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October 2005 Kim Pascual Research & Evaluation

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1 October 2005 Kim Pascual Research & Evaluation
Multi-Systemic Therapy/ Treatment Foster Care October 2001 through June 2005 October 2005 Kim Pascual Research & Evaluation

2 Byrne Grant: Oct Grant funds added two MST-specific short term Treatment Foster Care (TFC) beds. TFC was intended to provide short term out of home care placement without disrupting MST Treatment. TFC was also intended to help reduce out of home placements to OYA & DHS

3 Population Served 133 youth were served by MST from October 2001 through June 2005. 66% were referred as having a substance abuse issue, 23% were referred as being gang-affected or involved, and 11% were referred with both. All youth were medium or high risk.

4 Demographics 79% Male Mean Age: 15.93
Mean age of first criminal referral: 12.54 Mean number of prior crim. referrals: 5.55 Average ORS severity level: 8.51 Average LOS in MST: 4.8 months

5 Living Arrangement at Exit

6 Treatment Foster Care TFC implemented in May 2002.
45 youth participated in TFC with some youth being placed more than once for a total of 67 placement episodes. Average LOS was days. 68% of the TFC episodes were exited as successful. Of the 42 who exited MST, 62% successfully completed MST. 6 of the 9 youth who ran from TFC went on to successfully complete MST.

7 Comparison Group A contemporary group of medium & high risk youth on probation with at least one risk factor from the JCP Substance Abuse Domain. The comparison group had 10% more Anglo youth and 8% fewer African American youth. Comparison group had a much higher percentage of medium risk youth. Average age and average age of first criminal referral were close to those for MST.

8 Commitments to OYA n Total Youth % MST Youth 6 Months Post Discharge
n Total Youth % MST Youth 6 Months Post Discharge All 8 115 7% Successful 1 59 2% 12 Months Post Discharge 10 103 10% 3 51 6% Comparison Group 28 194 14% High-Risk 13 58 22%

9 Family Functioning Pre-/Post FACES II surveys were completed by both the youth and caregiver to measure family functioning. Measures family functioning on two dimensions: Family Cohesion and Family Adaptability. Scores on either dimension are collapsed into least balanced or more balanced. There were 76 pairs of caregiver pre-/post surveys and 68 youth pre-/post pairs.

10 Family Cohesion The emotional bonding that family members have toward one another. 64% of Caregivers remained balanced or improved to more balanced compared with 57% of youth.

11 Family Adaptability The ability of the family system to change its power structure, role relationships, and relationship rules in response to situational and developmental stress. 76% of Caregivers remained balanced or improved to balanced compared to 60% of youth.

12 High-Risk only Comp Group
Arrests & Recidivism MST Group Pre Post Change 6 Months All Youth 57% 39% 18% Successful Youth (MST) 64% 25% 12 Months 81% 48% 33% 78% MST: TFC Youth 71% 42% 29% Comparison Group 88% 24% 93% 45% High-Risk only Comp Group 95% 60% 35%

13 Chronic Offenders State definition of chronic offenders are those who have had three or more subsequent misdemeanor or felony referrals within 12 months of their first referral. Of the 133 MST youth served, 49% (65) were chronic offenders Of these 65 youth, 29 (49%) successfully exited the MST program. Of the 45 youth who participated in TFC, 21 were part of this chronic offender group.

14 Conclusions MST youth are remaining with their family or in a family like environment upon completing the program. MST appears to be helping reduce commitments to OYA when compared to a similar group of youth on probation. Placement in TFC seems to be having an impact on helping youth to successfully complete MST. The rate of recidivism is lowest for youth who successfully complete MST.

15 Conclusions cont. Data confirm that MST is serving some of the more severe juveniles in the department and having an impact on successful results and outcomes for these youth. The MST program appears to be having an effect on family functioning.

16 Questions or Comments

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