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Ch 6 American Revolution

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1 Ch 6 American Revolution
TimeLine - Battles

2 Ch 6 American Revolution 1775-1781
Battle of Lexington & Concord (BR) - 1st battle of American Revolution Battle of Saratoga (Pat.) Turning point = patriots started winning French allie with patriots Gen. Burgoyne surrenders Battle of Bunker Hill (Br) Br substained heavy losses Psychologically – victory for Pat. – only lost because ran out of ammo. Battle of Trenton (Pat.) - Surprise attack on British Battle of Long Island (Br) April 1775 June 1775 Aug 1776 Oct 1777 Dec 26, 1776 Ch 6 American Revolution

3 Spain declares war on Britain
Winter at Valley Forge Low point for patriots Soldiers lacked food & clothing War moves south & west West: Br thought Indians would help South: Br concentrated efforts in south – believed many loyalists But countryside: Patriots - guerilla warfare Spain declares war on Britain Latter part of war Winter 77-78 1779

4 American Independence recognized
Treaty of Paris of 1783 American Independence recognized Miss. R. new western boundary Battle of Yorktown (Pat.) Last major battle Cornwallis (Br.) surrenders Oct 1781 Sept 1783

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