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MentorSHPE Program Saturday, 16 October 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "MentorSHPE Program Saturday, 16 October 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 mentorSHPE Program Saturday, 16 October 2004

2 SHPE Chicago General Meeting
Agenda Objective Team Structure Mentor/Protégé matching Mentor/Protégé Guidelines Program Schedule Program Budget Quality Control Expected Outcomes Thursday, 28 October 2004 SHPE Chicago General Meeting

3 SHPE Chicago General Meeting
Objective To promote the positive exchange of information and experience between SHPE professionals and SHPE students Thursday, 28 October 2004 SHPE Chicago General Meeting

4 SHPE Chicago General Meeting
Who is involved? SHPE-Chicago Professional Chapter Chicagoland student SHPE chapters University of Illinois at Chicago Illinois Institute of Technology Wilbur Wright College DeVry University Richard J. Daley College Northwestern University? Thursday, 28 October 2004 SHPE Chicago General Meeting

5 SHPE Chicago General Meeting
Core Team Anita Ramirez Henry Martinez Amilcar Guzman (MRCC) Nora Rincon (UIC) Gloria Yepes (WWC) Guillermo Casas (IIT) Claribel Gonzalez (DVU) Lourdes Solis (NWU) Eduardo Feregrino (RJD) Thursday, 28 October 2004 SHPE Chicago General Meeting

6 Mentor/Protégé matching
Mentors and protégés will be matched according to specifications on the application Protégés will be matched on a first come, first serve basis Thursday, 28 October 2004 SHPE Chicago General Meeting

7 Mentor/Protégé Guidelines
There shall be contact ( , telephone) between the mentor and protégé at least twice a month. The mentor and protégé are expected to meet in person at least once a semester outside of the SHPE events established for the mentorSHPE program. All relationships established should be in accordance with the SHPE Code of Ethics Thursday, 28 October 2004 SHPE Chicago General Meeting

8 SHPE Chicago General Meeting
Program Schedule October Sa 16 SHPE-MRCC Board Meeting M 18 Open Application (student and professional) R 28 SHPE-MRCC General Meeting Thursday, 28 October 2004 SHPE Chicago General Meeting

9 SHPE Chicago General Meeting
Program Schedule November F 12 Application closed (student) Su 14 Core Team meeting to match mentor to protégé F* 19 Networking Social Thursday, 28 October 2004 SHPE Chicago General Meeting

10 SHPE Chicago General Meeting
Program Schedule December Resume assistance Interview skills assistance Special attention needed here for future graduate students! Prepare for NTCC 2005 Thursday, 28 October 2004 SHPE Chicago General Meeting

11 SHPE Chicago General Meeting
Program Schedule January Get together at NTCC 2005 if possible February Company Tours March Midterm Networking Social Midterm Evaluation Prepare for Career Fair Thursday, 28 October 2004 SHPE Chicago General Meeting

12 SHPE Chicago General Meeting
Program Schedule April Community Service Event SHPE-MRCC Career Fair May End of Year District 1 Banquet Final Evaluation Thursday, 28 October 2004 SHPE Chicago General Meeting

13 SHPE Chicago General Meeting
Program Budget Opening Networking Social $250 Midterm Networking Social $250 Printing – Applications, etc.  ** Hoping to get program funded through Eileen’s PSAC budget Thursday, 28 October 2004 SHPE Chicago General Meeting

14 SHPE Chicago General Meeting
Quality Control Success will be measured by the level of satisfaction of both the mentor and protégé. Midterm and final evaluations will be used to determine progress. Thursday, 28 October 2004 SHPE Chicago General Meeting

15 SHPE Chicago General Meeting
Expected Outcomes Closer relationship between SHPE professionals and SHPE students More career specific guidance for SHPE students Potential pipeline created between SHPE student chapters leading into SHPE professional chapter. Thursday, 28 October 2004 SHPE Chicago General Meeting

16 SHPE Chicago General Meeting
Any Questions? Thursday, 28 October 2004 SHPE Chicago General Meeting

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