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Constants, Variables and Data Types

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Presentation on theme: "Constants, Variables and Data Types"— Presentation transcript:

1 Constants, Variables and Data Types

2 Starter: X=6, Y=7, A= 10 X+Y= A-Y= Y+E=12 What is E?

3 Variables What is a variable? Research and describe to a partner.

4 A Variable is: Some thing that could change.

5 Task: Describe how you think a variable could be used in a computer program to a partner.

6 Constant Research with a partner and then come up with a comparison to a variable.

7 A Constant is: A constant is a named item or symbol that does not change. Example: You could define Pi in a program is and then this can be used in all subsequent equations.

8 Task Can you think of other constants you may need a program (you may describe the constants for a specific program) Note: a constant doesn’t have to be a number.

9 Data types are: A data type defines the range of allowed values that a variable or constant holds

10 Task 1: Can you list all data types you can think of.

11 Task 2 Create a table to remind you of all the different data types (state the data type, what it is and then an example) The types you need to identify are: Integer, Real, Boolean, String, character.

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