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Time-Resolved Recombination Dynamics of Large IBr-(CO2)n (n=11-14) Clusters Joshua P. Martin, Joshua P. Darr, Jack Barbera, Matt A. Thompson, Robert.

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Presentation on theme: "Time-Resolved Recombination Dynamics of Large IBr-(CO2)n (n=11-14) Clusters Joshua P. Martin, Joshua P. Darr, Jack Barbera, Matt A. Thompson, Robert."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time-Resolved Recombination Dynamics of Large IBr-(CO2)n (n=11-14) Clusters Joshua P. Martin, Joshua P. Darr, Jack Barbera, Matt A. Thompson, Robert Parson, and W. Carl Lineberger JILA, University of Colorado Ohio State Molecular Spectroscopy Conference June, 2008

2 Dihalide Solvation Studies
Problem Complexity of liquid environment hinders detailed study of recombination dynamics Motivation “Caging” first observed with photodissociating dihalides in liquids and considered a mechanical effect Cluster studies show “caging” can occur with only a few solvent molecules due to electronic perturbation Partially solvated IBr− can act as a model to study the fundamentals of “caging” Method Time-of-Flight mass spectrometry simplification of cluster environment enables mass selection of IBr-(CO2)n clusters in gas-phase Ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy Start with a brief review of solvated IBr- photodissociation

3 Solvated IBr− Chromophore Dynamics
R(I−Br) (Å) Energy (eV) X 2Σ+1/2 A′ 2Π1/2 IBr--based products (recombined) 795 nm 795 nm _ I- based products (single surface) I Br _ Br--based products (multi-surface) I− + Br Br− + I Initial solvation of the chromophore begins on the smaller Br end Charge localized on IBr- in cluster Addition of one solvent molecule causes charge transfer to occur Addition of second solvent molecule initiates caging IBr−(CO2)5 and larger show ~100% recombined products Upon recombination, a 795 nm probe pulse excites caged product to A′ state Detection of photoproducts as function of pump-probe delay Sanford, et al, J. Chem Phys (2005)

4 Experimental Apparatus
Ion Optics 0 kV -1 kV Pump-Probe Off-Axis MCP Reflectron On-Axis Channeltron Deflected Anions -3.5 kV Acceleration Stack Supersonic Expansion Electron Gun Potential Switch Mass Gate First compare I2-(CO2)n and IBr-(CO2)n dynamics Wiley-McLaren TOF mass spectrometer allows for mass selection of clusters Interaction with femtosecond pump-probe produces photoproducts Photoproducts are mass separated in secondary reflectron mass spectrometer and detected off-axis as a function of pump-probe delay time

5 I2-(CO2)n vs. IBr−(CO2)n A′ 2P Absorption Recovery
Summarize these results I2-(CO2)n Fast absorption recovery times n = 8: t ~ 25 ps n = 14: t ~ 11 ps n = 17: t ~ 8 ps As solvation number increases the absorption recovery time decreases This trend generally true for a variety of solvents Papanikolas, et al, J. Chem. Phys., 99, 8733 (1993) IBr-(CO2)n Long absorption recovery times n = 5: t ~ 12 ps n = 7: t ~ 140 ps n = 8: t ~ 900 ps n = 10: t ~ 900 ps As solvation number increases the absorption recovery time increases Dribinski, et al, J. Chem Phys (2006)

6 I2-(CO2)n vs. IBr−(CO2)n Summary
Nanosecond recovery times were unexpected Extended study to larger clusters (n > 10) to further investigate unexpected dynamics

7 IBr−(CO2)11-14 A′ 2P Absorption Recovery
Fast absorption recovery times n = 11: t ~ 19 ps n = 12: t ~ 10 ps n = 13: t ~ 5 ps n = 14: t ~ 3 ps n = 13,14 show non-exponential behavior What causes the recovery times to decrease as the clusters increase in size?

8 Does theory predict similar recovery times?
Solvation Effects n = 5 n = 6 n = 7 n = 8 n = 10 n = 14 R(I−Br) (Å) Energy (eV) X 2Σ+1/2 A′ 2Π1/2 Br− + I I− + Br IBr−(CO2)8 Potentials Does theory predict similar recovery times? IBr−(CO2)n clusters reach a maximum solvent asymmetry at n = 8 Dynamic well on A′ state deepened by electronic perturbation from asymmetric solvation (106 V cm-1 solvent field) The A′ well depth for n=8 is ~300 meV Well causes A′ trapping Thompson, et al, in preparation

9 MD Simulation: IBr−(CO2)n Dynamics
A′ state trapping seen for n = Minimal A′ state trapping seen for n = and n = Why are data for n = 13 and 14 non-exponential? Thompson, et al, in preparation

10 IBr−(CO2) 14 Non-Exponential Behavior
Pump and probe are both 795 nm The cross section for IBr- peaks at 740 nm The maximum cross section for our excitation wavelength will occur from vibrationally excited ground state levels Population transverses intermediate vibrational levels Coherence Peak n = 14 Look at the summary of experimental and theoretical results

11 Experimental vs. Simulated Recovery Times

12 Conclusions Maximum solvation asymmetry around the chromophore reached at n = 8, mid-point in first solvation shell Solvent-induced electronic perturbations cause trapping and resulting long recovery times Good qualitative agreement between experiment and theory for all cluster sizes

13 Thank you for your attention

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