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Trends in the incidence of renal failure in Australia

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1 Trends in the incidence of renal failure in Australia
John Stewart, Margaret McCredie, Stephen McDonald

2 ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003
Background The patterns of incident ESRD have changed substantially over recent years A variety of factors might contribute to this Altered disease incidence Altered disease outcomes Altered referral and selection bias Changes in the underlying popuation ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003

3 ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003
Methods Treated ESRD (ANZDATA), Australia only Only 90+ day survivors Indirect standardisation to Australian population values (ABS) Changes examined in 3 groups Age Disease Country of birth ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003

4 ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003
Age at entry A B New patients per year, , Australia, treated ESRD only ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003

5 ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003
Age-specific changes 15 3 Non-indigenous 10 Indigenous 2.5 5 2 Rate ratio Rate ratio 2 1.5 1 1 .5 0-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 0-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Age group Age group Rate ratio 95% CI Incidence rate ratios for compared to ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003

6 ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003
Diseases over time The changes in disease incidence rates from the period to was examined, stratified by age groups Changes in most diseases are similar to the overall pattern, except Diabetes Hypertension / arteriopathy Analgaesic nephropathy ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003

7 ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003
Diabetic nephropathy 15 15 Type 1 diabetes Type 2 diabetes 10 10 5 5 Rate ratio Rate ratio 2 2 The increase in rates of type two diabetic nephropathy was considerably greater that of other primary renal disease. Furthermore, it appears to be disproportionately affecting the younger and Middle age groups. This rules out changing criteria for acceptance into treatment programs as the sole explanation. It is quite consistent, however with the increasing rates of diabetes observed in the general population over successive National heart foundation prevalence surveys and most recently the AusDiab survey 1 1 .5 .5 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Age group Age group Rate ratio 95% CI ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003

8 Hypertension / analgaesic
10 Analgaesic Hypertension / vascular 2 5 1 Rate ratio Rate ratio .5 2 This is what you would expect, among the older section of the population. The changes in the rates of analgaesic nephropathy represent the tail end of an exposure which was stopped 20 years ago. 1 .2 .5 .1 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 45-54 55-64 65+ Age group Age group Rate ratio 95% CI ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003

9 ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003
Place of birth Country of birth grouped by region Australia, British Isles, Southern Europe, Rest of Europe, Middle East, Indian sub-continent, East / South East Asia, Pacific Island Other than Pacific Island (23% Fijian Indians) and Middle East (15% European) there was little difference between country of birth and racial origin. All RRT patients who survived 90 days, ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003

10 Incidence by country of birth
.4 .6 .8 1 Rate ratio 15-44 45-64 65 & over Age (years) 1.2 1.4 .5 .7 .9 1.5 2 2.5 3 British Isles S. Europe Rest of Europe Mid East Indian sub-cont East/SE Asia ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003

11 ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003
Population Australian population and Australian ESRD patients, , by country of birth ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003

12 ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003
Specific diseases - 1 Glomerulonephritis in year group Country of birth Rate ratio British Isles [ ] S.Europe [ ] Rest of Europe [ ] Middle Eastern [ ] Indian subcontinent [ ] East/SE Asia [ ] Pacific Islands [ ] The type of glomerulonephritis was also examined were sufficient numbers were available. Persons born in east/Southeast Asian and higher rates of mesangial IGA-related disease than the other three groups, and also an increase in Lupus nephritis. There was no difference, however, in focal sclerosing glomerulonephritis. In contrast, the Middle East-born groups had the highest rates of focal sclerosing glomerulonephritis, but not others. Southern Europe-born people had high rates of mesangial IgA. Interestingly, there were no cases of anti-GBM disease among people born in Southern Europe, any of the three Asian regions or Pacific island nations. ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003

13 ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003
Specific diseases – 2 Hypertension / arteriopathic / renovascular disease among 65+ year group Country of birth Rate ratio British Isles 0.9 [ ] S. Europe [ ] Rest of Europe 1.0 [ ] Middle Eastern 1.6 [ ] Indian subcontinent 2.0 [ ] East/SE Asia 1.5 [ ] Do we know anything about the rates of hypertension among different subgroups in the Australian population. ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003

14 ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003
Issues Selection bias ANZDATA only collects treated ESRD Most applicable to older age group Will change over time Competing risks Patients may now be surviving to end-stage whereas previously they did not Lead-time bias Lessening level of creatinine at entry Effect on survival analyses Changing demography Progressive increase in proportion of populations of Asian / Aboriginal / Maori / PI racial origin Progressive ageing of the population. \ ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003

15 ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003
Issues 2 Classification bias Is the increase in type 1 diabetes actually type 2 in young people? Changes in disease prevalence Increasing population prevalence of diabetes Changes in disease behaviours ?beneficial effect of treatments ACE inhibitors may reduce the number of diabetics reaching end-stage But they may also affect the competing risk of cardiovascular disease ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003

16 ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003
Where to? More detailed examination of trends in recent years, and types of GN Comparison of these changes with elsewhere Hence the 90 day exclusion Associations with different treatment patterns ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003

17 ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003
Acknowledgements All staff of contributing renal units ANZDATA staff Sheila Williams ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003

18 ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003
ANZDATA Registry, ANZSN 2003

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