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Multi and Single Celled Organisms. Standards S5L3 Students will diagram and label parts of various cells (plant, animal, single-celled, and multi-celled).

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Presentation on theme: "Multi and Single Celled Organisms. Standards S5L3 Students will diagram and label parts of various cells (plant, animal, single-celled, and multi-celled)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multi and Single Celled Organisms

2 Standards S5L3 Students will diagram and label parts of various cells (plant, animal, single-celled, and multi-celled).

3 Essential Questions How do single and multiple cells compare and contrast?

4 Did you know??? Both plants and animals can be made of one cell-or millions of cells like you. One-celled (single-celled) organisms, however, tend to be different from those with many cells. –Some single-celled creatures have a nucleus, and some do not. –Some single-celled plants have chloroplasts, but not all have stiff cell walls. –All single-celled organisms eat, get rid of wastes, and reproduce.

5 Single-Celled Organisms Amoebas, Algae, Plankton, and bacteria are single-celled organisms. You need a microscope to see single- celled organisms.

6 Multi Celled Organisms Living things made up of more than one cell are multi-celled organisms. You are a multiple celled organism. Can you think of any other multi-celled organisms?

7 Multi Celled Examples Plants Animals Fungi

8 Single-celled organisms are made of only one cell. Example: algae, amoeba, paramecium Multi-cellular organisms, such as plants and animals, have a higher degree of specialization where the cells work together and function to create a living organism. Example: a human – starts as a single cell. Then organize themselves into three groups called germ layers. One layer will form the skin and nerves, Another layer becomes the lining of the digestive tract. The third layer produces all other body parts.

9 Single-CelledBOTHMulti-Celled


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