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HDR Supervisor Induction Supervisor Framework and Roles
Professor Garry Allison 18 July 2019
In this presentation… Trends in HDR student cohort
Governing framework/ legislative requirements Overview of HDR Degree path Supervisor Role Supervisor Resources HDR Student Rights and Resources
Curtin HDR Student Cohort
1,415 total EFTSL (2224 Headcount)* in 2018 ~ 44% of EFTSL is International ~ 90% of EFTSL is doctoral 418 Commencers in 2018 (downward trend since 2014 when had 572 commencers) Completions 309 completions in 2018 down from 343 in 2017 (307 in 2016) 65% timely completions, within 4eftsl for doctoral; 2 eftsl for masters *(Source: Business Intelligence Tool, Student Load and Enrolments Dataset, generated 16 January 2019)
Head count Total HDR Headcount 2014 – 2018 (Source: Business Intelligence Tool, Student Load and Enrolments Dataset, generated 16 January 2019)
HDR Student Load (EFTSL)
Total HDR Load 2014 – 2018 (Source: Business Intelligence Tool, Student Load and Enrolments Dataset, generated 16 January 2019)
Commencer Head count Commencer HDR Headcount 2014 – 2018 (Source: Business Intelligence Tool, Student Load and Enrolments Dataset, generated 16 January 2019)
Completions - timely HDR Completions and Timely Completions 2014 – 2018 (Source: Business Intelligence Tool, Course Completions Dataset, generated 16 January 2019)
Governing Framework
Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research
Part A: Principles and Practices to Encourage Responsible Research Conduct; Management of research data and materials Supervision of research trainees Publications and dissemination of research findings Authorship and peer review Conflict of interest Collaborative research across institutions Part B: related to Research Misconduct Breach of the code Complaints procedure Investigation and resolution of allegations
Other Australian Guidelines to note…
Higher Education Standards Framework by TEQSA see chapter 4 ‘Research and Research Training’ Australian Qualifications Framework see levels 9 (Masters by Research) and 10 (Doctoral) ACOLA (Aust. Council of Learned Academies) – Review of Australia’s Research Training System International Education Association of Australia Exploring reciprocal intercultural supervision in HDR - 3 separate guidelines (2017) – HDR students; managers; supervisors Footer text - slideshow title
Curtin Policies, Rules and Procedures
Supervisors must be aware of, and adhere to, the following: Rule 10: Degree of Doctor by Research and Rule 11: Degree of Master by Research Supervision of HDR Students Policy and Procedures Essential Facilities for Higher Degree by Research Students Curtin Code of Conduct and Values and Signature Behaviours Research Management Policy Responsible Conduct of Research Policy Authorship, Peer Review and Publication of Research Findings Policy and Procedure Research Data and Primary Materials Policy
Curtin Policies, Rules and Procedures
Policies, and procedures will change from time to time Reflect changes in governing arrangements University structures, priorities and resources Students and staff will be alerted to changes Underway for 2019… Update of Rules 10-13 Introduction of new HDR policies, procedures and guidelines Remove reference to outdate processes and structures Remove administrative hurdles for students and supervisors
Graduate Research School
GRS is part of the Research Office at Curtin (ROC) Maintains HDR policy, procedures and guidelines Develops processes to foster HDR research excellence while ensuring compliance with Aus. legislation and Curtin policies, procedures and values.
Graduate Research School
HDR administration Future Students ‘Technical’ application assessment prior to scholarly assessment by Schools Enrolment (first Wed of each month) Current Students Processing milestone management, changes to enrolment, conditional status notifications/ AWOL notifications Processing consumables and travel requests Thesis examination Scholarships Advertising, managing, facilitating scholarships Training E-school, internships, industry mentor programs, supervisor training, student info sessions Records and Data management Advice – “if in doubt give us a shout”
GRS Contacts Location: Building 101 (entry opposite health centre)
All enquiries: (this includes enquiries related to Scholarships, Future Students, Current Students, thesis examinations). Directors of Graduate Research can also contact the Dean, Graduate Research, A/Prof Amanda Davies: or 7461 (building 201:642B)
HDR student website
Milestones website
Overview of the HDR Degree Path
Key considerations for supervisos
Overview of the Research Degree Process
Application for admission (GRS, School, FGSC assessment) Enrolment Milestone 1 (written research proposal, oral presentation, school review, ORCID, HIT, declarations) Milestone 2 (sample of written work, oral presentation on progress and completion/ dissemination plan (conference planning, authorship agreement) ORCID, HIT) Milestone 3 (oral presentation – celebratory; supervisors nominate examiners at this point) Examination Graduation
HDR Scholarships NEW RTP legislation “PhD’s are not FREE”
Aust. Govt. RTP (approx 120 pa. merit selected) provides for fee offset scholarship and living stipend (formally APA). Aust. Govt. RTP also allows for International Fee Offset and stipend (approx 10% of allocation) Industry/ Grant funded – can be stipend and fees or stipend only. If stipend only, fee sponsorship for international may be requested Extensions to Scholarships – PhD usually 3 years with possible 6 month extension. Not 4 years Setting up a scholarship Telephone: (08) Web: or go to Research Scholarships
International Student Fees
Supervisors must be aware of: who is liable for fees how fees are calculated what happens if fees are not paid their role Online information: Fees Sponsorship International Student Support Fees stop when the thesis is formally submitted to the thesis examinations – NOT when the student gives it to you. ($100+ per day) A thesis without approved examiners can not be submitted. Milestone #3 requires the Supervisors to Nominate Examiners.
Intellectual Property
As a general rule the University does not claim ownership of Intellectual Property created by Students There are several exceptions and all supervisors and students should consult the Ownership of Intellectual Property Policy and Procedures (under “I” for IP) or contact the IP team
Academic Integrity & Plagiarism
View the Management of Academic Integrity Warnings for New to Curtin Students Procedure (previously Management of Plagiarism policy) via (Under “M”) View the Academic Integrity - Staff guidelines for dealing with plagiarism and the Flowchart Turnitin text matching software to assist students avoid plagiarism. HDR’S access via the Research Integrity unit on Blackboard Students submit M1 proposal (before M1) and thesis chapters (before thesis submission) Students, not supervisors can submit & use their own account All incidences of plagiarism must be reported and entered into the online “Plagiarism Recording System”
Thesis Attribution of work…
Authorship….. The assumption is that there is no Honorary authorship! Attribution of contributions of research outputs that are in the thesis… Contribution of different co-authors. Self-plagiarism … “My work .. My paper… but with 4 co-authors. …”.. And I forgot to inform the examiners…
Australian Autonomous Sanctions
Universities must comply, in addition to UN Sanctions: DFAT Sanctions Australia Group Control List Defence and Strategic Goods List DFAT permits must be lodged by Curtin International See Curtin’s webpage Autonomous Sanctions Sanctioned Countries: Eg, Syria, Russia Sanctioned Services - Technical advice, assistance or training if it assists with, or is provided in relation to the following activities Military activity An activity involving the supply, sale transfer, manufacture, maintenance or use of an export sanctioned good
Defence Trade Controls Act
The Defence Trade Controls Act 2012 (the Act) regulates the intangible supply of technologies listed in the Defence and Strategic Goods List (DSGL) to ensure that sensitive technologies are controlled in Australia’s strategic, security and foreign policy interests (Department of Defence 2013). The DSGL covers defence and related goods, and dual-use goods and technologies. Intangible supply includes transferring DSGL technology by , facsimile, the internet, or providing remote access via a server (Department of Defence 2013). Variations to the Act - dual-use goods See ROC webpage for Exporting controlled goods and technologies
Supervisor Role
Roles & Responsibilities…
Supervisor’s Role Supervisors are very important in
Maintaining links with the professional and/or practice base of the discipline Providing a role model and/or mentor role to students Providing a mentor role to newer supervisors Maintaining quality for Curtin in research training
The Aust. Code says… “Researchers and supervisors must ensure that the role model they provide to junior colleagues is positive and conducive to a research culture of excellence, integrity, professionalism and mutual respect.” SV’s oversee/guide all stages of the student’s research including Identifying the research objectives and approach Obtaining ethics and other approvals Obtaining funding Conduction the research Reporting research outcomes
Doctoral Graduate Attributes
Aust. Qualifications Framework - Graduates of a Doctoral Degree will demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills: with intellectual independence with initiative and creativity in new situations &/or for further learning with full responsibility and accountability for personal outputs to plan and execute original research with the ongoing capacity to generate new knowledge, including in the context of professional practice
Supervisors Responsibilities
Provide advice and assistance on student’s research project Meet / contact regularly with students (~every week/ fortnight) Provide constructive feedback on progress (Milestones) Facilitate training in techniques as needed Complete APR for each student Read carefully all written work and provide feedback (not editing) Be alert to full-time scholarship students overloading with paid work Engage in conversations regarding research integrity Be open about publication expectations
The first meetings Set expectations early – discuss during first few meetings Getting started: Desk/lab space/computing needs , library, research funds Meetings How often/where/who attends Milestone 1 Timeline/Facilities/Budget/research integrity training on Blackboard/Turnitin checking Student responsibilities Reporting/rules/leave Supervisor responsibilities Reporting/feedback/leave Ethics: Is approval needed ? Forward planning Plan/Back-up/conference and publication timeline/authorship Thesis Examination Graduation and Employment
Make the most of meetings
Regular meetings Documentation of: - Benchmarks and milestones - Student Progress - Delays/Unusual Incidents - Complaint resolution See iThinkwell Tools for supervisors Communication with Thesis Committee members Review Student Status Lack of Progress….raise alarm bells ASAP. Oral Presentations to peers will maintain standards and set benchmarks within the area. Hence Milestones.
Professional Conduct – institutional / legislation
Ensure confidentiality as required. Ensure that all contact with students is undertaken in a professional and equitable manner and complies with all University protocols, policies and procedures and relevant, appropriate legislation. Meet Occupational Safety and Health, anti-discrimination, equal opportunity and other legislative requirements in accordance with the parameters of the position.
Things you need to know (& understand & enact)
Policies/Procedures that all academics are required to be comprehensively cognisant of, include: Conflict of interest; Plagiarism; Grievance resolution; Student appeals; Risk management; Discrimination and harassment prevention; Prevention and management of bullying. Authorship, Peer Review and Publication of Research Findings (Full copies available at Responsible Conduct of Research; Research Management Cultural diversity; Inclusive language; Gifts and benefits;
Possible Issues that supervisors should watch out
Special Needs for International Students (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) Possible Issues that supervisors should watch out Distinctive learning styles of students Conflict between supervisor expectations and student intentions New students try to find a place in the midst of Discipline-based cultures and Institution-based cultures Some cultures support hierarchical structures of supervision Some students do not like to do teamwork Definition of what is independent research Research Ethics…what is it? Lab Safety…not many have heard of this! Retrospective ethics approvals are impossible in Australia. See also International Education Association of Australia – Exploring reciprocal intercultural supervision in HDR 2017, (See guide for supervisors)
Register of Supervisors
Purpose: to assist in the promotion of good supervisory practice and to assist in identifying those staff of the University eligible to be Supervisors of HDR students. Criteria: Be research active and have published in your area Have taken steps to develop good supervisory skills and maintain a knowledge of Curtin HDR policies, procedures and guidelines Have successfully completed the Research Integrity Module Two levels – Level 1 and Level 2 Level 1 supervisors will have had a successful supervisory experience Cont’d over…
Register of Supervisors cont’d
Register of Supervisors of Higher Degree by Research -see link to applications for Entry or Renewal to the Register of Supervisors (schedule A and B) Register of Supervisors – search the register Inclusion of your name and the level of supervision is compulsory for supervising HDR students. Future students can search the list by supervisor name, discipline or enrolling area. Questions to ask: Am I on the register? At what level can I supervise? How much time do I have? In what areas can I supervise? Contact:
Supervisor resources
Preparation for Supervision – resources
Staff portal – Research – HDR Supervision - HDR Supervision at Curtin ) includes links to: Supervision of HDR Students Policy and Procedures Guidelines for Establishing the Higher Degree by Research Supervisory Relationship Guidelines for the Assignment of Conditional Status Supervisor Registration and Renewal Academic Integrity, plagiarism and complaints Collaborative PhD research HDR Supervisor Training includes links to: HDR supervisor induction sessions, and Notes & iLectures Cont’d over…
Preparation for Supervision cont’d
GRS website Current Students – Managing your higher degree by research Milestones Preparing & submitting your thesis Forms for research students Resources for HDR students Research ethics and Safety
HDR Student Rights/ Resources
Footer text - slideshow title
HDR Students - Rights Equity: all students should receive equitable advice and instruction Quality: all students should receive high quality teaching and learning experiences that are delivered professionally Access: all students should have reasonable access to advice and support throughout their program The student is here to obtain a Doctoral Qualification through a meaningful and valued research training experience.
Student Responsibilities
HDR Students are bound by either Rule 10 (Doctoral) or Rule 11 (Masters by Research) ALL students have rights and responsibilities e.g. Check/confirm enrolment; Uphold Curtin values; Follow the Student Charter; Align with Academic Integrity principles; Meet deadlines Provide feedback Use ICT resources appropriately; Adhere to statutes rules, policies and procedures Right of appeal
Student Charter Student Charter – students are expected to:
Inform themselves of, and comply with, all relevant laws, University Statutes, rules, by-laws, the University’s Guiding Ethical Principles, policies and procedures relating to their rights as a student. Participate constructively in the learning experience. Be aware of course requirements and their individual academic progress. Behave in an appropriate manner within the learning environment, showing respect for both staff and fellow students at all times. Cont’d over Footer text - slideshow title
Student Charter (continued)
Use University facilities and services in an honest and responsible manner. Recognise that cheating, plagiarism and fabrication or falsifications of data are not acceptable. Embrace and recognise diversity. Adhere to the proper use of copyright material.
Curtin Support/Resources for students
Supervisor team, thesis chair School Director of Graduate Research Graduate Research School Staff Faculty Librarians & Library Research support University Counselling and Health Services Research Standards (Ethics and Hazardous Materials) Research ethics and safety (includes link to HIT) Health, Safety and Emergency Management Curtin Institute for Computation Student Guild and PG Students Committee Student Assist
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