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Annual General Meeting

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1 Annual General Meeting
The Benevolent Fund of the College of Optometrists & Association of Optometrists Year ending 30th September 2018

2 Ruth Cuthbert Chairman of Trustees
2018 Report Ruth Cuthbert Chairman of Trustees

3 Benevolent Fund Ten Trustees Quarterly Meetings 5 nominated by College
5 by AOP Quarterly Meetings

4 Who we helped in 2017 During the financial year, 3 beneficiaries who receive long term grants continued to receive assistance in the form of monthly direct debits 8 further beneficiaries received help in the form of monthly cheques. Some were awarded 3 instalments whereas others were helped for the greater part of the year One existing case was referred to Citizens Advice Manchester for financial advice Reasons for assistance included disability, illness (including mental & physical) and unemployment. In one of the 8 cases, the Fund paid for care costs.

5 Who we helped cont.... A beneficiary who is a widower with three children was given a £200 Christmas bonus. We also bought him a new oven. The Fund paid for an AOP ‘Return to Work’ course for one beneficiary The Fund paid for a stair-lift and an electric shower for a beneficiary of working age who has been affected by a severe stroke.

6 Keeping people in the optometric profession
We paid AOP fees for 10 beneficiaries We paid GOC fees for 8 beneficiaries who still practice The College kindly waives its annual fees for many of our beneficiaries

7 An increasing problem There were 11 new applications for assistance, of which 10 were visited to make a preliminary assessment. This represents a significant increase in the number of applications over the previous year. This could indicate two factors: Increase in awareness of the Fund Increase in the number of cases of genuine hardship

8 Changes in the way optoms work
Over 50% of the people who approach us are self-employed without critical illness cover. 35% of AOP members listed themselves as locums in 2017* 45.7% said they hoped to work on a flexible basis within the next 5 years.* 27% of GOC respondents work solely as locums We need to strongly recommend critical illness cover, especially for locums and people who are self-employed. * AOP Work Force survey

9 A shift in emphasis The Trustees are favouring assistance with emergencies, financial advice and targeted grants rather than payment of monthly grants for the long term The intention is to discourage dependency and to help people manage their own financial affairs whilst optimising their entitlement to state benefits Cases are reviewed regularly and visited at least annually if possible.

10 Projects 2018 We have been working to raise awareness of the help we can provide. This has resulted in an increase in the number of received enquiries. We were mentioned in an article in OT where Lloyd & Whyte were promoting their critical illness insurance. We still want to do more to promote income protection, especially for locums and self-employed optoms – hence our leaflet that we are distributing at this conference.

11 Who can apply for help? Members and former members of the College, AOP, and their dependents Applicants with health problems – short and long term Aim is to support beneficiaries by helping them remain independent Support those of working age and aim to help them back to work where possible Applicants with financial problems

12 Finance Secure financial position
Grants paid during the year £59k (£39k in 2017) Subscription based donations from College members, AOP members and donations from individuals £61k (same as 2017) Investment income - net £47k (£44k in 2017) Administrative & governance costs £19k (£15k in 2017) Funds £1,554k as at 30th September 2018 (£1,492 in 2017)

13 Report and Financial Statement
10 paper copies of the Annual Report and Financial Statement are available for attendees at this meeting Further copies are available on request. Please give your address to the Administrative Secretary

14 Our aims for Raise awareness through various media so people who need help can find it Keep in touch with our beneficiaries and continue to visit them regularly Encourage Critical Illness cover – especially for locums who are the hardest hit when illness strikes Continue networking with other effective allied medical charities such as Pharmacy Support Optimise our membership of the Association of Charitable Organisations (ACO) so we keep abreast of changes in the charity sector and achieve best practice.

15 Farewell I am stepping down as Chair at this AGM. I have served on the Board for 10 years, acted as Chair for 4 years and will remain on the Board for one further term of 2 years. I would like to introduce Sue Wilford who has been Vice-Chair for the last year and will take over as Chair as from today.

16 New Trustees appointed in 2018
Mr Keval Dettani broad experience of the profession including working for multiples, independent practices and community clinics, MBA, WOPEC qualifications, strategy consultant, AOP Support Line volunteer Mr Dan Ehrlich wealth of experience including Head of Optometry at Moorfields with CL specialty, examiner for the College, Editorial Advisor to OT, lecturer at the Institute and City University. There will be no new Trustee appointments in 2019

17 How can you help? Raise awareness of the Fund
Importance of local Associations Identify new beneficiaries Website Visit existing and new beneficiaries We are grateful for those who make additional donations Legacies important source of donated funds

18 Thanks to Trustees of the Fund Members of the profession for donations
Colleagues who visit beneficiaries Lynne Brown – our Administrative Secretary

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