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1. Materion Allweddol 1. Key Issues

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Presentation on theme: "1. Materion Allweddol 1. Key Issues"— Presentation transcript:

1 BRIFF 7 MUNUD - Diogelu Oedolion ac Eiriolaeth 7 MINUTE BRIEFING – Adult Safeguarding and Advocacy

2 1. Materion Allweddol 1. Key Issues
Mae Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant yn nodi bod angen i awdurdodau lleol drefnu eiriolydd annibynnol ar gyfer oedolion sydd yn destun ymchwiliad diogelu The Social Services and Wellbeing Act highlights the need for local authorities to arrange an independent advocate for adults who are subject to a safeguarding enquiry

3 2. Materion Allweddol 2. Key issues
Dylid trefnu eiriolydd annibynnol yn enwedig os cyrhaeddir yr amodau canlynol – Os oes gan yr unigolyn anhawster sylweddol i gymryd rhan yn llawn yn y broses ddiogelu ac; Os nad oes unigolyn priodol ar gael i gefnogi a chynrychioli dymuniadau’r unigolyn An independent advocate should be arranged in particular if the following conditions are met – If the person has substantial difficulty in being fully involved with the safeguarding process and; If there is no appropriate individual available to support and represent the persons wishes

4 3. Materion Allweddol 3. Key Issues
Mae gan yr eiriolwr ddwy rôl - darparu cefnogaeth a chynorthwyo’r oedolyn i ddeall y broses ddiogelu eu cynrychioli i sicrhau bod llais yr oedolyn yn cael ei glywed a bod eu barn yn cael ei hystyried The advocate has two roles - to provide support and assist the adult to understand the safeguarding process representation to ensure the adults voice is heard and that their views are taken into account

5 4. Materion Allweddol 4. Key Issues
Ni all yr unigolyn priodol fod yn: rhywun nad yw’r unigolyn yn dymuno cael cefnogaeth ganddo/ganddi rhywun sy’n annhebygol o fedru rhoi digon o gefnogaeth i’r unigolyn gymryd rhan, neu fod ar gael i wneud, na rhywun sydd yn rhan o’r ymchwiliad mewn i gamdriniaeth neu esgeulustod An appropriate individual cannot be: Someone the person does not want to support them Someone who is unlikely to be able to, or available to, adequately support the persons involvement Someone implicated or involved in the enquiry into abuse or neglect

6 5. Materion Allweddol 5. Key Issues
Eiriolydd Annibynnol o ran Gallu Meddyliol Mae’r ddyletswydd i ddarparu eiriolydd annibynnol yn rhywbeth ar wahân i ddarparu Eiriolydd Annibynnol o ran Gallu Meddyliol pan fo rhywun â diffyg ‘gallu meddyliol’ i wneud penderfyniadau penodol pwysig. Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) The duty to provide an independent advocate is separate from the provision of an IMCA where someone lacks capacity to make specific important decisions.

7 6. Materion Allweddol 6. Key Issues
Dylid darparu cefnogaeth eiriolaeth os bydd yr oedolyn mewn perygl yn cael anhawster Ddeall gwybodaeth berthnasol Cadw gwybodaeth Defnyddio neu bwyso a mesur yr wybodaeth fel rhan o’r broses o gymryd rhan Cyfleu eu safbwyntiau, dyheadau neu deimladau Advocacy support should be provided if the Adult at Risk has difficulty Understanding relevant information Retaining information Using or weighing the information as part of the process of being involved Communicating their views, wishes and feelings

8 7. Argymhellion 7. Recommendations
Mae’n hanfodol bwysig bod oedolion yn cael eu cefnogi yn yr hyn maent yn ei ystyried sy'n broses frawychus a allai arwain at benderfyniadau anodd iawn. Efallai bod oedolyn sydd wedi cael ei ch/gam-drin neu ei esgeuluso yn teimlo mor ddigalon, ofnus, cywilydd neu drist bod eiriolydd annibynnol i’w helpu fod yn hanfodol. It is critical that the adult is supported in what they may feel is a daunting process which may well lead to some very difficult decisions. An adult who is thought to have been abused or neglected may be so demoralised, frightened, embarrassed or upset that independent advocacy provided to help them may be crucial.

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