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Stress and stress disorders

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Presentation on theme: "Stress and stress disorders"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress and stress disorders

2 Stress and stress disorders
Aims Review of concept of stress Overview of pathological stress reactions Objectives Define stress Recognize pathological stress Classify stress disorders Deal with specific conditions

3 Stress and stress disorders
Definition Symptoms Anger Sadness Worries Negative thinking Self harm

4 Stress and stress disorders
Classification General adaptation syndrome Shock adaptation exhaustion 1- traumatic events 2- sudden life change

5 Stress and stress disorders
What determine the reaction Biopsychosocial aproach How to reduce stress healthy coping Healthy defense

6 Stress and stress disorders
Disorders Acute stress disorders Post traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ) Adjustment disorder Health problems

7 Stress and stress disorders
Acute stress and posttraumatic stress disorders PTSD Definition C/F Exposure to extreme threat Repeated reliving flashbacks Dreams Avoidance Cognitions and mood negative thinking dcreased interests, emotional numbness Hyperarousal Sleep disturbance startling Poor concentration Duration 1m acute more PTSD

8 PTSD DDx GAD Depression Management Secure environment Behavioral

9 Adjustment disorder Sudden non traumatic life event Mixed anxiety and depressive symptoms Direct help counselling symptomatic drug treatment

10 Grief and bereavement Stages Pathological grief Anniversary grief
Guided morning

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