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Ungraded quiz Unit 1.

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1 Ungraded quiz Unit 1

2 Show me your fingers Do not shout out the answer, or your classmates will follow what you said. Use your fingers One finger (the right finger) = A Two fingers = B Three fingers = C Four fingers = D No finger = I don’t know. I didn’t study

3 What is not true about abductive reasoning?
Abductive reasoning is introduced by Charles Sanders Pierce. Abduction is the same as inference to the best explanation (IBE). Abductive reasoning aims to propose a promising conjecture by exploring different plausible explanations. EDA is in alignment with abductive reasoning

4 Which of the following is NOT a component of EDA proposed by Velleman and Hoaglin?
Residual analysis Re-expression Robust procedures Revelation (data visualization)

5 In the past some scientists did not have the concept of residuals and thus they reported “perfect” data. These include: Johannes Kepler Gregor Mendel Arthur Eddington All of the above

6 Which of the following describes the concept of residual analysis?
Data = fit + residual Data = model + error Data = signal + noise All of the above

7 Which of the following is not a data transformation method?
Normalize the distribution Stabilize the variance Linearize the trend Equalize the deviations

8 What of the following is called common log?

9 The data visualization tool “boxplot” can be extended to:
Mean smoothing Median smoothing Winsorized mean Trimmed mean

10 Which of the following statement about EDA and data mining (DM) is UNTRUE?
EDA counts on human judgment whereas DM relies on automated machine learning Data mining is specifically developed for big data while traditionally EDA handles smaller data sets. Both EDA and DM rely on data visualization Both EDA and DM check parametric assumptions to prepare data for CDA.

11 Which of the following is not included in the goal-oriented taxonomy of EDA?
Detecting data clusters Maximizing insight Selecting variables Recognizing patterns and relationships

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