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Shenley Fields Daycare and Nursery School

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1 Shenley Fields Daycare and Nursery School
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) Information Report (Also known as the Local Offer) Shenley Fields Daycare and Nursery School

2 Shenley Fields offers fully inclusive day care and nursery provision which supports the needs of all children, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. These needs include: Cognition and Learning Communication and Interaction Social Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties Sensory and/or Physical Needs Complex Medical Needs These areas of need are as stated in within the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 0-25 (2014) which can be accessed by using the following link:

3 Who should I talk to if I have concerns about my child’s development?
All children are individuals with their own unique interests, skills, talents and needs. At Shenley Fields our carefully planned environments, resources and differentiated planning enable us to ensure that all children make progress and enjoy high levels of well-being. At Shenley Fields we operate an ‘open door’ policy which means that we are always available to talk to you about any concerns you have about your child. Every child has a key person who is also your first point of contact if you have any questions or concerns. You have the opportunity to speak to your child’s key person daily. Below are other members of the team that you may wish to speak to: Louise Shepherd Head of School Maria Mackey SENCo Sallyanne Bromley BECO and Senior Nursery Manager Lucy Collinge-Hill Nursery Teacher

4 What will happen if I or Nursery have concerns about my child?
Teacher or parent/carer has a concern about their child’s development Teacher, SENCo and parent/carer will meet to discuss your child’s progress and areas for concern. An appropriate plan of support will be agreed which will include targets for everyone who spends time with your child to work on which focus on your child’s specific area of need. This is known as an Special Educational Needs Support Plan. Extra adult support may be needed. The SENCo will discuss this with the child’s parent/carer and gain parental consent for applying extra funding for adult support.

5 What will happen if I or Nursery have concerns about my child?
Regular observations and other forms of progress monitoring will be discussed at regular reviews involving the child’s teacher, SENCo and parent/carer. It may be identified that the child requires extra support from external agencies. These services include: paediatricians, Educational Psychologists, Physical Difficulties Support Service. Sensory Support Service, Speech and Language Therapists, Child Development Centre and the Communication and Autism Team. Parental consent will be obtained if any external agencies are needed. It may be identified that the child requires extra support from external agencies. These services include: paediatricians, Educational Psychologists, Physical Difficulties Support Service. Sensory Support Service, Speech and Language Therapists, Child Development Centre and the Communication and Autism Team. Parental consent will be obtained if any external agencies are needed.

6 What will happen if I or Nursery have concerns about my child?
It is important that parents are fully involved in their child’s assessment process. We will endeavour to work in partnership with parents/carers in order for their child to have the best possible outcomes. The SENCo will ensure that if an Educational Health Care Plan is needed parents/carers are fully involved in this process.

7 A Partnership Approach
If your child needs individual targets to support their learning and development, we will invite you to set these targets with us. We will review them together termly to ensure that your child is making progress and benefitting from appropriate support. Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities policy can be found on the ‘policies’ page of our website. Or via the following hyperlink: We can signpost you to your local Children’s Centre if your family would benefit from input from their Family Support team. Shenley Fields Daycare and Nursery School works in partnership with a number of specialist support services in order to best meet the needs of all children. These services include Speech and Language Therapists (SALT), Paediatricians, Child Development Centre (CDC), Birmingham Children’s Hospital (BCH), Communication and Autism Team (CAT), Educational Psychologists (EP), Physical Disabilities Support Service (PDSS), Physiotherapists, Children’s Community Nurses and Health Visitors.

8 A Partnership Approach
A number of our staff have paediatric first aid training and are trained to administer asthma medication using inhalers, to use Epipens for children who have severe allergies and to support children with epilepsy. Our staff have received AET Tier 1 training (Autism Awareness). A number of staff have received Tiers 2 and 3 training. Key staff are trained in Makaton sign language, Communication in Print (Widgit) Program and PECS (Picture Exchange System) to support those children in the early stages of verbal communication. We also have experience of supporting children with complex medical conditions requiring tube feeding, oxygen and catheters.

9 Appropriate and Effective Teaching and Learning
Shenley Fields ensures that all children, including those with additional educational or medical needs participate in a broad and balanced curriculum. Planned support and targets delivered through high quality teaching enable children with additional needs to make outstanding progress. Members of staff have been specifically trained to support the development of speech, language and communication skills. This is typically the area in which children require the most support. We understand that children learn in different ways. All of our planning is differentiated to reflect the needs, interests and developmental levels of all of the children. Children are afforded opportunities to take part in whole class sessions, small group sessions and 1:1 with an adult in order to work on specific targets. Our sensory room offers a relaxing environment where children can explore light, sound and movement. We welcome and invite families to take part in workshops and to join in with planned activities with their child during the day. Depending on a child’s specific needs, we may need to adapt our environments and/or curriculum. We will seek specialist resources or equipment as necessary. We will ensure that details of any such changes will be clearly communicated to families.

10 UNICEF: We are a Rights Respecting School
Shenley Fields Daycare and Nursery School aims to be a school where children’s rights are at the heart of our ethos and culture, to improve well-being and to develop every child’s talents and abilities to their full potential. Unicef is the world’s leading organisation working for children and young people and their rights. In 1989, governments across the world agreed that all children have the same rights by adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). These rights are based on what a child needs to survive, grow, participate and fulfil their potential. Shenley Fields Daycare and Nursery School children will learn about their rights by putting them into practice every day. A Rights Respecting School models rights and respect in all its relationships. Article 23 (Children with a Disability) A child with a disability has the right to live a full a decent life with dignity and as far as possible, independence and to play an active part in the community. Governments must do all they can to support disabled children and their families.

11 Useful Terms and Abbreviations
ADD /ADHD Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder ASC/ASD Autistic Spectrum condition /Disorder CAMHS Child & Adolescent Mental health Services (Called FTW in Birmingham) CAt Communication & Autism Team CYP Child/Young Person DLD Developmental Language Disorder EHCP Education & Health Care Plan EP Educational Psychologist FTW Forward Thinking Birmingham GDD/GLD Global Developmental / Learning Delay IPSEA Independent & Parental Special Educational Advice Service LA Local Authority

12 Useful Terms and Abbreviations
OT Occupational Therapist PDSS Physical Disabilities Support Service PECs Picture Exchange System SALT/SLT Speech & Language Therapist SEN Special Educational Needs SENCo/SENDCo Special Educational Needs/ and Disabilities Coordinator SENDIASS Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Information Advice & Support Service SM Selective Mutism (formerly known as Elective Mutism) SPD Sensory Processing Disorder TA Teaching Assistant TAC Team Around the Child

13 Support Services that can help Parents/Carers who have a child with SEN
Your child’s health visitor is a good place to start if you have any concerns about your child’s development. Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advise & Support – SENAR CASS (Children’s advice and Support Service) Communication Autism Team – Birmingham Children’s Hospital For more information visit Birmingham Local Authority’s Local Offer:

14 Support Services & Charities that can help Parents/Carers who have a child with SEN
Autism West Midlands National Autistic Society IPSEA Downs Syndrome Association Mencap SENSE Carers Association Cerebral Palsy Midlands Cerebra Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus Birmingham Institute of the Deaf Birmingham Royal Institute for the Blind Kids Charity

15 What People say about Us
“Partnership with parents and carers are outstanding because of the way nursery enables them to become true partners in their children’s learning.” (Ofsted October 2011) “A fully inclusive service where the uniqueness of every child is recognised and celebrated” (Ofsted April 2011) (The school) “are doing all that you can to ensure that parents and children have access to the help that they need. Your reputation for inclusion is well known in the community.” (Ofsted March 2019) “We would like to thank everyone at Shenley Fields for the care and understanding that you have given to our child. You have made the effort to get to know him and his funny ways and made him feel safe and secure. You have always had time to speak to us and share our concerns and put us at ease leaving him with you knowing you will care for his needs completely. We couldn’t have wished for a better nursery. You helped him to develop to the best of his potential” (Parents 2014) “His development has come on leaps and bounds since starting nursery. He absolutely loves it and Looks forward to coming everyday for lots of fun and learning” (Parent 2014) Complaints Our complaints policy can be found on the ‘policies’ page of our website. Or via the following hyperlink:

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