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Family and Community Engagement

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1 Family and Community Engagement
Janet Pichardo, Director of Family and Community Engagement School Board meeting – May 8, 2019

2 District Strategic Plan
GOAL #4 Providing Improved Service Raise the level of service to internal customers and the larger school community. Strategy 4E: Increase efforts with family engagement. The District is identifying service functions that have the greatest connection to the public and is actively working to improve its response, both in timeliness and customer satisfaction. These areas include student registration, transportation, facilities, communications, and family community engagement. District Strategic Plan Families are important partners in supporting student success.

3 FACE Vision and Mission
Family engagement successfully builds positive and respectful relationships between schools, families and communities through shared responsibility, meaningful engagement, thoughtful decision-making, and effective communication in order to provide every student with a quality education that prepares him/her for college, career and life. Mission To support student achievement through the implementation of strong family and community engagement strategies that ensure that all families are informed, involved and empowered.

4 Why visit or call the FACE Office?
Families and Community Bilingual staff Answers to questions or concerns Parenting advice Learning opportunities (PPA) Connection to resources Advocacy and leadership (PAC) Homeless Liaison Ombudsman support Sharing youth opportunities Help understand how to navigate PPSD Trainings to understand communication tools Welcome suggestions for improved service Schools Technical Assistance Thought partner Facilitation with families Translation services Provide PTO guidance Host parent trainings Connect to helpful agencies Collaboration with school partners Assist with Title I requirements Explore strategies to improve outreach efforts and two way communication

5 Parent Specialists Targeted Support
Schools Parent Participation Goal: 20% ⇧ Parent Academy Goal: 20%⇧ SurveyWorks Goal: 25% ⇧ Skyward usage Goal: 15% ⇧ Volunteers Goal: % ⇧ Years 1 and 2 Y1 Y2 Broad St. Carnevale Fortes* Lima* Lauro* Sackett Veazie Stuart Evolution* 360* Parent Specialist role Parent Specialists support family engagement in schools targeting key strategies. They partner with school principals, parent engagement teams and attendance teams to reduce chronic absenteeism, increase family engagement and to ensure compliance with Title I/ESSA funding. They connect with families to help understand the importance of attendance, identify challenges families may be facing and offer necessary supports. Anthony Carnevale School Testimonial “We are so proud to have Youa as our Parent Specialist for an increased amount of time. She has brought more parents to our monthly Parent Engagement Committee meetings which has led to more parents being involved in planning and running school events. Our SurveyWorks! Parent Survey submissions have skyrocketed to over 100 with her continued commitment to our school community! She has helped increase our volunteers at our school and assist with personal calls to improve student attendance.  She is a great asset to our school and hope we can keep her permanent at our school. ” Ranking: Green= On track Yellow= Pending data Red = Need improvement

6 Building Capacity & Empowering Parents
Providence Parent Academy (PPA) SY Goals Providence Parent Academy (PPA) SY 18-19 Overall Goals 200 attendees 10 courses 7 locations 2 sessions and 1 event offered in Spanish only; Temas Familiares (Lifespan and community partners) - “Stressed about paying for college” PPA workshop - College Planning Center and Evolutions parent and student Fall PPA Nov-Dec ‘18 83 attendees 3 courses 4 locations (1 topic 3 different locations) Over 95% satisfied with courses Spring PPA March-May ‘19 Attendees - Too early to report 7 courses (1 event in Spanish only) 3 locations Satisfaction – Too early to report Improvement strategies Collaborative outreach efforts Locations by school clusters Menu of workshops for schools

7 Increasing Outreach and Improving Services
2018 RIDE SurveyWorks 2019 RIDE SurveyWorks 2,047 parents responses 1,645 responses in 2017 In 2018 school climate was the greatest increase while family engagement continued to below Rosetta Stone families complete Survey Works survey 3,383 responses (online/paper) 61% increase!!!!! SurveyWorks just completed (January – March) Aggressive outreach and efforts to increase participation Maximizing family interactions Greeters offering support Stronger collaborative efforts

8 Providence Schools Volunteers
PPSD Volunteers Inspiring Minds(IM) update As of March 239 Volunteers Up to March 261 Volunteers 299 Volunteers by end of year Orientations Sessions 22 Orientation Sessions (10 district calendar and 11 hosted in schools or community by request) Inspiring Minds RFP process for schools ends in April. Served 17 Elementary Schools this year over 500 volunteers since March 2019 Expect increase in PPSD volunteers if IM continues to reduce numbers of schools served

9 McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (Homeless & ESSA Students)
Impact Steady increase Increase from Mckinney Vento and ESSA (foster care/group home) Significant time spent with case management services Tracking students through ERIDE database system Statewide Transportation and PPSD Transportation As of March 285 students have been identified and served Up to March 245 students 267 students were identified and served by end of year

10 Community Advisory Boards (CABs)
What is it? Next Steps State’s rating system requires schools in need of improvement to launch CABs. 13 schools have been identified in Providence. CABs will: Monitor and support school improvement process Report Annually to the Council of Elementary and Secondary Education 3 CABs have been formed – Elementary, Middle and High Orientation Meeting on April 4th Needs Assessment and Open Government Training on April 25th 1st CAB meeting scheduled in May

11 Planning ahead Learn and collaborate, as appropriate, with Parents Leading for Educational Equity-PLEE and ProvParents. Two community groups led by parents for parents. Evaluate FACE current systems and structures to improve programs and services Coordinate with schools to review and share Survey Works results across all stakeholders and grade levels to inform continuous improvement strategies and identify challenges, opportunities and share best practices for greater systemic impact Building knowledge and capacity of families is a shared responsibility. A host-planning committee will be formed to maximize relationships and identify learning opportunities for families through the Providence Parent Academy (PPA) Continue involvement in district work group discussions for the implementation of initiatives such as, CABs, Multi-tiered Systems of Support for Social Emotional Learning, Chronic Absenteeism Awareness Campaign, Special populations and English Language Learners, etc. #3 including English Language Learners and Special Education families

12 Planning ahead Expand collaborations with external organizations where families live and gather in order to improve outreach and awareness Work with school partnership, School based Coordinators and School Culture Coordinators to leverage resources, knowledge and effective family engagement strategies to reach families and communities Continue working with Strategic Partnerships Office to ensure alignment of family engagement efforts with district Partners and avoid disconnection Collaborate with Student Registration to conduct targeted outreach to all incoming students and families to “on board them” immediately following the student assignment process inviting them to a Parent Academy session – Welcome to Providence Schools. Work with the Communications and Technology team to explore the development of a Volunteer Orientation webinar or electronic version, as another option for families


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