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INFORMATION SEMINAR Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania programme

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Presentation on theme: "INFORMATION SEMINAR Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania programme"— Presentation transcript:

1 INFORMATION SEMINAR Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania programme 2014-2020
3rd Call for proposals

2 Information on applications for the 1 and 2 Calls for proposals – 3.1.
Received applications Committed ERDF funds ERDF 1st call 2nd call Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme

3 Information on applications for the 1 and 2 Calls for proposals – 3.1.
„Average project“ Number of partners: 4 Duration: 23 months Budget: EUR Created/improved social services and infrastructure: number of created/improved social services (identifying them) which will be implemented also after the end of the project; and number of created infrastructure objects Created/improved social inclusion measures: number of created/improved social services (identifying them) which will be implemented also after the end of the project. Project can contribute to one (any) of these indicators, or can contribute to both. Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme

4 Adults with disabilities (physical, mental) and their family members
Information on Projects’ results for the 1 and 2 Calls for proposals – 3.1. Education and sports activities and programmes, summer camps, sensory integration (outdoors environment, multisensory rooms), nature trails, sports infrastructure, methods for coping with stress, consultations, leisure time spending activities, events, trainings, student exchange programme. Children with special needs and their parents, at-risk children and youth Group/service apartments, adaptation of infrastructure, consultations, workshops, events, trainings for target group (life skills, craft skills, including in business-related sectors), for families, home care, social rehabilitation, respite services, sensory integration methods and rooms, pilot testing of new methods Adults with disabilities (physical, mental) and their family members LLI-163 Popcoping LLI-151 Add me LLI-317 SocQuality LLI-329 HealthyLife LLI-365 Accesslife LLI-379 Perform LLI-402 Risk-free LLI-317 SocQuality LLI-344 SocialLife LLI-336 Super LLI-365 Accesslife LLI-368 ReSocialization LLI-404 New Skills Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme

5 Information on Projects’ results for the 1 and 2 Calls for proposals – 3.1.
Physical activities, home care social services, self-help activities (training of community members), purchase of specialized equipment. Elderly Temporary shelters (service apartments), creation of inter-disciplinary teamwork approach (guidelines, inter-institution cooperation plans). Families with children, women and children victims of domestic violence LLI-317 SocQuality LLI-341 Aging in Comfort LLI-317 SocQuality LLI-392 Safe city Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme

6 Children and adults suffering from mental and behavioural disorders
Information on Projects’ results for the 1 and 2 Calls for proposals – 3.1. Sensory integration methods and rooms, pilot testing of new methods, adoption of infrastructure, social rehabilitation activities, family support systems. Children and adults suffering from mental and behavioural disorders Trainings for target group, creation of support system, experience exchange for families, creation of recommendations for municipalities Foster family, adoptive parents, and guardians representatives LLI-336 Super LLI-365 Accesslife LLI-368 ReSocialization LLI-405 Lat-Lit SOS FGA Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme

7 Information on Projects’ results for the 1 and 2 Calls for proposals – 3.1.
LLI-212 I see LLI-163 Popcoping LLI-336 Super LLI-341 Aging in Comfort LLI-344 SocialLife LLI-365 Accesslife LLI-379 Perform LLI-392 Safe city LLI-402 Risk-free LLI-404 New Skills LLI-405 Lat-Lit SOS FGA Trainings and network for specialists, experience exchange visits, qualification programmes, training about social entrepreneurship. Specialists - social service providers, psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health nurses, physical therapists, mentors etc. Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme

8 Information on applications for the 1 and 2 Calls for proposals – 3.2.
Received applications Committed ERDF funds ERDF 1st call 2nd call Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme

9 Information on applications for the 1 and 2 Calls for proposals – 3.2.
„Average project“ Number of partners: 2 Duration (planned): 20 months Budget: EUR Number of deprived communities participating in the regeneration activities: Deprived community - group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society (for example, unemployed, at-risk children and youth etc.). One type of group per project partner can be reported. Deprived territory – whole project partners’ territory is deprived (is not so advantageous comparing with other close territories and proven with statistical data). Project has to choose – to tackle deprived territory or deprived community(ies) Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme

10 Information on Projects’ results for the 1 and 2 Calls for proposals – 3.2.
Trainings on healthy lifestyle, physical health, environment, sport activities, events, creation of social inclusion algorithm, trainings on crafts, social skills, languages, self-awareness, educational camps for children and parents, purchase of equipment, (re)construction of skate parks, sport infrastructure, children playgrounds, equipping of social spaces, crafts laboratories Deprived territory LLI-136 Regenerate deprived communities in the regions. Biržai (LT), Nereta (LV) LLI-295 V-R communities. Viesīte (LV), Rokišķi (LT) LLI-296 Unlocked potential. Biržai (LT), Aizkraukle (LV) LLI-337 Create to remain. Deprived villages in Zarasai (LT), Daugavpils (LV) LLI-323 Handicrafts. Židiki (LT), Nīgrande (LV) LLI-361 Sports activities. Kalēti (LV), Kuliai (LT) LLI-228 Family valley. Kretinga (LT), Ilūkste (LV) Author of the picture: Biržai district municipality administration Border Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme

11 persons with vision and hearing disabilities
Information on Projects’ results for the 1 and 2 Calls for proposals – 3.1. Camps with volunteers, investments in youth day centre, charitable dining room. Communities: socially excluded families, including multi-child families, families with disabled children Creation of theatre performance, experience exchange, equipment. persons with vision and hearing disabilities LLI-322 Igda vs poverty LLI-377 A different light Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme

12 Youth and children at-risk At risk-youth, youth workers
Information on Projects’ results for the 1 and 2 Calls for proposals – 3.1. Basketball game tournaments, sports equipment, repair of sport hall Communities: Youth and children at-risk Creative workshops (art, music), exhibitions, purchase of equipment for youth centres – music, art, methodological materials for work with youngsters. At risk-youth, youth workers LLI-237 Bventa LLI-282 Youth Empowerment Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme

13 For inspiration (1)
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 3.1 For inspiration (1) The project ‘’Let us be active! – Social inclusion of older people through volunteering in Estonia, Latvia and Finland’’ promotes the social activity of seniors as volunteers in the cities of Pärnu, Riga and Turku. Older people have knowledge, skills and experience which is their greatest potential that they can contribute with to the society. To give them this chance cities of Pärnu, Riga and Turku decided to set a project ‘’Let us be active! – Social inclusion of older people through volunteering’’ and to promote and develop the volunteering opportunities for seniors. Total budget: EUR ERDF contribution: EUR 4 project partners Photo from: Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme

14 For inspiration (2)
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 3.2 For inspiration (2) EmpowerKids addresses social exclusion and inadequate health information and social advice among the children in low-income families in Estonia, Finland and Latvia. Also knowledge of health care personnel, social workers and kindergarten teachers about the tools and methods to work with children from vulnerable groups is increased. WellWe-based tool for the health promotion and social advice work for the young children from the families of low income is introduced (as a tool/game for kids and specialists). Total budget: EUR ERDF contribution: EUR 5 project partners Photo from Border Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme

15 Thank you for your attention
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