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Good groundwater chemical status

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2 Good groundwater chemical status
EU Quality standards (nitrates, pesticides) Threshold values (national, regional, local) established by MS, taking account of interactions with aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems Common criteria for threshold values, compliance taking exceeding points into account Drinking water: Protected areas (Art. 6 and 7 WFD) Principles of COM (2003)550 maintained. Ref. to Article 7(2) & (3) in a recital – New definition of “background levels” – Common approach for TV establishment (account of high geogenic concentrations) - Compliance to GW standards considering risk-based decision on exceeding values & classification (monitoring representativeness reinfored) - Review of GW standards and annexes in 2012 and 6 years after – Nitrate standard adopted - List of Annex II (specifying substances and indicators) – Required coordination for TV establishment

3 Trend identification and reversal
Trend studies for specific pollutants (Point sources) QS or TV % Trend identification and reversal Time % possibly adapted if justified Statistically and “environmentally” significant to be reversed – New definition of “baseline level” (ref. years 2007 and 2008, except for new pollutants) – Trend reversal for nitrates referring to Nitrates Directive – Specific trend studies for point sources and contaminated land – Starting point for trend reversal possibly earlier or later, depending on local conditions (to be justified)

4 Indirect discharges (inputs)
Limit introduction of substances 7-12 of Annex VIII-WFD (non- hazardous pollutants) Direct discharges regulated under Article 11(3)(j) of the WFD – Transitional arrangements linking 80/68/EEC to good chemical status requirements Prevent introduction of substances 1-6 and 7-9 (when hazardous) of Annex VIII-WFD Ref. to artificial recharge as acceptable practice – Exemptions including “de minimis clause”, exceptional circumstances, cutting/dredging (under permit) – “Prevent” clause with reference to exemptions

5 Horizontal issues Research on groundwater ecosystem recommended in a recital – Scientific & technical adaptations through Comitology - Review of the functioning of the Directive andits links with other directives in 2012 – Accent on need to ensure reliability and comparability of measurement methods (recital)

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