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Phases of Matter Cornell Notes page 125.

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1 Phases of Matter Cornell Notes page 125

2 Kinetic Energy The amount of energy an object possesses due to it’s motion.

3 A type of energy (thermal energy)

4 Kinetic Molecular Theory
Explanation of how particles in matter behave Adding energy/heat to a molecule speeds up the motion of the molecules and increases the space between them, (removing heat does the opposite.)

5 Temperature A measure of heat (energy)

6 Definite Indefinite Clearly defined or determined Fixed (stays the same) No fixed limit; unlimited Not clearly determined Doesn’t stay the same

7 Molecule One or more atoms chemically combined to make a single molecule.

8 (kinetic molecular theory)

9 Solids Definite volume Definite shape (solids keep their shape and keep the same volume, no matter what container they are in) Molecules form a rigid structure Low energy

10 Molecules in a solid

11 Liquids Definite volume Indefinite shape (liquids maintain the same volume, but will take the shape of their container.) Molecules slide past each other Higher energy level

12 (Molecules in a liquid)

13 Gases Indefinite volume Indefinite shape Gases expand to fit their container, changing both volume and shape Molecules move freely past each other Highest energy level

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