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Admixture for Concrete

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1 Admixture for Concrete

2 Nowadays one of the most using construction material is concrete
Nowadays one of the most using construction material is concrete.However Normal concrete is produced water cement agreagate and having different properties of admixtures. Normal concrete have too many unit volume weight.This disadvantage caused by important problems.

3 Long spans beams can not carry own weight and this element buildings more damaged from earthquake.
Light concrete is produced for prevent to this disadvantage.It is provide decrease %20-25 unit volume weight from concrete. Also using light concrete provide this advantage ---economy because sections are smaller ---Heat and sound insularation ---Fire resistant ---Strength is high against earthquake

4 One of the using light agregate is pomza

5 According to Turkish Standart Pumice:apperiance like sponge and voids not connected each other occur from mostly silicate, volcanic natural light stone with a unit weight of less than 1g/cm^3, hardness of aproximately 6 according to mohs scale and showing glass texture.The purmice aggregate contain approximately %70 space.

6 Formation of Pumice Pumice rock forms when the magma cools so quickly that atoms in the melt are not able to arrange themselves into a crystalline structure.

7 Physical Properties of Purmice
Pumice Stone float on water. Pumice Stone commonly originated from Indonesia and Turkey. Different sizes of Pumice Stones are available. such as: 2-5 cm which known as small Pumice Stone. 3-5 cm which known as medium size Pumice Stone. 5-7cm which is known as Large size Pumice Stone. The melting temperature of Pumice Stone is 15000˚ C. pH value is 8 .

8 Physical Properties of Purmice
Hardness:6 Grain Size:Fine Grained Porosity:High Porous Streak:White, Greenish white or Gray Compressive strenght:52,20 N/mm^2 Density:2,313 g/cm^3 Specific Gravity:2,86 Unit weight:1g/cm^3

9 Chemical Properties of Purmice
Pumice include amount of %75 silica Chemical components of pumice are: %60-75 SiO2 %15-17 Al2O3 %1-3 Fe2O3 %1-2 CaO %7-8 Na2O-K2O

10 Chemical Properties of Pumice
SiO2 gives corrosive property to pumice. Al2O3 compound is gives high strength property to pumice against fire and heat.

11 There are two types of punice
1)Bazik pumice(white) 2)Acidic pumice(brown, black)

12 Punice is a puzzolan that when suitable amount of pozzolan is used with concrete instead of aggregate, concrete gains bindingness properties more than normal concrete. But using suitable amount is very important if use too much than concrete can lose strength. We can see it in these graphics.


14 Pumice in the construction sector;
Production of lightweight structural elements In the production of prefabricated building elements, Roof and decorative covering elements production, In light ready plaster and mortar production, In light concrete production, It is used frequently in roof and floor insulation filling.

15 Resources Alduaıj, J., Alshaleh, K., Haque, M. N., Ellaıthy, K., 1999, Lightweight concrete in hot coastal areas, Cem. Concr. Compos. 21, Altun, F., Haktanir, T., 2001, Flexural behavior of composite reinforced concrete elements, J. Mater. Civ. Eng. ASCE., 13, TS 706, 1980, Beton Agregalari, Ankara, Turkey. Nevşehir Pomzasınm Agrega Olarak Betonda Kullanılabilirliğinin Araştırılması- A. Tolğay, E. Yaşar & Y. Erdoğan Çukurova Üniversitesi, Maden Mühendisliği Bölümü, Adana KSU Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 16(2),2013 Osman GEÇTEN, Rüstem GÜL Atatürk Üniversitesi, İnşaat MühendisliğiProgramı, Erzurum, Türkiye


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