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AEC Tasks/Objectives/Teams (1)

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1 AEC Tasks/Objectives/Teams (1) 2018-19
DRAFT AEC Tasks/Objectives/Teams (1) Task Objectives Team Lead* Vice Chairman Primary Oversight -Sharon Branch:  Educator, Recognition, Scholarship Programs, Communications -Stephen Gourley:  STEM outreach programs, Awards, Development, CAP, AFROTC, AFJROTC, AAS/SW Sharon Branch Steven Gourley -AAS/SW Liaison -Expand AAS/SW and AFA Chpt Relationship -Provide mentorship to AAS/SW, and to Joint Nat’l Project; Encourage improved AF Chapter/AAS-SW relationship Gabriel Kearney*, Hannah Richmond Teacher of the Year Program -Assess, encourage increased chapters participation in TOY program; Increase visibility, ensure sponsor satisfaction -Evaluate National TOY nominations Susan Mallett*, Mary Anne Thompson, Beth Leavitt, Gabriel Kearney, Gary Copsey AEC Development -Expand AFA Fund Raising/Gifting/Sponsorship, specifically for AFA Aerospace Education Programs Dave Dietsch*, Bob George, Gil Perez, Mark Tarpley, (ALL AEC) Field Council Liaison*, RP Representation** -Provide informal feedback and Liaison between the AEC and FC to ensure coordinated AFA Policies Dave Dietsch*, Branch** AFA Program Review/ AEC Budget Input/Fin Cmte Liaison -Evaluate effectiveness of AFA Education Programs -Review AE Budget and track expenditures Rick Ragaller*, Buck Buckwalter, Bill Croom (Fin Cmte Liaison), Sharon Branch Civil Air Patrol Liaison -Ensure continued close CAP/AFA Relationship Susan Mallett* National Education Awards Recommendation -Draft AEC recommendation to AFA National Awards Committee, due NLT 15 May 2020 to AFA National Bill Yucuis*, Bill Croom, Gil Perez, Hannah Richmond CAP/AFA K-6 ACE Program -Ensure Field understanding -Push information to the field Mary Ann Thompson, Susan Mallett* Aerospace Education Integration -Continue to integrate AFAs AE Pgms with feedback, lessons learned made available as a resource to Educators/others and makes best use of social media.  Encourage use of AE Video/Briefs Mary Anne Thompson*, Sharon Branch, Gabriel Kearney, Beth Leavitt

2 AEC Tasks/Objectives/Teams (2) 2018-19
DRAFT AEC Tasks/Objectives/Teams (2) Task Objectives Team Lead AFJROTC/AFROTC Liaison -Ensure continued close AFROTC/AFJROTC connections -Work w/AFJROTC to finalize AFJROTC Cadet of the Year Award at Sept AS&C Symposium Rags Ragaller*, Hannah Richmond, Todd Taylor AFA Fellowship Pgm -Encourage Field participation/use (Proceeds directly fund AE Pgms) -Assess effectiveness Bill Croom*, Gil Perez, Bob George, Dave Dietsch Communications -Grow/improve Aerospace Education Comm. w/AFA Field, others; -AEC Newsletter Editor (Morrison), -Newsline Input (Morrison), -Social Media (Kearney, Richmond) -Review/update FOG for Aerospace Education Pgm Accuracy (Branch) Gabby Kearney*, Mitzi Morrison, Joan Sell, Sharon Branch, Hannah Richmond, Bob Elder StellarXplorers --Develop, Execute the National High School Space Challenge -Find, secure enduring funding for further StellarXplorers expansion Stephen Gourley*, Buck Buckwalter, Bill Yucuis, (Tim Brock, Sareta Gladson, Alex Edgar) CyberPatriot Support -Continue to Grow CP, encourage more involvement from AFA Field -Improve Field Support to CyberCamps Gil Perez*, Mitzi Morrison (work with Bernie Skoch) Scholarship/Grant Programs -Assess/Improve/enlarge Spouse Scholarship Program and all Scholarships - Revise AFA Policy on For Profit Schools Relationships as needed. -Assess effectiveness of all AFA Scholarship/Grant Pgms, especially Pitsenbarger Grants, recommend changes if needed. -Find sponsors for Grants programs—especially Spouse Scholarship and Pitsenbargers. Buck Buckwalter*, Joan Sell, Justin Thomas, Bob George, Mark Tarpley Air-Minded Strategies Education Initiative -Describe and implement focused AFA involvement to include AAS/SW and AFA Chapters -Bob Elder*, Bill Croom, Mark Tarpley

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