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CS100A Lect. 12, 8 Oct More About Arrays

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1 CS100A Lect. 12, 8 Oct. 1998 More About Arrays
Review basic rules for arrays Array initializers Develop class List Reading in Holmes for arrays: Chapter 5 (p. 147) CS100A, Lecture 12, 8 October 1998

2 Review A declaration like int [ ] g; results in a box for g that contains the value null: g Execution of g= new int [n]; where n is any integer expression, allocates an array of n elements and stores a reference to it in g: g.length is the number of elements in array g. The elements of array g are: g[0], g[1], g[2], …, g[g.length-1]. Use g[exp] to refer to an array element, where exp is any intger expression in the range 0..(g.length-1). Here, exp is called the subscript or the index of the array element. It is an error to reference g[exp] if exp is not in the range 0..(g.length-1). Be careful to distinguish the subscript (e.g. 2) from the array element (e.g. g[2]). null … n-1 CS100A, Lecture 12, 8 October 1998

3 Array Initializers int [ ] coins= new int[4];
coins[0]= 1; coins[1]= 5; coins[2]= 10; coins[3]= 25; is equivalent to int [ ] coins= {1, 5, 10, 25}; An array initializer is a list of expressions enclosed in braces. It’s value is a newly allocated array whose elements are initialized with the values in the list. The length of the new array is the number of items in the array initializer. An array initializer can be used only in such a situation. Another example: String days= {“Mon”, “Tue”, “Wed”, “Thu”, “Fri”, “Sat”, “Sun”}; CS100A, Lecture 12, 8 October 1998

4 Add a new student to the list Check whether a student is in the list
New Problem We want to write a program that will maintain a list of names --the names of the people in this class. Things the program will have to do: Add a new student to the list Check whether a student is in the list Delete a student (who has dropped the course) Count how many students are in the class (so that rooms for a prelim can be reserved) Design decision We don’t know what the best way to maintain this list in the program. Also, such a list, with such operations, can be useful in many places. So let’s develop a class that can be used to represent such lists and to perform such operations on them. This: Will allow us to change representations without chang-ing the program that uses the representation. We can play with different ways of storing the data. Will allow us to use the class in other situations. We’ll be able to reuse the code we write. CS100A, Lecture 12, 8 October 1998

5 Specification of class List
(An instance of) class List will contain a list of at most 300 names (Strings). Names are stored in the list in no particular order. No duplicate names appear in the list. Methods desired: Constructor: List( ): An empty list with space for at most Strings Constructor: List(String n): An empty list with space for n Strings. Empty( ): Set the list to empty. add(String n): Add n to the list if it is not already there. delete(String n): Delete n from the list. isIn(String n): Return value of “n is in the list”. size(): Return the number of items in the list. toString ( ): Return a string representation of the list. CS100A, Lecture 12, 8 October 1998

6 data.add(“Hartmanis”); if (data.isIn(“Conway”)
Sample Client Code List data= new List(35); data.add(“Gries”); data.add(“Cardie”); data.add(“Hartmanis”); if (data.isIn(“Conway”) System.out.println(“It’s broken!”); else System.out.println(“All’s well that ends”); data.delete(“Hartmanis”); CS100A, Lecture 12, 8 October 1998

7 Representation A list items is implemented using an array. An integer variable no will contain the number of entries, and an integer variable maxno will contain the maximum number of items. Definition: Items are in items[], and <= no <= maxno and elements of items[] are distinct no maxno items 3 300 “G” “A” “B” CS100A, Lecture 12, 8 October 1998

8 Illustration of searching for a value
// Return index of item n in list --return no if not there private int placeOf (String n) { int i= 0; // invariant: n is not in items[0..i-1] while (i < no && ! equals(n, items[i])) i= i+1; return i; } no items 3 “G” “A” “B” CS100A, Lecture 12, 8 October 1998

9 Illustration of delete operation
// Delete n from the list (if it is there) public void delete(String n) { int i= placeOf(n); if (i=no) return; // Put items[no-1] in the hole left by items[i] items[i]= items[no-1]; no= no-1; } i n no items “A” 5 “G” “A” “B” “X” “Y” CS100A, Lecture 12, 8 October 1998

10 Test program for class List
We write a method main that reads in an executes commands (see list of commands given below). This makes it easy to test class List!! We’ll execute this program. This main program as well as class List appears on the course web site. /*The user of the program inputs an integer, the maximum size of the list. Thereafter, the user can input the following commands: a n add String n to the list d n delete String n from the list ? n report whether n is in the list # print the size of the list p print the list q quit */ CS100A, Lecture 12, 8 October 1998

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