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Jenny Wahl Economics Department Carleton College

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1 Jenny Wahl Economics Department Carleton College
Understanding and Teaching the Roots of the Civil War, part 2 EDS 112 Summer Institute 2009 Jenny Wahl Economics Department Carleton College

2 Number of Fugitive Slaves by State, 1850 and 1860
Source: Table Bb , Historical Statistics, Millennial Edition.

3 Prices, Prime Male Slaves, Various Markets, 1830-1860
Source: U.B. Phillips, Life and Labor in the Old South, as estimated by Evans, The Economics of Negro Slavery, corrected by Hummel and Weingast (WP).

4 Effect of Escape Probability Upon Slave Price
Probability of escape Price 0% 0.01% 0.10% 1% 5% 10% Assumptions: 10% rate of return, constant probability of escape, discount by premium proportional to probability of loss

5 Percent of Permanent Fugitive Prime Males by State, 1850 and 1860

6 [I]t was necessary to offer a greater reward, and such as would probably be sufficient to induce men to consult their own interests, regardless of the public sentiment around them [N]ot only [are] fugitives more frequently now than formerly returned to their owners, but [also] the difficulty of final escape has had some tendency to prevent others from attempting it. -- Elliott v. Gibson, 10 B. Mon. 438, 442 (Ky. 1850, referring to a statute requiring owners to pay $100 to captors of fugitive slaves.

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