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NADEG meeting November 8th 2016, Brussels

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1 NADEG meeting November 8th 2016, Brussels
LIFE EuroSAP “Coordinated Efforts for International Species Recovery” Project progress NADEG meeting November 8th 2016, Brussels Anna Staneva LIFE EuroSAP Project Coordinator BirdLife International

2 The process of Species Action Plans development

3 3 AEWA ISSAPs White-headed Duck Velvet Scoter Dalmatian Pelican

4 White-headed Duck ISSAP
Species Status Report distributed for consultations Workshop organized October 2016, Madrid Draft SAP in preparation, to be ready by the end of 2016 SEO/BirdLife Spain in collaboration with AEWA responsible for this ISSAP BirdLife International & NatureServe 2014

5 Velvet Scoter ISSAP Species Status Report distributed for consultations Review of existing action plan in preparation Workshop organized 4-6 October 2016 Draft SAP in preparation LOD/BirdLife Lithuania in collaboration with AEWA in charge of the development of the plan Map of breeding and wintering distribution of the Velvet Scoter (BirdLife International & NatureServe 2014).

6 Dalmatian Pelican ISSAP
Species Status Report is being circulated for consultations Review of existing action plan prepared Workshop will take place November 2016 HOS/BirdLife Greece in collaboration with AEWA and Prespa society in charge of this ISSAP Map of breeding and wintering distribution of the Dalmatian Pelican (BirdLife International)

7 2 Flyway action Plans for vultures
Bearded Vulture Cinereous Vulture

8 Bearded Vulture SAP Species Status Report distributed for consultations Review of existing action plan is being finalized Workshop organized in November 2015 Draft SAP will be presented at the Annual Bearded Vulture meeting in November 2016 Vulture Conservation Foundation (VCF) in charge of this SAP

9 Cinereous Vulture Species Status Report in preparation
Review of existing action plan in preparation Workshop organized back-to-back with the MSAP for Vultures in Europe to be developed under the CMS Vulture Conservation Foundation (VCF) in collaboration with CMS in charge of this SAP

10 2 seabird ISSAPs Yelkouan Shearwater Monteiro’s Storm Petrel

11 Yelkouan Shearwater Species Status Report circulated and being finalized Workshop organized October, Paris Draft Species Action Plan in preparation LPO/BirdLife France in charge of this SAP

12 Monteiro’s Storm-petrel
Species Status Report circulated for consultations and being finalized Workshop organized 8-9 September 2016, in the Azores Draft Species Action Plan in preparation SPEA/BirdLife Portugal in charge of this SAP

13 European Turtle Dove ISSAP
Draft Species Status Report circulated for consultations 2nd draft Status Report to be distributed on November 11th 2016 Final Status Report will be ready before the workshops 2 workshops to be organized: December 2016 (Spain), January 2017 (Hungary) RSPB/BirdLife in the UK responsible for the development of this SAP, but also collaborating with SEO/BirdLife Spain Map of breeding and wintering range states (BirdLife International, 2016)

14 Multi-species Action Plan for the lowland breeding waders
Species Status Report circulated for consultations and will be finalized after the workshop Workshop ongoing 8-10 November 2016, Germany NABU/BirdLife Germany in collaboration with RSPB/BirdLife in the UK, VBN/BirdLife Netherlands and SOF/BirdLife in Sweden in charge of this action plan Species covered: Northern Lapwing Eurasian Oystercatcher Black-tailed Godwit Eurasian Curlew Ruff Common Redshank Baltic Dunlin Common Snipe

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