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Secretary Meeting March 13, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Secretary Meeting March 13, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secretary Meeting March 13, 2008

2 Updates for the Procedure Manual
Some revenue account codes have been added Secretary list Oce Procedures located in Appendix A

3 Accounts Payable A-G Paige Spillman H-P Torrance Meetze
Q-Z and Oce Janna Kemper

4 Encumbering Travel How to estimate what a trip will cost in order to encumber the amount that will be reimbursed, prior to them going on the trip.

5 Records Management To Shred or Not to Shred?

6 Things That We Can Shred…
Copies If originals are known to be in someone’s care Telephone Messages EX: Call Mr. C at xxx-xxx-xxxx Daily Notes Anything containing personal information Doodles, personal notes to self

7 Things We Cannot Shred…
District Original Records Any document, paper, letter, book, map, photograph, sound or video recording, microfilm, magnetic tape, electronic medium or other information recording medium, regardless of physical form or characteristic and regardless of whether public access to it is open or restricted under laws of the state, created or received by a local government or any of its officers or employees pursuant to law, including an ordinance, or in the transaction of public business. Student or Administrative

8 Request to Destroy Records
Form is on the web: DISD Website (Sign-In) Departments Business Office Forms Request for Authority to Destroy Records

9 It is time to request destruction of bank records prior to 9/1/2000

10 Conflict of Interest The 79th Texas Legislature mandated disclosure requirements that affect School District Trustees, Superintendents, and other designated district employees in the purchasing of goods and services It includes disclosure of Actual and Potential Vendors House Bill went into law beginning January 1, It’s purpose is to reveal relationships between our District’s personnel and our vendors.

11 Conflict of Interest The District currently solicits a Conflict of Interest Questionnaire from our vendors when we begin contract negotiations, and when bids and proposals are solicited. This questionnaire should be attached to the add vendor form, when submitted to the Business Office.

12 New Vendor Form New Add Vendor Form on Web DISD Website (Sign-In)
Departments Business Office Forms Add Vendor Form

13 Sunshine Funds The purpose of a Sunshine Fund is to provide funds for the goodwill of our co-workers. They can also be used for various communal activities; such as a coffee fund or breakfast club, retirement remembrances, flowers, and cards. There are times, such as births, deaths, and surgeries when it is necessary to pay tribute to our co-workers by letting them know we care about them or one of their family members. Questionnaire

14 Budget

15 Important Dates April 10, 2008 – Pentamation Budget Training
April 25, Budgets are due in the Business Office by 5:00pm May 30, 2008 – Final Budget Amendment accepted by Business Office See Budget Instructions for additional dates.

16 Per Pupil Allocation Per Pupil Rates Enrollment Projections
Elementary: $92.00/Student Middle Schools: $82.00/Student High Schools: $155.00/Student Enrollment Projections Budget 90% of Per Pupil Allocation up front

17 Budget Adjustments October 1st – Enrollment Adjustments
Budget is adjusted for actual counts and remaining 10% of Per Pupil Allocation General Fund Rollover from the prior year will be posted in January after the audit is complete. Adjustments (October 1 & Rollover) will be posted to 198X XXX

18 Items to Include in the Budget
Fixed Costs Oce Copiers Print Shop Charges Staff Development Travel Teachers and Librarians traveling for staff development should be coded to function 13 Everyone else traveling for staff development should be coded to their respective function

19 Transportation Rate Rates for reserving transportation will increase for the 2008/2009 year. The new rates will be as follows: Hourly Rate: $15.00 Mileage Rate: $2.50/mile

20 Department Budget Budget amounts will be sent to each Budget Manager by . The budgets will be based on prior year amounts. Additions to the should be requested with a Budget Request Form (“O” Drive) and submitted to the appropriate Division Head.

21 Capital Outlay Fixed Assets have a per unit cost greater than $5,000

22 Codes to be Budgeted Fund Codes Function Codes Account Codes (Host)

23 Host Account Codes 6100 – Payroll 6200 – Contracted Services
6300 – Supplies/Materials 6400 – Other Operating Expenses 6600 – Capital Outlay

24 Budget Reports Budget Submission Procedures for Entering Budgets
General Fund - Expenditures Campus Activity Fund – Revenue & Expenditures Internal Service Fund - Revenue & Expenditures Enterprise Fund – Revenue & Expenditures Procedures for Entering Budgets

25 Campus Activity Funds

26 Campus Activity vs. Student Activity
Campus Activity Funds Belongs to the campus/district Money is raised locally at the school or donated to the school Expenditures must benefit the student body Subject to purchasing guidelines and bid laws

27 Campus Activity vs. Student Activity
Student Activity Funds Belongs to various student groups; Not to the campus/district – Trust Funds Spending decisions rest solely with the students Class, Club or Student Groups, must have elected officers

28 Campus Activity vs. Student Activity
Allowable Campus Activity Fund Purchases General Operation of the Campus Direct/Indirect benefit to students Field Trip/Admission Fees Classroom and Office Supplies

29 Campus Activity Fund – Elementary
Commissions Camps should be budgeted in Fund 890 Rollover Funds < $1,000 will be posted in January after the audit > $1, % will be posted in June by the Business Office Settle-up will be done after audit in January Fund Raisers – Budget during year as needed

30 Campus Activity Funds - Secondary
Commissions Student Agenda and IDs Rollover Funds < $1,000 will be posted in January after the audit > $1, % will be posted in June by the Business Office Settle-up will be done after audit in January Fund Raisers – Budget during year as needed

31 Purchase Orders for 2008/2009 Purchase Orders for the 2008/2009 year may be entered starting May 1st. When entering purchase orders for next year, use the Next Year’s Requisitions option in Pentamation.

32 Questions?

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