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Gases Hydrogen and Oxygen – Renewable Resource.

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Presentation on theme: "Gases Hydrogen and Oxygen – Renewable Resource."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gases Hydrogen and Oxygen – Renewable Resource

2 Kinetic-Molecular Theory
All particles are in constant motion. Explains properties of matter.

3 Ideal Gas = follows K-M theory
5 Assumptions Lots of tiny particles that are far apart Elastic collisions = no loss of energy Have kinetic energy (KE) – constant motion No forces of attr. or rep. between particles Avg. KE depends on temp.

4 KE = ½ mv2 Speed changes with temp.
Gases at the same temp have the same KE – lighter particles (H2) have higher speeds than heavier particles (O2)

5 Expansion No definite shape or volume Expand to fit any ‘container’
Making fire with steam (2 min)

6 Fluidity Density Gas particles easily flow past each other. Very low
Particles are very far apart.

7 Compressibility Particles pushed together Decreases volume

8 Diffusion Effusion Mixing of particles caused by random motion
Gas particles pass through tiny openings

9 Real Gases Do not behave according to K-M theory Real Gases
Occupy space Exert forces on each other

10 Pressure (P) Force per unit area Mount Everest Hawaii Beach
Badlands in Death Valley Cloud in a bottle Vacuum Pack (3 min)

11 Measuring Pressure Barometer Manometer Measures atmospheric pressure
Height of mercury depends on atmospheric pressure Manometer Measures pressure of enclosed gas

12 Barometer

13 Common Barometer

14 Manometer

15 Units of Pressure Millimeters of Mercury (mm of Hg) Atmospheres (atm)
kiloPascals (kPa)

16 Converting Units of P 760 mm Hg (torr) = 1 atm = 101.325 kPa
At sea level, P = 760 mm Hg Ultimate Can Crusher (2 min)

17 Temperature Measure of the energy of the particles
Units of Temperature Degrees Celsius (C) Kelvin (K) ºCelsius = Kelvin Use a thermometer Fire Tornado (1 min), Fire Tornado, Double Tornado (water) Fire Tornado explanation (1.5 min) Lord Kelvin


19 STP 1 atm and 0C (273 K)

20 Boyle’s Law V varies inversely with P (constant T) PV = k P1V1 = P2V2
Peeps (2 min)

21 Charles’s Law V varies directly with Kelvin T V1 = V2 T1 T2
V = k’T V1 = V2 T T2 Absolute Zero = 0K or –273C


23 Gay-Lussac’s Law P varies directly with Kelvin T P = k”T P1 = P2 T1 T2

24 Units must correspond to cancel!!
Combining Boyle’s, Charles’ and Gay-Lussac’s laws produces the Combined Gas Law P1V1 = P2V2 T T2 Units must correspond to cancel!! Review Gas Laws Tornado Hot air balloon

25 Mount Everest Video 7 minutes

26 Scuba Diving Video 9 minutes

27 Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure
Total Pressure, PT, of a mixture of gases equals the sum of the partial pressures of each component gas PT = P1 + P2 + P3 + etc… where P1, P2, P3, etc. are the partial pressures of each component gas. P1 = X1PT etc. where X1 is the mole fraction of gas 1 in the mixture.

28 Gases collected by water displacement
Patm(total) = Pgas + PH2O(g) Read from a barometer Found on a table – must be given

29 Gay-Lussac’s Law of Combining Gases
At constant T and P, the volumes of gaseous reactants and products can be expressed as ratios of small whole numbers EX: 2 H O2  2 H2O 2 Liters of hydrogen react with 1 L of oxygen to make 2 liters of water

30 Avogadro’s Law Equal volumes of gases at the same T and P contain equal numbers of molecules EX: 2 H O2  2 H2O 2 molecules of hydrogen and 1 molecule of oxygen combine to form 2 molecules

31 Ideal Gas Law Volume Constant PV = nRT Moles Temperature Pressure

32 R – The constant R = 62.4 mm Hg  L molK R = 0.0821 atm  L
R = kPa  L

33 The Ideal Gas Law can also be related to the Molar Mass of a gas
The Ideal Gas Law can also be related to the Molar Mass of a gas. Since n = m/Mm substituting in for n yields PVMm = mRT and rearranging produces - Mass Molar Mass Mm = mRT PV

34 The Ideal Gas Law can also be used to determine the density of a gas
The Ideal Gas Law can also be used to determine the density of a gas. Substituting d = m/V into the previous equation Mm = mRT VP we have PMm = dRT Rearranging yields: d = PMm RT

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