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Bell Work What changes took place in towards the end of the Civil Rights Movement? Use complete sentences.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work What changes took place in towards the end of the Civil Rights Movement? Use complete sentences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work What changes took place in towards the end of the Civil Rights Movement? Use complete sentences.

2 The Vietnam War

3 World History Perspective
Do not write

4 France in Vietnam

5 France Battles the Vietminh
The Vietminh was an organization with the goal of winning independence. Ho Chi Minh fought in the North to liberate the South 1950 President Truman sent nearly $15 million in aid to France Pumped $1 billion more into France’s war effort.

6 The Vietminh Drive Out France
Eisenhower’s Domino Theory French could not retake Vietnam – surrender in 1954 Vietminh overtake Dien Bien Phu Geneva Accords Peace agreement that split Vietnam along the 17th parallel. Separated the communists and anti-communists

7 Trouble Brewing Ngo Dinh Diem cancels elections in South Vietnam in 1956 Diem had a corrupt gov’t that suppressed dissent Catholic leader amidst a primarily Buddhist population 1957 – the Vietcong (Southern Communist group) began attacks on Diem’s gov’t The Ho Chi Minh Trail established an underground network that supplied the Vietcong with arms

8 Kennedy Steps In Diem attacked Buddhism, destroyed temples, and imprisoned clerics Caused protests by many monks and nuns In 1963, Kennedy helped stage a coup that toppled Diem Installed a puppet government.

9 Start Now

10 Johnson Expands the Conflict
The Tonkin Gulf Situation 1964 A North Vietnamese boat fired a torpedo at the USS Maddox. The Maddox was not hit, but returned fire. Two days later, in bad weather, similar story Crew later claims they did not actually see or hear hostile gunfire…

11 The Tonkin Gulf Resolution
President can take “all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the US. And to prevent further aggression.” It was not a declaration of war. Johnson did not tell Congress about the U.S. military staging secret raids on North Vietnam…

12 Johnson Expands Involvement
A war of attrition – gradual wearing down of the enemy by continuous harassment… “If I had thought they would take this punishment and fight this well,… I would have thought differently at the start.”

13 The Battle for “Hearts” and “Minds”
Keep Vietcong from winning Southern support. Napalm – gasoline based bomb destroyed the North and South Agent Orange – leaf killing toxic chemical (dropped on U.S. troops at times) Search and destroy missions – attacking civilians suspected of Vietcong support, killing their livestock, burning their crops, destroying their villages.

14 Sinking Morale A war of attrition Guerilla warfare
Conditions of troops in Vietnam Drafting Corruption and instability South Vietnamese perception of U.S. troops

15 The Great Society Suffers
Johnson’s domestic improvement programs were lost due to funding issues.

16 The “Living Room” War The war was being broadcast on major news stations The reality of the war did not match what people were being told. Credibility gap

17 Opposition in the U.S. Growing counter culture Campus activism
Draft avoidance

18 The Tet Offensive Week long truce for Tet Vietcong smuggled in weapons
The Vietcong attacked over 100 towns/cities Saigon, the Southern capital, was also attacked It continued for almost a month The Vietcong lost 10x more soldiers than U.S. Public Opinion plumeted

19 The End of the War (1975) Nixon and Vietnamization “Peace with Honor”
Bomb the North and Gradual Withdrawal “Peace with Honor” The My Lai Massacre 1970 Invasion of Cambodia The Pentagon Papers Johnson had planned to get involved from start and U.S. had no plans to leave war despite public opinion.

20 Wrap Up How did the strategies used in the Vietnam War progress?

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