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China after the Mongols

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1 China after the Mongols
Ming Dynasty China after the Mongols

2 Foundation After Kublai, Mongol rule of China weakened
Things grew worse for many Chinese Zhu Yuan Zhang, a commoner, successfully rebelled, named himself emperor Hong Wu How common is it for a person from lower classes to rule a country? How many US presidents have been from the lowest class?

3 Government Hong Wu distrusted officials, making decisions with Eunuchs
Trusted because they couldn’t have kids, less of a threat enacted new harsh law codes reformed local government reorganized the tax system reintroduced the Civil Service Exam posts open to literate Chinese replacing Mongols Caused reemergence of Confucian ideals

4 Economy Irrigation systems rebuilt
Offered land and supplies to those willing to repopulate the North. Increased agriculture = Population Growth = Specialization Caused a growth in culture as new wealth demanded new entertainment Under the third emperor, created encyclopedia, totaling 23,000 manuscripts Draw parallel with fact that 2% of US population is farmers and allows other 98% to produce other goods and services

5 Chinese Columbus A Chinese Muslim, named Zheng He, became an Admiral
He would lead 7 expeditions from The goal was to establish a presence in the Monsoon Marketplace Impress others with Ming Power Hypothesized that he made it to America Largest naval operation until WWI

6 Expeditions Sailed with 317 ships with 28,000 soldiers on the largest ships ever built Travelled the entirety of the Monsoon marketplace Gave away Chinese goods, bringing back exotic animals and gifts Paid respect to local deities and customs Stopped so funds could be invested in agriculture Zheng He's Ship in comparison to Columbus' Ship

7 Ming Fall Rebuilt Beijing Emperors began living lavishly:
Included the Forbidden City which is a magnificent complex of palaces Protected by 30 ft walls Emperors began living lavishly: Increasing taxes Already bad due to abandoning of trade Ignored Government Busy drinking or doing drugs Allowed for new nomads to conquer China

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