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Should Parliament represent UK society better than it does?

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Presentation on theme: "Should Parliament represent UK society better than it does?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Should Parliament represent UK society better than it does?

2 Learning objectives Know the details of the current composition of the House of Commons by a variety of social indicators Understand to what extent composition has changed over recent years and why Be able to debate and discuss the reasons why it is argued that MPs should be more representative of society

3 Learning outcomes All will be able to describe the main points of the current composition of the Commons (C/D) Most will be able to explain how composition has changed and why (C/B) Some will be able to explain why closer resemblance might be said to matter (A)

4 51% of the UK population are female

5 10% of the UK population is from an ethnic minority background

6 7% of the UK population went to independent schools

7 Overall more than 25% of MPs went to Oxbridge
31% of UK population went to university – far less went to Oxbridge

8 Figures from 2010 election

9 Task Read the materials provided and fill in the grid with detail of current situation, how the situation has changed over time, and what barriers there are to better representation

10 Ways in which parties have tried to improve representation
Use textbook P. 197 to make notes on: All-women shortlists Priority lists

11 Does descriptive representation matter?
Read photocopies of arguments for and against. Summarise the points made

12 http://www. pinknews. co

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