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Chapter 19 World War I.

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1 Chapter 19 World War I

2 Objective: 4.) Describe the causes and impact of the intervention by the United States in World War I. • Identifying major events of World War I • Explaining how the mobilization of the United States for World War I affected the population of the United States • Describing economic, political, and social changes on the home front during World War I • Explaining controversies over the Treaty of Versailles (1919), Fourteen Points, and the League of Nations • Comparing short- and long-term effects of changing boundaries in pre- and post-World War I Europe on European nations

3 Alliance System Germany and France enemies
To protect itself, Germany signed alliances with Italy and Austria-Hungary Triple Alliance Alliance alarmed Russia Franco-Russian Alliance

4 The Naval Race and the Triple Entente
With other major powers were forming alliances, Britain remained neutral. 1898- Germany began building a navy which threatened Great Britain’s dominance of the sea. This convinced Britain to form a closer relationship with France and Russia Triple Entente- Britain, France, and Russia

5 Balkans Nationalism Self-determination
June assassination of Franz Ferdinand Gavrilo Princip

6 Declaration of War June 28- Austria declared war on Serbia. Russia immediately began to mobilize its army, including troops along the German border. August 1- Germany declared war on Russia August 3- Germany declared war on France

7 Germany’s Plan Fails Germany hoped to knock France out of the war quickly to then be able to send troops east to deal with the Russians The German plan had one problem- it would have to advance through the neutral Belgium The Allies The Central Powers

8 American Neutrality President Wilson had declared the US to be neutral
Many Americans showed support for one side or the other. American military leaders backed the British

9 The British Blockade Britain used its navy to blockade Germany and keep it from obtaining supplies U-boats Germany announced they would attempt to sink without warning any ship found in the water around Britain. The Lusitania Sussex Pledge

10 US Declaration of War Zimmerman Telegram
a message from the German foreign secretary, Arthur Zimmermann, to the German ambassador to Mexico proposing a Mexican-German alliance in the case of war between the United States and Germany April 2, President Wilson went before a special session of Congress to ask for a declaration of war

11 Assignment Define the following terms
Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism Use the text to explain how each contributed to war in Europe. Was any nation primarily responsible for World War I? Give evidence to support your opninion.

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