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Presentation on theme: "GENETICS NOTES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Genetics is the scientific study of heredity.

3 Heredity is the process in which characteristics are passed from the parent to the offspring (Mom or Dad to Child).

4 Traits are an organisms physical characteristics.
EXAMPLE: eye color, height, nose shape

5 Traits are controlled by genes found in DNA (our genetic code)


7 Genes are segments of a DNA molecule that contain specific trait information (eye color, hair color, nose shape, etc.)

8 The different forms, or parts of a gene are called alleles

9 Dominant allele is the one whose trait always shows up.
Recessive allele is hidden, or covered up, whenever a dominant allele is around (The only time you see a recessive alleles trait is when there are two recessive alleles and no dominant).


11 Alleles are represented by letters
Usually, capital letters represent dominant alleles and lower case letter represent recessive alleles.

12 Asexual and Sexual Reproduction
In asexual reproduction, only one parent is needed to produce offspring. The offspring will be IDENTICAL to the parent.

13 Things that reproduce asexually include:
1.  one celled organisms (like bacteria) 2. some plants 3. some frogs

14 In sexual reproduction, two parents are needed to produce offspring
In sexual reproduction, two parents are needed to produce offspring. The offspring will NOT be identical to the parents.


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