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Implementation of EuP in Industrial Practice

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1 Implementation of EuP in Industrial Practice
Prof. Dr. Ir. Ab Stevels Chair of Applied EcoDesign Design for Sustainability Lab Industrial Design Engineering Delft University of Technology October 30, 2019

2 What are the goals of EuP? (What is the content?)
Free movement of EcoDesigned products, giving environmental benefits and security of energy supply Wants that EcoDesign considers the total life cycle (raw materials, production, transport, use, end-of-life) Balance environmental with economic, technological, user and societal issues October 30, 2019

3 Consequence of EuP Organize your EcoDesign procedure (ISO technical report gives useful clues how to do this) Organize the environmental creativity in your organization Have tools available to support the processes October 30, 2019

4 Benefits of EuP EuP can be done; many companies are already successfully EcoDesigning their products EuP can help to make more competitive products EuP through its life cycle approach could also help to align other with environmental priorities, e.g. WEEE, RoHS When properly operated EuP can create EcoValue October 30, 2019

5 Pluses and minuses - + 1 2 3 4 5 Obligation to make an environmental analysis of the product (families) Addressing the complete lifecycle Physical quantities to characterize products Balancing of environmental, economic, technical, functional & other aspects Promotion of systematic review of new technology and new physics for functionality realization 1 2 3 4 Focus on EcoDesign could weaken other conditions for success (EcoDesign integration, Roadmaps, Performancemeasurement, Management & organization) Confusing, thus expensive, manufacturer requirements (not leading to an action agenda); a lot of documentation required for internal design control Too much emphasis on eco, not enough on value Little on enforcement & traceability October 30, 2019

6 A judgment of the current status of EUP – The Council’s Common Position
Article 95 should be maintained for free movement – how about products without implementing measures? Manufacturer self-declaration (module A) is the only appropriate way of certifying. Balanced stakeholder consultation throughout preparation of implementing measures. Priority to voluntary agreements that have proven to be effective. October 30, 2019

7 What can Ecodesign contribute to better environmental performance?
Reduction of environmental impact is limited by physics. Design stage is important. Yes, but physical embodiment determines much. E.g. small TV: CRT versus LCD Values of functionalities and costs of ownership are more important. EcoDesign needs to be balanced with other aspects. EcoDesign needs to create ‘value’. October 30, 2019

8 How to implement: Characteristics of Benchmarking
Comparison with competition; so relative, not absolute Technical language & tangible units instead of environmental indicators: W, seconds, kg, %… Learning by doing; do it yourself – visible Easy to integrate into business process; environmental specification of products October 30, 2019

9 Creativity in Environmental Improvement
Start separately, tune in to Product Creation Process: Do Environmental Benchmarks Environmental brainstorm, EcoDesign matrix, Prioritized Green Options Check feasibilities Consolidate in Product Specification Do concurrent detailed design October 30, 2019

10 Prioritize: EcoDesign matrix
October 30, 2019

11 The benefit in the EcoDesign matrix
Company Customer Society Less material Cost reduction Lower cost of ownership Less use of resources Immaterial Simpler to produce Easy / convenience Better compliance Simpler to sell More fun Emotional Better image Feel good / quality of life We make progress in green October 30, 2019

12 Feasibility analysis Technical Does physics etc allow to implement?
Directly or R&D needed Effect on quality / durability Financial Investments needed? (pay-back time ?) Consequences for suppliers Value chain effects October 30, 2019

13 Feedback / Continuous improvement
Generic model of integrating environmental aspects into the product development process Feedback / Continuous improvement Stage 1: Planning Stage 2: Conceptual design Stage 3: Detailed design Stage 4: Testing / Prototype Stage 5: Market launch Stage 6: Product review Get facts, prioritize according to benefits and feasibility, align with company strategy, consider environmental aspects, life cycle thinking Brainstorming, life cycle screening, consolidate into specification Applying design approaches Evaluation of results against targets and specification Release, communication plans Consider environmental aspects and effects October 30, 2019

14 Conclusions EuP is valuable in getting your EcoDesign act together.
There are tools available (benchmarking, brainstorm, EcoDesign matrix) to make it happen. Philips Consumer Electronics experience shows that it can be done. Better environmental performance is only partly due to Ecodesign: EUP must keep the balance between environmental and economical, technical, functional, etc. elements! October 30, 2019

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