of the things that are good for ________ health are good for mental health. (page 40)
GO TO ANSWER (question)

72 Physical

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