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Development through the Life Stages Childhood

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1 Development through the Life Stages Childhood

2 Starter- Pair and discuss
Number yourselves 1 and 2 Number 1s tell your partner how far you have got with P1 and ask them any questions you have about it Number twos now tell your new partner how far you have got with P1 and ask them any questions Number 1s tell your partner something you have found out from your interviews about your individual that you have used in P1. Number 2s now do the same

3 Reminder Research proposals and consent forms are in
P1 to be handed in on Monday 17th July Today- Childhood Friday- Adolescence and assignment workshop Monday- Hand in and last lesson prep for the rest of P1

4 Example Questions Where and when were you born?
Can you tell my anything you know about your mothers pregnancy and/or your birth? Are you aware of any illnesses or disease you suffered from in the first 3 years of your life? Do you know any information about your temperament and behaviour in infancy? Do you know anything about when you met your developmental milestones e.g walking, talking? Which parent or caregiver did you spend most time with? Were you more attached to them?

5 Childhood- PIES Intellectual- We will learn together
Physical, Emotional and Social – will be a group task

6 Intellectual and the Cognitive perspective
What do you remember about this from Psychological Perspectives? The theory relates to how a child’s cognition develops through a series of stages, each one building on the previous one. The constructivist believe children need to make sense of their world.

7 Jean Piaget ( 1896 – 1980) As children learn they store the information and adapt their behaviour accordingly. Piaget believed children went through different learning stages depending on their age. He called their patterns of learning schemas.

8 Stage 1:sensori motor (Infancy)
0-2 years The world is experienced through motor activity and the senses. No concept of object permanence (out of sight, out of mind)

9 Object permanence (infancy)
Piaget believed as the infant grew older (8 – 10 months) that they were able to understand, that just because they couldn’t see an object it still existed.

10 Stage 2: Pre operational stage
2 – 7 years Language develops along with memory. The child is egocentric unable to conserve certain concepts.

11 Stage 2: Pre operational stage
Child develops and is able to use symbols, images and words and can manipulate these in their play. The child learns about ‘identity constancy’ including about their gender and size.

12 Stage 3: Concrete operational
7 -11 years The child can understand conversation, but can not yet solve problems mentally. Children can make sense of their world and understand basic concepts.

13 Stage 4: Formal operational
11+ The child can now use abstract thoughts and represent problems mentally. At this stage individual can relate to situations they may not have directly experienced.

14 Summary of Piaget’s stages

15 George Kelly (1905 – 1966) Whereas Piaget focused on building upon learnt schema.. Kelly Developed the theory of ‘Psychology of Personal Constructs’. A construct is a way of construing (interpreting and making sense of) reality and the environment. Kelly believed that we do not have to be constrained by past history or learning as we can seek out new meanings to situations.

16 Group task Physical Emotional Social Use the resources to complete notes AND create 2 Questions for you individual for each area of development

17 Physical dev and Childhood
This period of physical growth is less rapid than that of childhood. Gross and Fine motor skills continue to develop. By the age of 6 a child’s head will be 90% of adult size. Reproductive organs remain small until onset of puberty.

18 Physical

19 Emotional development - Childhood
Ref- Stretch and Whitehouse

20 Emotional development - Childhood

21 Social Dev- Childhood Ref- Stretch and Whitehouse

22 Social Development and Childhood

23 Questions

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