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Satire vs. Parody Or, the same in the other..

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Presentation on theme: "Satire vs. Parody Or, the same in the other.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Satire vs. Parody Or, the same in the other.

2 Satire again… Satire is a literary style. It is persuasive by nature.
It mocks individuals, institutions, societies, and events. It is meant to influence how a person thinks, feels, and acts. The tone of satire can vary greatly.

3 Parody defined From my beloved OED Dictionary of Literary Terms… “A mocking imitation of the style of a literary work or works, ridiculing the stylistic habits of an author or school by exaggerated mimicry.”

4 An imitation mocking a person or style to criticize them.
Parody defined… In student friendly terms, An imitation mocking a person or style to criticize them. We know that parody extends beyond literature, yes? Watch this video.

5 Parody vs. Satire Parody is related to satire due to its “punishment of eccentricities” and “criticism in its analysis of style.” So, parody is satirical by nature.

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