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Bringing source control to BI world!

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Presentation on theme: "Bringing source control to BI world!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bringing source control to BI world!
Heidi Hasting Bringing source control to BI world! Hello Everyone…

2 Thanks to All Sponsors Gold Sponsors Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor

3 Heidi Hasting Business Intelligence Professional
over 7 years experience in Microsoft products. Formerly software developer. ALM/DLM enthusiast and Azure DevOps fan. Co-founder and Organiser of Adelaide Power BI User Group. Regular attendee at tech events (Azure Bootcamps, DevOps days, SQL Saturdays, Difinity and PASS Summit) Bit about me – what’s not on the slide Change hair colour frequently – makes it easy to find me at conferences, I go my natural colour brown to blend in For holidays I go to techie events Microsoft superfan

4 Why are you here? Do you ever have trouble finding the latest version of a report? Do you want to see the changes to a database/cube/report over time? Do you need to identify where a field is used across your BI Environment? Do you have issues with parallel development? Do you work in a Business Intelligence environment with no source control? If you answered yes to any of these questions then this session is for you! If you have questions throughout the presentation please feel free to ask them. Or if you don’t feel comfortable raising them in front of the group I’ll be around for the rest of today please do come see me. Ask the audience questions – Does anyone have databases? If a measure is changed do you know the who/what/when/why Do you have a backup Doesn’t require sysadmin to see things….

5 Agenda Why source control is important.
The different Visual Studio project types (database, analysis services, integration services and reporting services) How to bring an existing business intelligence environment into Source Control How to make a change How source control helps collaboration. Tell em what your gonna tell em

6 Assumptions Source Control and access to it
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Visual Studio and/or SQL Server Data Tools Business Intelligence Database Engine SSIS = SQL Server Integration Services SSAS = SQL Server Analysis Services (multidimensional/tabular) SSRS = SQL Server Reporting Services Some experience working with traditional business intelligence solutions using Microsoft SQL Server So before we get started I want to just mention a few assumptions I’ve made You’ve heard of Source Control

7 Source Control – What & Why
Source control is management of changes to files, websites… Sometimes called Version Control, Revision Control Keeps history for you, so you can see the changes to a database/cube/report over time Helps with the Who/What/When/Why Backup/Disaster Recovery parallel development Many more… Laymans terms – think file systems, track changes on documents but for files, keeps history for you, allows you to revert changes, see changes over time, backup. Example of when it can help you out, db changes made, application breaks, hello source control tell me what changed… Or maybe you don’t have enough access to see all the details…

8 Source Control – Who Developer Database Administrator (DBA)
Business Intelligence Developer Report Developer Data Scientist Data Analyst EVERYONE!!!!

9 Source Control – When Proactively Retrospectively
Starting a new solution Database, ETL, Cube, Reports Scripts Retrospectively Solution already deployed Potentially managed on server environment. Proactively or Retrospectively Proactively when you are working on any artefact/CI put it into source control, if it ends up being deployed to an environment great. If it doesn’t you still have it for reference. Retrospectively – You have an existing environment and you just want to give yourself a backup, or get started part way through the process.

10 Scenario DB+SSIS+SSAS(Multi)+SSRS
Lets start with a scenario, I am a business intelligence developer with a server environment containing SSDB, SSAS, SSIS, SSRS solutions

11 DB Here is my SSDB solution the WideWorldImporters DW

12 SSIS SSIS solution a DailyETLMain package in project deployment mode as part of the Daily ETL project

13 SSAS SSAS Multidimensional cube WideWorldImportersMultidimensionalCube

14 SSRS SSRS demo

15 Visual Studio

16 Visual Studio SSDT and SSDT-BI
Now lets talk about what/how Visual Studio comes into play. Visual Studio or for some SQL Server Data Tools has a number of project types that support business intelligence solutions. Note: Power BI not so much. Over the years the installation components have changed, for this scenario I have installed SSDT and SSDT BI So If we load Visual Studio and do New > Project… then the next slide is what we would see for BI SSDT and SSDT-BI

17 So you can see here we have Analysis Services Multidimensional and Tabular, Integration Services (there is actually two but only one displayed there), Reporting Services and Database Project. So now that you’ve seen the project types lets setup projects for my environment

18 Demo: Bring Existing BI Environment into Visual Studio Projects

19 Solution is now in Source Control!!

20 Recap Why source control is important.
The different Visual Studio project types (database, analysis services, integration services and reporting services) How to bring an existing business intelligence environment into Source Control How to facilitate Parallel Development

21 Where to from here Changes all locally in the visual studio projects nothing deployed to the environment We can deploy to the environment when ready We can revert the changes in source control… There is also the concept of branches in source control….

22 Questions

23 Further Information Wide World Importers samples - SQL Server Data Tools - VSTS - Database Projects: What is source control? Troy Hunt’s “The 10 commandments of good source control management” -

24 Further Information VSTS GIT Branching Strategies ALM Rangers Guidance (checkout Branching and Merging Guide)

25 Thank for attending SQLSaturday Perth!!

26 Heidi Hasting - Contacts

27 Screenshots in case of demo issues

28 Database Engine




32 Note: mention the folder structure options…




36 Design View

37 T-SQL View

38 Now lets add the SSIS project








46 Add SSAS






52 Now lets add the SSRS project









61 Adding to Source Control - VSTS
There are many source control solutions out there (Github, TFS, VSTS, Subversion, etc) but for this demo I will use VSTS. Here I have a VSTS Team Project called SQL Saturday South Island 2018 and as you can see its empty

62 Visual Studio While there are many options to add files to source control such as PowerShell, GIT Bash, GIT GUI, via Web and other tooling. I will be using Visual Studio In Visual Studio Load the Team Explorer pane Under Hosted Service Providers Select Connect… Connect to the VSTS server Connect to the SQL Saturday South Island 2018

63 We’re all connected and good to go

64 Select Add Solution to Source Control
Select Add Solution to Source Control.. And Visual Studio knows that we want it to be added to the VSTS team project we were connected to

65 Solution and Project files are modified to include reference to source control.

66 As this is GIT the commit is local first, then we need to push to remote repository


68 Note the URL is from an earlier slide




72 Time to make a change Added Display Name, notice the little tick next to Customer as there has been a change to the file

73 Right click the file and select Commit





78 Let’s see the changes over time
Added Display Name, notice the little tick next to Customer as there has been a change to the file

79 Local History Added Display Name, notice the little tick next to Customer as there has been a change to the file

80 Remote History - VSTS For remote repository history use VSTS

81 Compare Select the two versions to compare, right click and select Compare…

82 Added Display Name, notice the little tick next to Customer as there has been a change to the file

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