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How do you recover a submarine with levers and pulleys?

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1 How do you recover a submarine with levers and pulleys?
Submarine STEM Science | Ages 7-11 Lesson 6 How do you recover a submarine with levers and pulleys?

2 Lesson 6: How do you recover a submarine with levers and pulleys?
Learning Outcomes Apply understanding of levers and pulleys. Construct a working model of a crane with levers or pulleys. Reflect on learning and suggest improvements. Explain why cranes are used and how they work.

3 Lesson 6: How do you recover a submarine with levers and pulleys?
Mission brief Hello for the last time submariners! We are nearing the end of our mission. Your final task is to understand how levers and pulleys work and apply this to get your submersible into the water. Our submersibles are extremely important and valuable to us, so their safety is of the utmost importance! Good luck and I’ll see you at the end of the unit. Oliver Steeds

4 Lesson 6: How do you recover a submarine with levers and pulleys?
Submarine recovery Follow link through in Slideshow mode to access the online video. VIEW VIDEO

5 Lesson 6: How do you recover a submarine with levers and pulleys?
What are levers and pulleys?

6 Lesson 6: How do you recover a submarine with levers and pulleys?
Levers are able to increase the force from a push or a pull. There are different types of lever, but a lever always has three parts – the part where you push or pull (called the effort), the point where it turns (called the pivot), and the point where the effect happens (called the load). The person in the picture could not lift the heavy box without the lever. A small push on the effort turns into a large force on the box (the load).

7 Lesson 6: How do you recover a submarine with levers and pulleys?
Pulley systems can be designed to change the direction of a force, and to allow a smaller force to have a greater effect. The picture shows the most simple kind of pulley. In this system, a pull downward turns into a movement upwards. With certain arrangements using more than one pulley wheel, the size of the force can also be increased.

8 Lesson 6: How do you recover a submarine with levers and pulleys?
Design Specification Build a crane with a strong structure. Add a pulley or lever system to launch and recover a model submersible.

9 Lesson 6: How do you recover a submarine with levers and pulleys?
You have been given a selection of materials from which to construct your lever and/or pulley system. Discuss in pairs and make some notes and sketches. You can make changes as you go along through evaluating and improving your structure. How will you work efficiently as a team?

10 Lesson 6: How do you recover a submarine with levers and pulleys?
Evaluation and Reflection Was your crane effective? Did it meet the design specification? What would you do differently? What improvements would you make? How have other groups met the design specification?

11 Lesson 6: How do you recover a submarine with levers and pulleys?
Poster Design a poster which explains how submersibles are launched and recovered. Use drawings and labels. Explain how cranes, levers and pulleys work.

12 Lesson 6: How do you recover a submarine with levers and pulleys?
Review: Learning Outcomes Apply understanding of levers and pulleys. Construct a working model of a crane with levers or pulleys. Reflect on learning and suggest improvements. Explain why cranes are used and how they work.

13 Lesson 6: How do you recover a submarine with levers and pulleys?
Reflection Hello scientists! Thank you so much for your input, you have shown real talent and skill as deep sea explorers. I hope you will continue to develop your STEM skills as we need more talented young people in this industry! What do you think might change in the future when designing submersibles? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t forget you can always tweet us to let us know. Congratulations on completing the unit. Goodbye and good luck! Oliver Steeds

14 Lesson 6: How do you recover a submarine with levers and pulleys?
Home Learning Explore more Submarine STEM at Check out how water pressure effects deep sea exploration at r/activities/submarine-engineer and try the Under Pressure activity at r/activities/under-pressure.

15 Lesson 6: How do you recover a submarine with levers and pulleys?
Image credits Slide Title Attribution 5 scissors By Monofocus via Pixabay [CC0 Creative commons] see-saw By Planet_fox via Pixabay [CC0 Creative commons] window By StockSnap via Pixabay [CC0 Creative commons] 6 archimedes By OpenClipart-Vectors via Pixabay [CC0 Creative commons] All other images are courtesy of Digital Explorer/Encounter Edu

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