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Romanticism Nature.

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Presentation on theme: "Romanticism Nature."— Presentation transcript:

1 Romanticism Nature

2 Romanticism Topics of Romanticism Love Nature Supernatural Passionate
Exotic Ideal

3 Nature Trees Sky Sun Water Animals Plants Soil Earth

4 For Pain and Pleasure For Pain and Pleasure for Love and Suffrage;
It is all the same-- how to measure. All the trees reaching to the sky; Everyone sees the others running by. The sound of nature working around you; Never to departure, so many things to do. Animals rustle around in no particular part; Nature is abound-- so follow your heart.

5 Nature Description of nature Gives the feeling of actually being there
How all aspects connect to each other “trees reach the sky” Here nature all around

6 Passion Details Love of the woods “follow your heart”
How it can bring hurt and happiness at the same time

7 Connections “Nature is what we see--” the poem by ED which tells what nature really is The poem is misleading like ED’s poems Passionate like Edgar Allen Poe’s “Raven” Love like the short stories -- “Birthmark” and “Rappuccinis Daughter”

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