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Coins & Money.

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Presentation on theme: "Coins & Money."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coins & Money

2 Some different types of Roman coins...
- Argenteus (silver) - As (copper) - Aureus (gold) Denarius (silver) - Sestertius (bronze) - Solidus (gold) - Talent (silver, gold)


4 How much did it cost? Cheap Expensive

5 Bread – Panis CHEAP Because it was cheap, poorer people were able to buy it more easily.

6 How much did it cost? Cheap Expensive Panis

7 Pork – Porcus CHEAP Pork was usually the most popular meat. Other meats, like beef, were not eaten because cattle were used more on the farms

8 How much did it cost? Cheap Expensive Panis Porcus

9 Fish – Piscis EXPENSIVE
Fish was expensive. Only rich people were able to buy it regularly.

10 How much did it cost? Cheap Expensive Piscis Panis Porcus

11 Snails – Cochlea EXPENSIVE
Snails were also popular. They were usually stewed and salted! Also, snails were first introduced to Britain by Julius Caesar.

12 How much did it cost? Cheap Expensive Piscis Panis Cochlea Porcus

13 Carrot – Carota CHEAP The Carrots we are famililar with were not similar to wild carrots which the Romans knew.

14 How much did it cost? Cheap Expensive Piscis Panis Cochlea Porcus Carota

15 Grapes – Uva CHEAP Of the fruit the Romans ate, grapes were the most preferred. Grapes were also important for the production of wine.

16 How much did it cost? Cheap Expensive Piscis Panis Cochlea Porcus Carota Uva

17 Wine – Vinum Expensive Although grapes were relatively cheap, wine was usually only enjoyed by rich people at parties! It was also watered down!

18 How much did it cost? Cheap Expensive Piscis Panis Cochlea Porcus Vinum Carota Uva

19 Now for the fun bit... Make your own coin!
Use these as examples, but be as creative as you like!

20 Latin numbers!

21 Do you recognise these words? Do you know what they mean?
Hexagon? Duel? Quarter ? Trio? Unicycle? Decimate? Octopus? November?

22 A Hexagon is a six sided shape - Duel means ‘made of two parts’ – you fight a duel with two people!

23 A quarter is one fourth of something – A trio is three things or people –

24 A Unicycle is a vehicle with one wheel Decimate means to destroy or take away one thing in ten things.

25 An octopus is an animal with eight arms in the Roman Calendar, November was the ninth month

26 But that isn’t all! 1 = unus = I 2 = duo = II 3 = tres = III 4 = quattuor = IV 5 = quinque = V 6 = sex = VI 7 = septem = VII 8 = octo = VIII 9 = novem = IX 10 = decem = X

27 You may have seen Roman numerals before in…
Video game or film titles – Clocks/watches – coins

28 Shop talk! (part 2) Shopkeeper: ‘Salve!’ Customer: ‘Salve, caupo!’
S: ‘Quis es?’ C: ‘Sum Lucia (fill in your own name)’ S: ‘Quid vis?’ C: ‘Volo porcum, si placet.’ S: ‘Hic est. Est duo denarii.’ C: ‘Duo denarii! gratias. Vale, caupo!’ S: ‘Vale, Lucia.’ PRICE LIST MUS – VI (quinque) PAVO - IX (novem) PORCUS - III (tres) CAPER – II (duo) UVA – II (duo) VINUM – IV (quattuor) CASEUS – III (tres) PANIS – I (unus) PISCIS – V (quinque) COCHLEA – VII (septem)

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