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Factors that shaped nationalism

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1 Factors that shaped nationalism
The French Revolution Factors that shaped nationalism

2 Historical Factors Storming of the Bastille
Captured a people’s collective imagination Inspired them to take action Collective consciousness – awareness as a defining moment in the history of France « We are a nation. We can govern ourselves. » Symbolic importance

3 Discussion The fact that the Bastille contained no political prisoners at that time has not affected its status as a symbol of French nationalism. Does this matter? What aspects of the storming of the Bastille made this event so important?

4 Social Factors Relationship among people in a society
Strict social order defined by birth Three estates Privileges France – cultural centre of Europe - salons Growing middle class Revolutions in Britain and the United States

5 Political cartoon What statement does this cartoon make about French

6 Economic factors Economic chaos Financing wars Unfair taxation system
Britain United States Unfair taxation system Failure of Estates-General National Assembly and Tennis Court Oath (act of defiance)

7 Tennis Court Oath What elements in this painting of the scene might be designed to inspire a sense of nationalism?

8 Geographic Factors Severe weather Cold winter Floods and drought
Flour shortage – inflation Riots Marie-Antoinette – Austrian Gap between rich and poor

9 Question?? Is armed rebellion justified when people believe that government actions are causing hardships?

10 Political Factors National Assembly
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen Abolished privileges Established French secular Republic Basis of constitution Fear in other European countries French royalists try to restore monarch’s power Do you think these actions would have weakened or strengthened French nationalism? Why?

11 Political Factors Revolution becomes violent – Reign of Terror (fearing opposition) Rise of Napoleon Instability Napoleon emerges as a leader who united the French Inspirational leader Brutal dictator


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