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National Action Plans FVO feedback to MS
Presented by claire mccamphill DG ENV using Dara O'Shea presentation Food and Veterinary Office DG SANCO
Role of the FVO FVO report based on review of NAPs
Basis for Commission report Feedback to MS BTSF training Contribution to WG discussions Future audit series
Why give feedback? Provoke thought Feedback into NAP revision process
Highlight good practices Highlight areas for improvement Working towards better NAPs
Basis for FVO review Examine NAP under Articles 4-15 Template
Quantitative objectives, targets, measures and timetables (Article 4) Associated documents NOT reviewed
Article 4 (1) Identify and monitor substances of concern?
DK – overall use/risk reduction FR – reduction in specific substances AU – monitoring of specific substances Other MS?? (limited detail) Use/risk reduction Only DK & FR – use reduction DK – pesticide load indicator and tax 9 MS – risk reduction with targets Other MS???
Article 4 (1 & 2) NAPs to consider other legislation
V strong area 5 year review of NAPs 23/28 commit to review More frequent review in some MS
Article 5 Training for users Training for distributors/advisors
"all professional users, distributors and advisors have access to appropriate training Training for users Initial: 26/28 Additional: 23/28 Training for distributors/advisors Additional: 20/28 Certification systems by 26 Nov 13 25/28
Article 6 Distributors shall have sufficient trained staff available at time of sale: 18/28 6 MS require the person to be present Exemption for micro-distributors 8 grant exemption/7 will not grant 13 unclear Sales restricted to trained prof users 19/28 will restrict 9/28 unclear General information to amateur users 22/28
Article 7 MS to inform general public… Poisoning data collection 26/28
"MSs shall take measures to inform the general public and to promote and facilitate information and awareness-raising programmes and the availability of accurate and balanced information relating to pesticides for the general public, in particular regarding the risks" MS to inform general public… 26/28 Poisoning data collection Acute 18/28 Chronic 4/28
Article 8 "ensure professional pesticide application equipment is tested " Equipment testing 26/28 undertake to test sprayers 6/28 commit to target and timetable Some MS require more frequent tests Knapsack/handheld derogation 13/28 will grant derogation 4/28 will test knapsacks 11/28 no stated policy .
Article 9 MSs shall ensure that aerial spraying is prohibited
Prohibition of aerial spraying 23/28 Derogation possible 21/28 (lack of detail on this) Application plan for aerial spraying permit 7/28 Art 9(4), prior approval: 6/28 Art 9(4), accelerated process: 4/28 Art 9(5), monitoring: 5/28 Art 9(6), records on requests: 5/28 Politically sensitive – lack of detail
Article 10 Informing people who could be exposed to drift
Optional measure 9/28
Article 11 Measures proposed by 26/28 (except FR, BE)
MSs shall ensure that appropriate measures to protect the aquatic environment and drinking water supplies from the impact of pesticides are adopted. Measures proposed by 26/28 (except FR, BE) Targets set by 4/28 Equipment, regulation, enforcement, product choice, financial incentives, education…
Measures Equipment/practices
Use of drift reduction technology, primarily low drift nozzles Ban on sprayer filling from water courses Triple rinsing and safe disposal of empty PPP containers Bio-beds to capture runoff from sprayer washing/filling area Regulation/Enforcement Aquatic buffer zones determined as part of product evaluation and registration No spray zones around water courses/water abstraction points Restrictions on PPP use on railways (due to very permeable nature of these areas) Increased analysis of water samples for PPPs
Measures Product choice
Obligation on user to choose product with the "kindest" environmental profile Obligation to use product with a particular environmental profile unless an adviser signs off for use of classified products in areas adjacent to water courses Prior approval permit system before PPP use on hard surfaces Financial incentives Buffer zones adjacent to water courses in Agri-Environmental schemes Capital grants for purchase of low drift nozzles and construction of biobeds
Measures & Results Education/knowledge transfer:
Training and advice for growers on good practice Product specific stewardship schemes to educate growers e.g. metaldehyde in UK Guidance/promotion of safe sprayer filling practices While MSs have a wide range of ideas, few NAPs have defined targets and timelines in this area. Only three NAPs define specific targets and timelines for water quality standards. UK has a target of full compliance with the Water Framework Directive and Denmark has a target of zero groundwater infringements. Sweden set a goal of almost zero PPPs in surface water and groundwater by 2020.
Article 12 Minimise/prohibit use in specific areas….
Measures proposed by 26/28 Specific measures proposed by 4/28 Product choice, training, buffer zones………. DK move towards prohibition and targets Other MS towards minimisation
Article 14 (1) Measures to promote low pesticide-input pest management, ….priority to non-chemical methods, .. switch to practices and products with the lowest risk to health & env 22/28 Incentives for organic farming and IPM Training/advice for growers to encourage use of biological PPPs Incentives for registration of biological PPPs Agri-Environmental schemes to support organic farming and IPM Demonstration farms MSs shall take all necessary measures to promote low pesticide-input pest management, giving wherever possible priority to non-chemical methods, so that professional users of pesticides switch to practices and products with the lowest risk to human health and the environment among those available for the same pest problem.
Article 14 (2) . Establish/support the establishment ….IPM… Information/ tools for pest monitoring, decision making…..23/28 Pest monitoring by trained independent (public sector) agronomists leading to issue of bulletins Develop/refine computer systems to analyse crop/pest/weather/plant health data and make recommendations for control measures Research on pest thresholds and pest forecasting systems Enhanced advisory services/demonstration farm network PPP advisory services MSs shall establish or support the establishment of necessary conditions for the implementation of IPM. In particular, they shall ensure that professional users have at their disposal information and tools for pest monitoring and decision making, as well as advisory services on IPM.
Article 14 (4) MSs shall describe in their NAPs how they ensure that the general principles of IPM (Annex III) are implemented by all prof users by 1 Jan 2014 IPM will be implemented 27/28 Training and advice 16/28 Monitoring 2/28 NAPs weak on detail MSs shall describe in their NAPs how they ensure that the general principles of IPM as set out in Annex III are implemented by all professional users by 1 January 2014.
Article 15 Indicators – Annex III Trends and priority items
Focus on specific actives 4/28 Focus on illegal PPPs 4/28 Other defined priority items 10/28 No defined specific priorities 10/28
Areas for consideration (1)
More concise, less text Organic/IPM/reduced use Targets /objectives better defined Monitoring and enforcement ? Unrealistic proposed measures?
Conclusion - positive start - BIG Variation within and between NAPs
- Meaningful review/revision important to take next steps - What could be added to cross-compliance ?
Thank you for your attention…
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