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“Snapshot” Title Graphic

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1 “Snapshot” Title Graphic

2 Hello everybody! I’m super excited you’re here today because we’re starting a brand new, seriously fun series called “Snapshot.” Hey—speaking of snapshots, I’d love to get a snapshot of all you fabulous looking kids. On the count of three, I want you to all strike a pose. It can be as sassy or crazy as you want it to be! (Count to 3. Use a camera or smartphone to take a picture.) Nice job! (Tell kids to take a seat. Look at the screenshot on your camera or phone.) Aren’t snapshots fun to look at?! The best part about a snapshot is that it gives you a picture that helps you remember.

3 You know what. It’s kind of the same with the Bible
You know what? It’s kind of the same with the Bible. A lot of the stories in the Bible are like snapshots—they give us a picture of who God is. They help us remember how loving, or how powerful, or how trustworthy He is. For the next 5 weeks, we’ll be looking at different stories—or snapshots—from the Bible and remembering how great God is. Oh yeah—and best of all, you’re going to help me tell the stories by striking some awesome poses!

4 Before we get started with today’s story, though, let’s remember what’s happened in the Big Bible Story so far. I’ll show you some snapshots to help you remember. (Strike a pose with your arms forming a circle over your head.) In the beginning, God created the heavens and the what? (Kids respond. Answer: earth. Strike a pose like you’re reaching to pluck a fruit from a tree.) God had a perfect relationship with people until Adam and Eve did what? (Kids respond. Answer: disobeyed God; sinned; ate fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.)

5 As time went on, the sin problem got worse and worse
As time went on, the sin problem got worse and worse. Eventually, everyone was doing evil things. (Strike a pose like one hand is holding a nail while the other hand is raised in the air holding a hammer.) So what did God tell Noah to do? (Kids respond. Answer: build an ark.) God sent a giant flood to cleanse the world of its evil. Only Noah, his family, and two of every animal would survive. Unfortunately, the sin problem wasn’t completely gone. So years later, God made a covenant with Abraham that would take care of sin forever. One day, a Savior would be born through Abraham’s family—a family called the “Israelites.” (Strike a pose like you’re hanging on a cross.) What was the name of the Savior? (Kids respond. Answer: Jesus.)

6 CG: “The Big Bible Story” graphic After some time passed, Abraham’s family, the Israelites, moved to Egypt where they grew and grew and grew. In fact, the Israelite family grew so big that the Egyptian Pharaoh became scared that they would turn against him. So Pharaoh came up with a terrible plan. (Hold up camera or smartphone.) Time for a snapshot! Strike a pose like you’re working harder than you’ve ever worked. (Give kids a few seconds to pose.) Hold that pose until I say stop! (Take a snapshot.) The Egyptians made the Israelites their slaves. They treated them terribly and forced them to work super hard. (Tell kids to take a seat.)

7 But God was with the Israelites and He raised up a leader to help free His people from slavery. Do you know what that leader’s name was? (Call on kid for answer.) That’s right—Moses. After God sent a bunch of terrible plagues onto the Egyptians, Pharaoh told Moses to take the Israelites and get out of Egypt. Good news—right? (Kids respond.) Unfortunately, Pharaoh changed his mind. He sent his army to get the Israelites and bring them back. And just when Pharaoh’s army was about to catch them, something incredible happened.

8 Time for another snapshot. (Hold up camera or smartphone
Time for another snapshot! (Hold up camera or smartphone.) Strike a pose like you’re running for your life. Hold the pose until I say stop. (Take a snapshot.) God divided the waters of the Red Sea and the Israelites ran right through it on dry ground. Now strike a pose like you’re sinking in the water. (Take a snapshot.) When the Egyptians followed the Israelites into the Red Sea, the water crashed down on top of them and they all drowned. (Tell kids to take a seat.)

9 On the other side of the Red Sea, the Israelites began wandering in the desert in search of a new home. After 3 months, God called Moses to meet Him on top of a mountain called Mount Sinai. When Moses got to the top of the mountain, God made a covenant with him. Who remembers what a covenant is? (Call on kid.) A covenant is like an agreement or a promise. For just a minute, close your eyes and listen to the covenant that God made with Moses. (Kids close eyes. Open Bible and read Exodus 19:4-6 or play the provided voice over. Sound: Play “Mosaic Covenant” voice over

10 (When finished, tell kids to open their eyes.)
So you see—God promised that if the Israelites obeyed His commandments completely, He would make them a special treasure to the whole world. God wasn’t finished, though. He hadn’t given them the commandments to follow yet. Time for another snapshot! Strike a pose like you’re taking a shower or bath. (Take a snapshot.)

11 God had Moses tell the Israelites to wash themselves and get ready for Him to give them the commandments from Mount Sinai. God warned them, though, that no one was supposed to step foot on the mountain except for Moses. Now strike a pose like you’re super scared. (Take a snapshot.) CG: “Mount Sinai” illustration Three days later, a thick cloud covered Mount Sinai. Intense thunder and lightning came from the cloud and the entire mountain shook. The Israelites stood below and trembled with fear, but they didn’t dare step foot on the mountain.

12 Suddenly, the voice of God came booming from the cloud for all the people to hear. Time for a snapshot! Strike a pose while showing your best #1. (Take a snapshot.) CG: 1st Commandment God said to put Him first. Now strike a pose like you’re singing a song. (Take a snapshot.) CG: 2nd Commandment. God said to worship Him only. Now strike a pose like you’re covering your mouth. (Take a snapshot.) CG: 3rd Commandment God said to always use His name with respect

13 Now strike a pose like you’re taking the most incredible nap ever
Now strike a pose like you’re taking the most incredible nap ever. (Take a snapshot.) CG: 4th Commandment God said to remember His day of rest. These were just 4 of the 10 commandments that God gave the Israelites. We’ll look at the last 6 next week. CG: “Big Bible Story Questions” graphic

14 But let’s take a look at the questions that you guys will answer later in your small groups…it’s good to see them now, while the story is fresh in your mind and you can start to think about them: What was your favorite part of this story? Do you think the Israelites will be able to obey all of God’s commandments? Could you?

15 CG: “Snapshot” title graphic
In our story for today, God gave Moses and the Israelites the 10 Commandments—instructions for helping us to live the way God wants us to. We heard about the first 4. Let’s see if you can remember those 4 commandments along with their poses. On the count of 3, show me the pose that went with the 1st commandment. (Count to 3. Kids should strike a pose with their best #1.) Nice job! Who remembers what the 1st commandment says? (Take answer.) That’s right—put God first. (Have the kid who answered come to the teaching area and hold up the “Put God 1st” sign. Stand behind her.) This means that God is the only God and we should put Him before anything else in our life.

16 On the count of 3, show me the pose that went with the 2nd commandment
On the count of 3, show me the pose that went with the 2nd commandment. (Count to 3. Kids should strike a pose like they’re singing.) Way to go! Who remembers what the 2nd commandment says? (Take answer.) You got it—worship God only. (Have the kid who answered come to the teaching area, stand next to the first kid, and hold up the “Worship God only” sign.) This means we shouldn’t worship people we look up to or pray to statues that are made to represent God. God is the ultimate—the creator of all things—so we should worship and pray to Him only.

17 On the count of 3, show me the pose that went with the 3rd commandment
On the count of 3, show me the pose that went with the 3rd commandment. (Count to 3. Kids should strike a pose like they’re covering their mouth.) Great! Who remembers what the 3rd commandment says? (Take answer.) Use God’s name with respect. (Have the kid who answered come to the teaching area, stand next to the second kid, and hold up the “Use God’s name with respect” sign.) This means we should be careful how we use God’s name. We shouldn’t say God’s name like a curse word or yell it out of anger.

18 On the count of 3, show me the pose that went with the 4th commandment
On the count of 3, show me the pose that went with the 4th commandment. (Count to 3. Kids should strike a pose like they’re sleeping.) Nice job! Who remembers what the 4th commandment says? (Take answer.) Remember God’s day of rest. (Have the kid who answered come to the teaching area, stand next to the third kid, and hold up the “Remember God’s day of rest” sign.) This means we should spend one day of the week resting and thinking about God.

19 (Stand behind the four kids holding signs
(Stand behind the four kids holding signs.) Did you notice something about the first 4 commandments? The first 4 commandments show us how to love God. When we follow these commandments, it helps us to love God with everything we have. It helps us love Him with our heart (turn 1st commandment sign around to reveal a heart), with our soul (turn 2nd commandment sign around to reveal praying hands), with our strength (turn 3rd commandment sign around to reveal muscles), and with our mind (turn 4th commandment sign around to reveal a brain).

20 In fact, that’s what our Bible verse for today tells us. Take a look.
CG: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Love him with all your strength and with all your mind.” Luke 10:27a (Collect signs and dismiss kids to seats.) T

21 This verse gives us a snapshot—or picture—of what it looks like when we follow God’s first 4 commandments. Following these commandments is a way for us to show God that we love Him with all of our (point to each picture as you say it) heart, soul, strength, and mind. Is that easy to do? (Kids respond.) No way! In fact, because of sin, it’s impossible for us to do that all the time. But with God’s help, we can grow in our love for Him every single day. Let’s pray to God right now and ask Him to help us do th CG: “Snapshot” title graphic

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