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“rooted and built up in him” Colossians 2:7

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1 “rooted and built up in him” Colossians 2:7
October 17, 2013 MULTIPLY “rooted and built up in him” Colossians 2:7 Form small groups with desks before you eat

2 What is MULTIPLY all about?
Rooted: in God’s Word Prayer: lift up our school and each other Fellowship: eat together, encourage each other, enjoy each other’s company Represent: Jesus at Hart Middle School Multiply: disciples making disciples

3 100 Shirts have been ordered
100 Shirts have been ordered! (verse will be a little lower on the back though)

4 Snack Sign-Up go to www. takethemameal
Snack Sign-Up go to (“take them a meal”) Recipient’s Last Name: MULTIPLY Password: 2127 (sign up for either just your lunch, or all 3)

5 GoTandem App Receive daily messages from the Bible
Stay rooted throughout the day Also, to get text message reminders/links for MULTIPLY, to (442)

6 Today’s Focus: Prayer Review Pray in small groups
How to pray What to pray for Why we pray Pray in small groups Write any new prayer requests on a notecard (Advice: don’t use names unless you want to use your own, be specific with your praise/requests)

7 What Now? Highlight verses for next week in your Bible (optional)
Share MULTIPLY with others Next Week: “How Great Is Our God” Video (tell boys we’ll be watching a movie and eating popcorn ) Get ready to have your mind blown by the awesomeness of God!

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