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Table of Contents Scene Analysis Characterizations Website The action

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1 Table of Contents Scene Analysis Characterizations Website The action
The colours The camera Characterizations Neo juxtaposed to Cypher Neo juxtaposed to Thomas A. Anderson Website

2 Scene Analysis The action Cypher gets back out of the Matrix alone
He shoots at Tank and Dozer Neo, Trinity, Switch and Apoc in the Matrix Cypher talks to Trinity Kills Switch and Apoc while talking with Trinity Is killed by Tank

3 Scene Analysis The colours Green Blue In the Matrix
Stands for the green code like decay, poison and desease Blue In the real world Calmly, healing colour Hope, inspiration, truth cold like the outside of the world

4 The perspectives / camera angels
Scene Analysis The perspectives / camera angels Close ups (31) Used to show the feelings and mimik of a single character Shows the reaction of a person in detail Medium shots (46) To show the action (when Cypher jumps onto Morpheus) To make the viewer participate into the action Long shots (4) Used when the whole group is shown to display their helplessless The camera just has to catch the atmosphere in a room

5 Neo And Cypher Neo Cypher Neo – the One “Cipher“ – Encryption
“Cypher“ – zero  - “new“ “Cypher“ – Lucifer Neo revives like Jesus Cypher betrays his crew

6 Neo And Cypher Neo Cypher Risks his life for the others; altruistic
Asks the questions the viewer has Wants to learn everything he is able to Can decide which life he wants to continue and chooses the “good side“ Combines only good traits; the viewer likes him Cypher Wants back into the Matrix at any price Feels cold and lonely Wants to be someone ímportant Does not believe in Morpheus and Neo Likes the feeling of having power Has control over life and dead and exploits this power Enjoys to kill his friends Invades Trinity‘s privacy Can decide which life he wants to continue and chooses the “bad side“ Combines many bad traits -> the viewer hates him

7 Neo And Thomas A. Anderson
The Names Neo Neo – the One  - “new“ Neo resurges like Jesus Thomas A. Anderson ““ (Greek) – the disbelieving “thomas“ (Hebrew) – the twin “andros son“ (Skandinavian) – God‘s son

8 Neo And Thomas A. Anderson
The Characters Neo Thomas A. Anderson Appears at night Appears during the day Couragous Cowardly Believes in himself Doubts himself Tries to get to know what the Matrix is Lives in his “perfect world“ The agents call him Thomas A. Anderson Calls himself Neo

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