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+9+9+ El Centro College The Center for Allied Health and Nursing

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1 +9+9+ El Centro College The Center for Allied Health and Nursing
HEALTH PROFESSIONS READINESS AWARDS PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN LEVEL I CERTIFICATE Please turn on your speakers. In order to gain the most knowledge about these programs, please download the Health Professions Readiness Awards information packet from the website below and review it thoroughly before viewing this online information session. This online presentation is about 20 minutes in length. -8/31/18-

2 Helpful hints regarding our online information session.
HEALTH PROFESSIONS READINESS AWARDS PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN LEVEL I CERTIFICATE Helpful hints regarding our online information session. As you view our information session, you will see links to various webpages which will be of interest to you. You may click on those links which will open another window then simply close that window to return to the information session. The presentation will resume where you left initially. You may exit this online information session by pressing the Escape key; however, we encourage you to view the entire information session from the beginning and in its entirety to access the questionnaire where you can evaluate the session and give us feedback on this experience. You may view this online information session as many times as you desire. Let’s begin!

3 Health Professions Readiness Awards I and II
HEALTH PROFESSIONS READINESS AWARDS PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN LEVEL I CERTIFICATE Health Professions Readiness Awards I and II El Centro College offers two levels of Health Professions Readiness Awards (“HPRA”) to prepare students with no previous experience in patient care for application to our Allied Health programs. Each Health Professions Readiness Award requires the completion of three “HPRS” courses. After a student successfully finishes the three HPRS courses for a specific award, the student submits an HPRA completion form to the Health Occupations Admissions Office who presents the student with a Certificate of Completion at the end of that semester. The HPRA completion forms are found the in Health Professions Readiness Awards information packet.

4 Health Professions Readiness Awards I and II
HEALTH PROFESSIONS READINESS AWARDS PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN LEVEL I CERTIFICATE Health Professions Readiness Awards I and II Health Professions Readiness Award I HPRS 1202 – Wellness and Health Promotion HPRS 1204 – Basic Health Professions Skills I * HPRS 2231 – General Health Professions Management Health Professions Readiness Award II HPRS 2201 – Pathophysiology HPRS 2210 – Basic Health Professions Skills II * HPRS 2300 – Pharmacology for the Health Professions * HPRS 1204 is the prerequisite for HPRS 2210 and have both online content and on campus lab practice components. The other HPRS courses are offered online.

What will students learn in the courses required for the Health Professions Readiness Awards? Basic bedside patient skills including: Vital signs and physical assessment Sterile procedures and wound care Patient transfer and body mechanics EKG Venipuncture Maintaining medical records HIPPA compliance and the healthcare delivery system Holistic health and wellness Professional ethics in relation to the scope of practice Pathophysiology of diseases and conditions Pharmacology including drug classifications, safe administration, and contraindications

6 Patient Care Technician Level I Certificate:
HEALTH PROFESSIONS READINESS AWARDS PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN LEVEL I CERTIFICATE Patient Care Technician Level I Certificate: After completion of the six “HPRS” courses for the Health Professions Readiness Awards I and II, a student would enroll in two additional courses to fulfill the requirements for the Patient Care Technician Level I certificate. Theses courses are: HPRS 1201 – Introduction to Health Professions NUPC 1191 – Special Topics in Patient Care Assistant/Aide NOTE: HPRS can be taken with the other HPRS courses or with NUPC Enrollment in NUPC 1191 is by permission only after a student has completed the six HPRS courses of the Health Professions Readiness Awards I and II. The successful completion of the HPRS and NUPC courses will prepare the student to sit for the National Certified Patient Care Technician/Assistant exam for the CPCT/A credential from the National Healthcareer Association (NHA) which is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies. This exam is administered at the conclusion of the NUPC 1191 capstone course. The CPCT/A credential is not required to apply to an El Centro College health occupations program.

7 Awarding the Patient Care Technician Certificate
HEALTH PROFESSIONS READINESS AWARDS PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN LEVEL I CERTIFICATE Awarding the Patient Care Technician Certificate After successful completion of NUPC 1191 and all of the HPRS courses including HPRS 1201, the student would submit an Application for Graduation form online or obtain the graduation form from Health Occupations Admissions and submit it to that office. The PCT certificate is awarded at the end of the fall, spring, or summer semesters and is processed along with the graduation applications for all other Health Occupations programs.

8 What are PCT’s and where are they employed?
HEALTH PROFESSIONS READINESS AWARDS PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN LEVEL I CERTIFICATE What are PCT’s and where are they employed? Under the supervision of the nursing staff and other medical personnel, Patient Care Technician’s (PCT’s) provide direct patient care such as head-to-toe assessments, EKG’s, vital signs, venipuncture, IV management, medication administration, and basic first aid skills. PCT’s are employed on a full-time or part-time basis in various healthcare environments such as hospitals, clinics, and long term care facilities. For salary ranges in the DFW area, see this link for the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

What is the cost of the Health Professions Readiness Awards and the PCT program? The cost of each of the HPRA awards and the PCT program is primarily based upon your residency status for tuition purposes. The estimated cost below includes tuition for courses, textbooks, lab supplies, and the CPCT/A exam fee. Health Professions Readiness Award I Dallas County resident Out of County TX resident Out of State/Country resident $ $ 1, $ 1,394.00 Health Professions Readiness Award II Dallas County resident Out of County TX resident Out of State/Country resident $ $ 1, $ 1,462.00 HPRS 1201 and NUPC 1191 Dallas County resident Out of County TX resident Out of State/Country resident $ $ $

10 First time college student?
HEALTH PROFESSIONS READINESS AWARDS PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN LEVEL I CERTIFICATE How do I get started? First time college student? Apply for college admission either online or in person at the El Centro College Registrar’s Office or at one of the Registrar/Admissions Offices at any Dallas County Community college. Speak with an academic advisor who can assist you in registration. Placement testing is not necessary for enrollment into the HPRS courses; however, if you intend to apply to other health occupations programs in the future, assessment testing will be needed for registration into basic courses such as English composition, college algebra, anatomy/physiology, or any developmental courses you may need to prepare you for college level coursework.

Are you new to El Centro but have coursework from colleges (other than Dallas County Community colleges)? Apply for college admission either online or in person at the El Centro College Registrar’s Office or at one of the Registrar/Admissions Offices at any Dallas County Community college. Submit all official transcripts to the El Centro College Registrar/Admissions Office or at another Dallas County Community college. See an academic advisor as needed for registration in the HPRS courses. Request an Educational Plan from the Health Occupations Admissions Office to evaluate your previous coursework for possible transfer of courses such as pharmacology or pathophysiology.

12 What is an Educational Plan?
HEALTH PROFESSIONS READINESS AWARDS PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN LEVEL I CERTIFICATE What is an Educational Plan? The educational plan is an unofficial degree plan listing the courses you have completed (including transferred courses) toward the HPRA awards. Educational plans are not necessary if you have attended only Dallas County Community colleges. The educational plan is usually processed within 4-6 weeks of submission but may take longer to complete during peak times. The Educational Plan Request form is found on the “Resources for Potential Applicants” link at:

13 What will a sample class schedule look like?
HEALTH PROFESSIONS READINESS AWARDS PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN LEVEL I CERTIFICATE What will a sample class schedule look like? HPRS 1201, HPRS ONLINE ONLY HPRS 2201, HPRS 2231 HPRS 2300 HPRS Online lecture Lab – four hours, one day on campus HPRS week schedule Lecture and lab on campus Lecture – one hour, two days per week followed by three hour lab 16 week schedule Lecture – one hour, one day per week followed by a three hour lab NUPC week schedule Lecture and lab on campus Lecture – one hour, one day per week followed by a one hour lab

14 A Few Frequently Asked Questions….
HEALTH PROFESSIONS READINESS AWARDS PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN LEVEL I CERTIFICATE A Few Frequently Asked Questions…. Do I have to apply and be accepted to the Health Professions Readiness Awards and the Patient Care Technician Level I Certificate program? Anyone can enroll in the HPRS courses for the Health Professions Readiness Awards I and II and also the HPRS 1201 – Introduction to Health Care course. See an academic advisor if you need assistance in enrolling in the HPRS courses. However, you must have completed the six HPRS courses and earned the Health Professions Readiness Awards I and II before you are allowed to register in the NUPC 1191 course. Remember that you can enroll in HPRS either before or with the NUPC 1191 in order to finish out the entire Patient Care Technician Level I Certificate program. If you plan to complete the Patient Care Technician program, you should indicate that as your program of study. The degree code is found below: C1.VN.PAT.CARE.TECH

15 A Few Frequently Asked Questions (cont.)
HEALTH PROFESSIONS READINESS AWARDS PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN LEVEL I CERTIFICATE A Few Frequently Asked Questions (cont.) I plan to apply later to one of the health occupations programs at El Centro College. Will I receive any credit for the Health Professions Readiness Awards or the PCT certificate? Absolutely! By completing the six HPRS courses in the Health Professions Readiness Awards I and II, a student would meet Application Eligibility Category 1 to apply to the following Allied Health Associate Degree programs: Cardiac Sonography, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Invasive Cardiovascular Technology, Medical Laboratory Technology, Radiography, Respiratory Care, and Surgical Technology. HPRS 2300 – Pharmacology is also part of the Medical Assisting and Vocational Nursing programs.

16 A Few Frequently Asked Questions (cont.)
HEALTH PROFESSIONS READINESS AWARDS PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN LEVEL I CERTIFICATE A Few Frequently Asked Questions (cont.) I am going to apply for financial aid. May I use it for the HPRA awards and the Patient Care Technician program? Yes! To apply for financial aid, please see the guidelines on the El Centro website at Students should indicate their program of study as C1.VN.PAT.CARE.TECH which is the official degree code for the HPRS courses through the final NUPC 1191 course. See the Financial Aid Office in Building A at the main El Centro campus for more information.

17 Frequently Asked Questions (cont.)
HEALTH PROFESSIONS READINESS AWARDS PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN LEVEL I CERTIFICATE Frequently Asked Questions (cont.) I earned a “C” in my HPRS 2300 – Pharmacology course. I would like to repeat it to earn a higher grade. If I repeat it which grade will count? You may certainly repeat a course; the last grade earned will be the grade of record. (“W’s” or withdrawals from the course do not count.) Please note, however, that if you earn a grade of “D” or “F” in your second attempt in the course, THAT will be the grade of record and we will not honor the previous grade you earned in your first attempt. You would then need to repeat the course again and earn a grade of “C” or higher on your final attempt. Repeating a course to earn a higher grade does not count against your program completion as long as you complete the course with a “C” or higher on your last attempt.

18 Frequently Asked Questions (cont.)
HEALTH PROFESSIONS READINESS AWARDS PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN LEVEL I CERTIFICATE Frequently Asked Questions (cont.) Where do I park at El Centro and the Paramount Building? Although El Centro College does not have reserved parking for students, staff, or visitors, parking is available at meters and various lots adjacent to the Paramount Building. The average cost of parking per day is $5 - $10. We are conveniently located near the West End DART Rail Station and the West Bus Transfer Center. Students who are enrolled in at least six (6) credit hours in Fall or Spring semesters, or 3 credit hours in Summer are eligible for a FREE DART PASS for that semester! The pass is valid on DART trains and buses. See the guidelines on the El Centro College website at DART schedules and route maps can be found at

19 Frequently Asked Questions (cont.)
HEALTH PROFESSIONS READINESS AWARDS PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN LEVEL I CERTIFICATE Frequently Asked Questions (cont.) I don’t have a Social Security Number. Can I still enroll in the HPRS courses and the PCT program and apply to the take the CPCT/A certification exam for the Patient Care credential? A Social Security Number (SSN) is not required to enroll in these courses or to take the CPCT/A certification exam. An individual must have completed an approved PCT program such as ours within the last five years and have either a high school diploma or a GED. However, students are encouraged to investigate obtaining an SSN which would be necessary for future employment opportunities.

20 For additional assistance….
HEALTH PROFESSIONS READINESS AWARDS PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN LEVEL I CERTIFICATE For additional assistance…. … please refer to the General Information section of the Health Professions Readiness Awards / Patient Care Technician information packet where you will find the and telephone number of specific contact personnel here in the Health Occupations Admissions Office. If you are interested in other health care career opportunities, we suggest that you visit the Health Careers Resource Center. Their counselors can provide you with information on the variety of health care programs at El Centro College and other colleges in our area. The Health Careers Resource Center is located on the 7th floor of Building R. Telephone: Website:

Q & A Session We trust that this online session has answered most of your basic questions about our Health Professions Readiness Awards and Patient Care Technician program. However, if you still need additional clarification about what we have already covered in this presentation, we will hold general Q & A sessions at the Paramount Building which will be open only to individuals who have previously viewed our online information sessions. IMPORTANT NOTE: The Q & A sessions are not intended to replace the online information sessions. For Q & A session dates and times, please us at and type Q&A (no spaces) in the subject line of your .

22 for viewing our online information session!
HEALTH PROFESSIONS READINESS AWARDS PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN LEVEL I CERTIFICATE THANK YOU for viewing our online information session! We hope that it has been an enlightening and pleasant experience for you. You will now be asked to record your “attendance” by completing a brief questionnaire as verification.

Please click on the link below to access, complete, and submit the questionnaire. You may then return to this slide and press the Escape key to exit the online information session. “Imagine possibilities…..” The Health Occupations Admissions Office The Center for Allied Health and Nursing El Centro College Educational opportunities are offered by El Centro College without regard to race, color, age, National origin, religion, sex, disability, or sexual orientation. Copyright 2019/2020 Health Occupations Admissions Office El Centro College

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