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Welcome to Compass Elementary

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1 Welcome to Compass Elementary
Ms. Snyder Kindergarten

2 Meet the Teacher I attended Platte County School District from pre-school to 12th grade, making me a former Pirate! I graduated college from Coastal Carolina University in South Carolina and obtained a degree in Early Childhood Education. I recently graduated with my Masters Degree in Reading from Arkansas State University. I have been teaching Kindergarten since 2013.

3 Daily Schedule 8:35 - 9:00 Morning Work/Greetings/Restroom
9: :15 Calendar/Leader In Me 9: :45 Phonics 9: :45 Math 10: :18 Lunch 11: :25 Restroom Break 11: :40 Recess #1 11: :00 Math Centers 12: :30 Writers Workshop 12: : Guided Reading / Literacy Centers 1: : Readers Workshop 1: :10 Specials Day 1 - Library Day 2 - PE Day 3 - Art Day 4 - Music Day 5 - PE 2: :00 Reader’s Workshop 3: :15 Recess #2 3: :35 Class Meeting/Lead Time 3: Dismissal

4 Take Home Folder (STAR Folder)
Each child will have a S.T.A.R. Folder that they will take home each night. S.T.A.R. Folders contain important information. Right side - papers to send right back to school (homework, important forms, etc). Left side - papers to be left at home. Pouch - notes, transportation changes, lunch money, etc. Please check and EMPTY your child’s folder nightly and send it back to school.

5 Behavior Management and Communication
In order to guarantee that all children in Kindergarten experience an excellent learning climate, consequences will be enforced for poor behavior. However, it’s no secret that everyone makes mistakes, and I want each child to know that it’s OKAY to make mistakes. Mistakes are something we can learn from. With that said the following plan will be used for behavior/discipline: If your child… Receives two or more reminders/warnings to follow expectations, he/she will be sent home with a note stating the behavior they struggled with. This note should be signed and returned to school. Continues their behavior even after their warnings, he/she will be asked to complete a think sheet at our safe seat. This will be sent home and should be signed and returned to school. Continues their behavior after completing a think sheet, he/she will be sent to a buddy room. If behavior issues still occur after being sent to a buddy room, he/she will be sent to the principal’s office. A “Safe Seat” is a chair within the classroom that is away from the learning environment. This seat allows the student time to collect himself/herself while thinking about his/her actions. A “Buddy Room” is a different classroom where a student may go if the behavior continues. A “Think Sheet” is a form filled out by the student and staff member. The student will draw and/or write what they did wrong and what they should have done. This helps them take ownership and reflect over their actions. Teachers reserve the right to assign consequences based on the severity of the behavior.

6 Reading Curriculum Basics
Reader’s Workshop – Reading at home is EXTREMELY important! 10 minutes every night can greatly impact your child’s reading ability. A few things we will focus on this year… Concepts of print (direction we read, pointing to each word, author, illustrator, etc.) Comprehension and Reading strategies (help us remember what happened in a story and help us sound out words we don’t know) Fiction and Nonfiction Fluency (how fast and accurate we can read) Stamina (how long we can read) Please see the handout located in the middle of your child’s STAR Folder for more information on how to read with your child.

7 Math Curriculum Basics
Our Math Resource is called Envisions. Students will learn everything from numbers and counting, to addition and subtraction. Envisions engages students into a deeper level of thinking. Students are able to explain their answers in depth. Worksheets done in class will come home on a weekly basis. You will also find homework pages to complete. These are optional, but highly encouraged. We will take a test after we complete a Topic. There are 14 Topics total in our math curriculum.

8 Science and Social Studies Basics
Your child will learn the following: Science - weather force and motion living things Social Students - economics maps

9 The Leader In Me : 7 Habits Check out
The Leader In Me teaches life and leadership skills. Our class will implement “The Leader In Me” and each student will learn and apply the 7 Habits on a daily basis.

10 Data Notebook Basics Data Notebooks are a great way to help see how your child is doing in school. Every quarter, your child’s notebook will be sent home for you to review. Inside your child’s notebook is the following: sound and letter recognition, number recognition, counting, sight word recognition, reading level, and addition and subtraction scores.

11 Grading and Assessment
The following scale will be used for report cards. Report cards will be ed home at the end of each quarter. 4 – The student exhibits no major errors or gaps in the learning goal. 3 – The student exhibits no major errors or gaps in the simpler details and processes. 2 – With help, the student understand some of the content. 1 – Even with help, the student has no understand of the content.

12 Parent Involvement Interested in volunteering in our classroom?
Volunteering may consist of making copies, organizing materials, working with students, etc. I will gladly take any help! Please me what days/times work best for you and I will do my best to coordinate.

13 Daily and/or Weekly Expectations/Routines
Please make sure your child comes to school prepared everyday. Your child should always bring their backpack, STAR Folder, and any homework to school. Be sure your kiddo eats breakfast every morning so they are ready to tackle the day!

14 Birthdays Feel free to send birthday treats to school with your child on his or her birthday. Please make sure all treats are peanut free and store-bought. If your child has a summer birthday, we will celebrate it in May.

15 Important things to note
Toys - Please do not allow your child to bring toys to school (unless it is show and tell day). Toys can be a distraction to not only your child, but others as well. Transportation Changes - If your child has an after school transportation change, please call the office. Homework - Homework should be completed on time and returned to school. Snack - We will have a short allotted time for snack everyday. Your child may bring one small peanut free item. Please note – snack time is not a time to finish lunch.

16 Stay Connected Communication Plan
Newsletters – A class newsletter will be ed home every Friday. Each newsletter contains IMPORTANT information. Teacher – Stay connected with Class Dojo! This is an app that helps us stay in touch through text messaging. More information regarding this to follow! Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions and/or concerns throughout the school year. I am looking forward to a GREAT year!  Thank you, Ms. Snyder

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