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Assessment - Getting it Right

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1 Assessment - Getting it Right
(an aspirational statement)

2 Aim: To understand a process for aligning assessment with the Australian Curriculum: Science

3 Comfort with alignment
Quite confident Moderately confident Not very confident Please indicate how comfortable you are with aligning an assessment task and the Australian curriculum. Raise your hand if you are quite confident? Moderately confident? Not very confident? If you are quite confident, are you wanting to confirm your understanding? Be familiar with a process with which to work with colleagues?

4 Assessment sample Here is a sample assessment Any Comments? Does it align to the Australian Curriculum: Science ? (allow for discussion and justification of opinions) Teachers find themselves considering different assessment tasks for a variety of reasons. Examples: Offered by other teachers, assessment that has been used at the school before, assessment on websites, C2C assessments etc. How do we know if this assessment is going to ‘do the job’? Martinazzi

5 * Starting point Alignment Curriculum intent
The alignment story starts with identifying the curriculum intent. The curriculum intent is informed by the content descriptors. 5

6 Year 5 Content Descriptions
Science Understanding Biological sciences Living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environment Chemical sciences Solids, liquids and gases have different observable properties and behave in different ways Earth and space sciences The Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the sun) Physical sciences Light from a source forms shadows and can be absorbed, reflected and refracted Science as a Human Endeavour Nature and development of science Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena Important contributions to the advancement of science have been made by people from a range of cultures Use and influence of science Scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions are used to solve problems that directly affect peoples’ lives Scientific knowledge is used to inform personal and community decisions Science Inquiry Skills Questioning and predicting With guidance, pose questions to clarify practical problems or inform a scientific investigation, and predict what the findings of an investigation might be Planning and conducting With guidance, plan appropriate investigation methods to answer questions or solve problems Decide which variable should be changed and measured in fair tests and accurately observe, measure and record data, using digital technologies as appropriate Use equipment and materials safely, identifying potential risks Processing and analysing data and information Construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate Compare data with predictions and use as evidence in developing explanations Evaluating Suggest improvements to the methods used to investigate a question or solve a problem Communicating Communicate ideas, explanations and processes in a variety of ways, including multi-modal texts This is the Year level content descriptors that is targeted in the sample assessment. What content descriptor/s are obvious in this sample assessment? The content descriptions describe what is required to be taught in that year level. 6

7 Alignment Achievement standard Curriculum intent
Once the CI is identified, from the content descriptors, the next step is to analyse the achievement standard - you may be familiar with these two elements of planning referred to as 'the Bookends'. Interrogating the Achievement standard, includes identifying the components of the SU, SHE, and SIS that aligns with the curriculum intent of this unit. 7

8 Achievement standard for year level identified in the test
Year 5 Achievement Standard By the end of Year 5, students classify substances according to their observable properties and behaviours. They explain everyday phenomena associated with the transfer of light. They describe the key features of our solar system. They analyse how the form of living things enables them to function in their environments. Students discuss how scientific developments have affected people’s lives and how science knowledge develops from many people’s contributions. Students follow instructions to pose questions for investigation, predict what might happen when variables are changed, and plan investigation methods. They use equipment in ways that are safe and improve the accuracy of their observations. Students construct tables and graphs to organise data and identify patterns. They use patterns in their data to suggest explanations and refer to data when they report findings. They describe ways to improve the fairness of their methods and communicate their ideas, methods and findings using a range of text types. So…..Here is the achievement standard for the year level (Yr 5) of the curriculum selected in the sample assessment. I would make a few comments at this point: Over the year students must have opportunities to demonstrate all aspects of the achievement standard. You don’t have to assess all of the achievement standard in every unit. What you assess doesn’t have to be everything you teach – this will become clearer as we progress.

9 In groups you will match :
Alignment In groups you will match : the content descriptors with the achievement standard Your task is to match the relevant content descriptor with the part of the achievement standard. 9

10 Alignment Content descriptors Achievement standard
Science Understanding Biological sciences Living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environment Chemical sciences Solids, liquids and gases have different observable properties and behave in different ways Earth and space sciences The Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the sun) Physical sciences Light from a source forms shadows and can be absorbed, reflected and refracted Science as a Human Endeavour Nature and development of science Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena Important contributions to the advancement of science have been made by people from a range of cultures Use and influence of science Scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions are used to solve problems that directly affect peoples’ lives Scientific knowledge is used to inform personal and community decisions Questioning and predicting With guidance, pose questions to clarify practical problems or inform a scientific investigation, and predict what the findings of an investigation might be Planning and conducting With guidance, plan appropriate investigation methods to answer questions or solve problems Decide which variable should be changed and measured in fair tests and accurately observe, measure and record data, using digital technologies as appropriate Use equipment and materials safely, identifying potential risks Processing and analysing data and information Construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate Compare data with predictions and use as evidence in developing explanations Evaluating Suggest improvements to the methods used to investigate a question or solve a problem Communicating Communicate ideas, explanations and processes in a variety of ways, including multi-modal texts Achievement standard You will be given the Year 5 content descriptors and achievement standard (year level selected because of the sample assessment). In groups of 2 or 3, cut up the achievement standard and place it beside the content descriptor it relates to. 10

11 Alignment Content descriptors Achievement standard
Science Understanding Biological sciences Living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environment Chemical sciences Solids, liquids and gases have different observable properties and behave in different ways Earth and space sciences The Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the sun) Physical sciences Light from a source forms shadows and can be absorbed, reflected and refracted Achievement standard Looking at the Science Understanding content descriptors. Did you find a statement for each of the descriptors? First part of the first paragraph of the achievement standard. 11

12 Alignment Content descriptors Achievement standard
Science Understanding Biological sciences Living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environment Chemical sciences Solids, liquids and gases have different observable properties and behave in different ways Earth and space sciences The Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the sun) Physical sciences Light from a source forms shadows and can be absorbed, reflected and refracted Achievement standard They analyse how the form of living things enables them to function in their environments classify substances according to their observable properties and behaviours. They describe the key features of our solar system. They explain everyday phenomena associated with the transfer of light. Here are the relevant parts of the achievement standard matched with the appropriate content descriptor. 12

13 Alignment Content descriptors Science as a Human Endeavour
Nature and development of science Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena Important contributions to the advancement of science have been made by people from a range of cultures Use and influence of science Scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions are used to solve problems that directly affect peoples’ lives Scientific knowledge is used to inform personal and community decisions Achievement standard The Science as a human endeavour is next. Second part of the first paragraph of the achievement standard. Did you find a statement in the achievement standard for each descriptor? 13

14 Alignment Content descriptors Science as a Human Endeavour
Nature and development of science Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena Important contributions to the advancement of science have been made by people from a range of cultures Use and influence of science Scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions are used to solve problems that directly affect peoples’ lives Scientific knowledge is used to inform personal and community decisions Achievement standard how science knowledge develops from many people’s contributions. Students discuss how scientific developments have affected people’s lives No, there are only two statements in the achievement standard that relate to the SHE. The other descriptors are assessed in year 6. 14

15 Alignment Content descriptors Science Inquiry Skills
Questioning and predicting With guidance, pose questions to clarify practical problems or inform a scientific investigation, and predict what the findings of an investigation might be Planning and conducting With guidance, plan appropriate investigation methods to answer questions or solve problems Decide which variable should be changed and measured in fair tests and accurately observe, measure and record data, using digital technologies as appropriate Use equipment and materials safely, identifying potential risks Achievement standard . SIS. 15

16 Alignment Content descriptors Science Inquiry Skills
Questioning and predicting With guidance, pose questions to clarify practical problems or inform a scientific investigation, and predict what the findings of an investigation might be Planning and conducting With guidance, plan appropriate investigation methods to answer questions or solve problems Decide which variable should be changed and measured in fair tests and accurately observe, measure and record data, using digital technologies as appropriate Use equipment and materials safely, identifying potential risks Achievement standard . Students follow instructions to pose questions for investigation, predict what might happen and plan investigation methods. when variables are changed, and improve the accuracy of their observations. They use equipment in ways that are safe Science Inquiry skills make up the second paragraph of the achievement standard. Here are the relevant statements in the achievement standard for Questioning and predicting and Planning and conducting. 16

17 Alignment Content descriptors Achievement standard
Science Inquiry Skills cont’d Processing and analysing data and information Construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate Compare data with predictions and use as evidence in developing explanations Evaluating Suggest improvements to the methods used to investigate a question or solve a problem Communicating Communicate ideas, explanations and processes in a variety of ways, including multi-modal texts Achievement standard . Here is the rest of the SIS. 17

18 Alignment Content descriptors Achievement standard
Science Inquiry Skills cont’d Processing and analysing data and information Construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate Compare data with predictions and use as evidence in developing explanations Evaluating Suggest improvements to the methods used to investigate a question or solve a problem Communicating Communicate ideas, explanations and processes in a variety of ways, including multi-modal texts Achievement standard . Students construct tables and graphs to organise data and identify patterns. They use patterns in their data to suggest explanations and refer to data when they report findings. They describe ways to improve the fairness of their methods and communicate their ideas, methods and findings using a range of text types. 18

19 Achievement standard for year level identified in the test
Year 5 Achievement Standard By the end of Year 5, students classify substances according to their observable properties and behaviours. They explain everyday phenomena associated with the transfer of light. They describe the key features of our solar system. They analyse how the form of living things enables them to function in their environments. Students discuss how scientific developments have affected people’s lives and how science knowledge develops from many people’s contributions. Students follow instructions to pose questions for investigation, predict what might happen when variables are changed, and plan investigation methods. They use equipment in ways that are safe and improve the accuracy of their observations. Students construct tables and graphs to organise data and identify patterns. They use patterns in their data to suggest explanations and refer to data when they report findings. They describe ways to improve the fairness of their methods and communicate their ideas, methods and findings using a range of text types. If you look at the whole achievement standard, the strands are readily identifiable.

20 Assessment sample Lets return to sample assessment.
Does it align to the Year 5 content and achievement standard for the Australian Curriculum: Science ? (allow for discussion and justification of opinions) Martinazzi

21 Assessment sample They describe the key features of our solar system.
Yes. It certainly does ! This assessment provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate this statement of the achievement standard which could also be identified as a ‘c’ standard. Does it provide the opportunity to achieve an ‘A’ standard? Martinazzi

22 Alignment GTMJ Curriculum intent Assessment task Achievement standard
We have examined and are familiar with the book ends (Curric Intent and Achiev. Stand). We are now considering the next part of the alignment story. Assessment (Task and GTMJ) "Can we use Our Solar System Test assessment task?" "What will it measure and will it do that effectively?" If we start to create a marking guide, it will become quite evident what is missing from this sample assessment task. 22

23 When making adjustments or creating a new assessment task (and a marking guide), I personally would ensure that SHE and SIS are included with the SU where appropriate. The benefit of including SHE is that it provides context for the assessment task or application to students lives, hopefully makes the task more engaging. So….here are the three strands represented in these 4 columns. The same number of columns are not always appropriate for each assessment task. 23

24 describe the key features of our solar system.
The words used in the achievement standard was this. This is what we are valuing in this assessment for the science understanding column. 24

25 describe the key features of our solar system.
It also describes what we expect all students to be able to demonstrate by the end of this unit so it is our ‘c’ 25

26 describe the key features of our solar system.
Then we consider what would describe a students achievement if they could not achieve the ‘c’ ……. possibly identify a feature of our solar system? If you are aware of a ‘d’ achievement then it is described appropriately. If there is no significant difference except that the student ‘does it better’ …..then the space is left blank, (then it is up to the teacher to use their professional judgement as to where to place the student on the continuum). Identify a feature of a planet in the solar system 26

27 describe the key features of the solar system.
Compares the key features of a planet in the solar system. describe the key features of our solar system. The ‘A’ statement is always complex because we need to be careful that it is not just be a greater quantity of the same skill. It needs to demonstrate that the student can operate at a higher level. Often ‘blooms’ is a great assistance in this circumstance. Comparing, explaining, applying, etc. Thinking back to our sample assessment, does this assessment provide opportunities to demonstrate “A”? Identify a feature of a planet in the solar system 27

28 Assessment sample (Allow for discussion and justification)
This sample assessment as it stands does not provide the opportunity to demonstrate an 'A' in SU. So if we wanted to use this for year 5 it would need to be modified. How? (opportunity to Compare the key features of a planet in the solar system) Martinazzi

29 Year 5 Content Descriptions
Science Understanding Earth and space sciences The Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the sun) Science as a Human Endeavour Nature and development of science Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena Important contributions to the advancement of science have been made by people from a range of cultures Use and influence of science Scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions are used to solve problems that directly affect peoples’ lives Scientific knowledge is used to inform personal and community decisions Science Inquiry Skills Questioning and predicting With guidance, pose questions to clarify practical problems or inform a scientific investigation, and predict what the findings of an investigation might be Planning and conducting With guidance, plan appropriate investigation methods to answer questions or solve problems Decide which variable should be changed and measured in fair tests and accurately observe, measure and record data, using digital technologies as appropriate Use equipment and materials safely, identifying potential risks Processing and analysing data and information Construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate Compare data with predictions and use as evidence in developing explanations Evaluating Suggest improvements to the methods used to investigate a question or solve a problem Communicating Communicate ideas, explanations and processes in a variety of ways, including multi-modal texts Here is the SU that has been identified as the CI. Here is also all the Year 5 SHE and SIS. Is there any opportunity to demonstrate any of the SHE or SIS in the sample assessment? (allow for discussion) Even though it is not expected that all the SHE and SIS content descriptions will be embedded in every unit, every appropriate opportunity to provide these learning and assessment experiences is sought. 29

30 Year 5 Content Descriptions
Science Understanding Earth and space sciences The Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the sun) Science as a Human Endeavour Nature and development of science Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena Important contributions to the advancement of science have been made by people from a range of cultures Use and influence of science Scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions are used to solve problems that directly affect peoples’ lives Scientific knowledge is used to inform personal and community decisions Science Inquiry Skills Questioning and predicting With guidance, pose questions to clarify practical problems or inform a scientific investigation, and predict what the findings of an investigation might be Planning and conducting With guidance, plan appropriate investigation methods to answer questions or solve problems Decide which variable should be changed and measured in fair tests and accurately observe, measure and record data, using digital technologies as appropriate Use equipment and materials safely, identifying potential risks Processing and analysing data and information Construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate Compare data with predictions and use as evidence in developing explanations Evaluating Suggest improvements to the methods used to investigate a question or solve a problem Communicating Communicate ideas, explanations and processes in a variety of ways, including multi-modal texts I have identified that these SHE and SIS content descriptors could be covered in an assessment task covering this Earth and space sciences sub-strand. I have completed a GTMJ designed to address these content descriptions. 30

31 describe the key features of the solar system.
Compares the key features of a planet in the solar system. the GTMJ describe the key features of our solar system. We can now look at a completed suggestion for a GTMJ for an assessment task. We will consider how we can add/change the assessment task to provide evidence of student achievement. (click on GTMJ link to see completed guide and discuss question below) Can this assessment task be modified to incorporate the SHE and SIS components? Identify a feature of a planet in the solar system. 31

32 Alignment process Achievement standard Curriculum intent
So the process involved in alignment is: Identifying the curriculum intent Knowing the elements of the achievement standard (what is expected) 32

33 Alignment process GTMJ Curriculum intent Assessment task
Achievement standard Then creating an engaging assessment task and the Marking Guide to directly reflect the task and what is expected to be achieved. 33

34 In groups you will be given an assessment:
Identify the Curriculum Intent Record the parts of achievement standard Consider - does the task: allow students to demonstrate “C” ? allow opportunities for “A” ? Record statements for ‘A’ and ‘E’ Now it is your turn ! Feel free to write on the assessment task. When you have identified if it achieve ‘C’ Consider if opportunities allow to demonstrate an ‘A’, what would an ‘A’ look like? Consider any modifications to ensure alignment or to allow for evidence of other achievement levels. If you would like to record your achievement statements on a GTMJ, there is a template included. 34

35 Aim: To understand a process for aligning assessment with the Australian Curriculum: Science The aim of this session was to provide you with a process for aligning assessment with the curriculum. This is a process that ideally is done for every assessment. We are always on a quest to 'get it right' with aligning curriculum and assessment. I think it is very useful to interrogate alignment with colleagues. I think we have made changes to every (or almost every) assessment task that we have examined for alignment. Can you please indicate if you think this process may be helpful to you personally? Could be helpful when critiquing/reviewing assessment with colleagues at your school?

36 Thank You Toni Fox

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