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oSSLT Test Preparations

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1 oSSLT Test Preparations
Never Tell Me The Odds: Multiple Choice Questions

2 Before you start the questions
Read Reread Take it Slow  Read the text carefully, and highlight important details.​ Once you are at the questions, go back and reread as necessary.   Most mistakes in these questions come from reading too quickly.

3 Highlight Check Reading the questions.
Highlight key words from the questions. Make sure you know exactly what they are asking for.

4 Answering Tip 1: Give yourself a hand
Cover up the answers with your hand while you read the question itself. Try to anticipate the right answer, before you get distracted by seeing the options available. Then, uncover the answers. If you see the answer you thought of, circle it, and then check to be sure that none of the other responses is better.

5 Rule out the wrong answers.
Answering Tip 2: Logic. Rule out the wrong answers. If you can’t think of an answer, or you don’t see the response you expected, then start by eliminating any answers you are sure are wrong. You can cross them out right on the test booklet. Adapted from Think Literacy: Cross Curricular Approaches, Grades

6 But.. how do I know what is a wrong answer?
Usually, there are two “more wrong” answers, and two answers that are possible. Try to find the WRONG answers look for: Missing information “funny” answers Answers that could be right in the real world, but don’t relate to the reading. Answers that use words like “always” and “never” tend to be wrong more often than those that use “sometimes” or “usually.” Adapted from Think Literacy: Cross Curricular Approaches, Grades

7 So, then.. how do I pick the right answer?
The longest? Direct quotes? Make your choice So, then.. how do I pick the right answer? Often the right answer is longer than the shorter ones. It will have the most specific details. Often, it will use words directly from the text. Double check by looking to see where and how those words are used in the text. Don’t agonize over each question. Generally your first impression is correct. Adapted from Think Literacy: Cross Curricular Approaches, Grades

8 If all else fails… GUESS!! Your odds are 1 in 4 of a correct answer…better than that, if you were able to eliminate 1 or 2 as clearly wrong. Statistically, the least likely answer is A, followed by D. B or C are your safest guesses, if you have nothing else to go on. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER leave a blank on a multiple choice question. Adapted from Think Literacy: Cross Curricular Approaches, Grades

9 The Logistics… Adapted from Think Literacy: Cross Curricular Approaches, Grades

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