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Relationships and friendships

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1 Relationships and friendships
At home, school and in the community

2 Relationships Connections between people.
People need relationships at every stage of their lives.

3 1st relationship= caregivers
School = new friends, peers, teachers As you develop = form 1st friendship (playmates) Grow up = circle widens to include community

4 Relationships and friendships in the community
Your neighbours People who work in the local shops Your health care providers People who look after community safety (police/ security guards) People in your faith community such as your church or mosque People you play sport with or People who share your interests with (choir) People who provide services (postal worker, bus driver, hairdresser)

5 VS

6 Relationships and friendships
Complete activity 5.1. in your workbook.

7 Characteristics of healthy relationships and friendships
Healthy = Make you feel good about yourself Unhealthy = make you feel sad, angry and scared

8 Characteristics of healthy relationships and friendships
Communication Sharing and caring (empathy) Mutual respect and trust Honesty and fairness (compromise)

9 Appropriate ways to initiate a relationship
To initiate = tot start it / get it going

10 Appropriate ways to initiate a relationship
How to initiate a friendship: Go to places you will meet people with the same interests as you. Start a conversation about something you both have in common. Join a club or take a class in art/ dancing. Do volunteer work.

11 Appropriate ways to initiate a relationship
Ask questions like: What sport do you play? What movies do you enjoy? What are you reading at the moment? What kind of music do you like?

12 Appropriate ways to initiate a relationship
Tell the person a little about yourself (BUT don’t talk too much) Be authentic! Accept the person for who he or she is.

13 Appropriate ways to sustain a relationship
Tips: Work on the basics (good communication, sharing and caring, mutual respect, honesty and fairness) Make the time and effort Make sure that your friendship is mutual. Make the friend feel special. Trust each other.

14 Appropriate ways to sustain a relationship
Tips: Laugh together and cry together. Support each other through good times and bad. Understand that in every friendship there will be arguments. Do activity 5.4.

15 Problem- solving skills in relation to appropriate behaviour
USE the five-step IDEAL problem-solving skills to solve problems in a relationship. Identify the problem Describe possible solutions Evaluate each option Act on the chosen strategy Look back and learn

16 Problem- solving skills in relation to appropriate behaviour
Complete activity 5.5. in your workbook

17 Communication skills: ability to disagree in constructive ways
Think about the disagreement and how you feel about it. Get together with the other person to discuss the problem. Take turns to speak and listen. Each person should forward his/her point of view. Listen carefully without interrupting and check that you have understood correctly.

18 Communication skills: ability to disagree in constructive ways
Try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and understand them. Stay calm and talk clearly, confidently and honestly about your point of view. Use reason rather than emotion. There is no place for threats, attacks or rudeness. Focus on finding constructive solutions, not on being right or blaming one another. If you cannot agree= respectfully agree to disagree

19 Appropriate ways to end a relationship
Might end because: You both feel that you have changed and no longer get on well. You have a disagreement. You move on.

20 Appropriate ways to end a relationship
Be honest and straightforward. No need to be rude or to start ignoring the other person. Communication is important. Be kind to yourself, turn to friends for support and allow yourself the emotions that you feel.

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