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The Cold War- The Asian Front - Dominoes

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Presentation on theme: "The Cold War- The Asian Front - Dominoes"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cold War- The Asian Front - Dominoes

2 China and Japan China- Japan Led by Mao Zedong- communist
Chiang Kai-Shek’s nationalist gov’t forced to Formosa – (Taiwan) U.S. did not recognize China as communist Japan Increased attention in rebuilding Japan Buffer against Asian communism

3 The Korean War June 24, 1950- North Korea invades southern Korea
North Korea = communist South Korea = Pro-Western (non communist) North Korea makes it to Seoul (capital of SK) U.S. almost immediately commits itself to conflict


5 Korean War June 27, 1950- U.S. sent limited military assistance
Appealed for the UN to intervene June 30, U.S. ordered grown forces into Korea Under the command of General Douglas MacArthur (headed UN operations) First U.S. expression of NSC-68

6 Korean War [ ]

7 Korean War U.S. intervention = containment and “liberation”
July 5- First American-Korean battle Americans fared poorly

8 Korean War Inchon By September 27, 1950- October-November-
MacArthur had permission to pursue the enemy into North Korean territory October-November- MacArthur pushes for permission to go into China



11 Korean War Truman-MacArthur Controversy Korean stalemate continues-
April 11, MacArthur relieved from duty 69% supported MacArthur MacArthur receives hero welcome upon returning home Korean stalemate continues- Negoitations continue from July


13 MacArthur pushes North
MacArthur’s offensive fails, Chinese overwhelm American/UN forces take over Seoul by 1/5/51

14 Maps of the Korean Pensinsula

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