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Proposed Approach for ONAP Runtime Support of Network Service Onboarding Gil Bullard, AT&T.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposed Approach for ONAP Runtime Support of Network Service Onboarding Gil Bullard, AT&T."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposed Approach for ONAP Runtime Support of Network Service Onboarding
Gil Bullard, AT&T

2 Proposal Summary Application-level configuration and LCM is the functionality that is peculiar to ONAP, outside of the scope of ETSI MANO. ONAP should provide two Service Provider options with respect to application level configuration and LCM on a per-NF/per-Service basis: Option 1: ONAP supports application level configuration and LCM of the NF in the context of the Service Option 2: An external OSS/BSS/EM supports this application level configuration and LCM For Service Providers who choose to do so, ONAP should support onboarding of SOL001 NSDs ONAP runtime support of an onboarded Network Service Descriptor should minimize changes to a Service Provider’s OSS/BSS infrastructure that had been supporting the corresponding “end to end service” ONAP runtime support should allow Service Provider the option to either “plug in” a VNFM or not. (In the subsequent detailed slide descriptions of this proposal examples of both cases are shown.) To accomplish these needs, the ONAP runtime/internal model need not support a separate “object type” called “Network Service”. Rather, the onboarding model of Network Service would be mapped to a standard ONAP “Service” in the internal model. Depending on whether Option 1 or Option 2 is desired, this ONAP “Service” would either be enriched to include application level configuration and LCM support, or not.

3 Proposal Summary: Service Provider Options to Meet Standards at the “Edges”
SOL005 Standards Translation/Adaptation Layer ETSI Translation/Adaptation Layer ONAP Onboarding Service Request Management SOL001/SOL004 VNFD SOL001 NSD Standards Translation/Adaptation Layer ETSI Translation/Adaptation Layer SOL003 Ciaran 14:00 “Evolving support of ETSI - Alignment - VNF LCM”

4 Proposal Summary: Service Provider Option 1
Best viewed in “slideshow model” VNF 3 ONAP Service B Have ONAP support onboarding of a SOL001 Network Service Descriptor Through standard “nested service” support, ONAP modeling would allow the onboarded Service to be included in a higher-order ONAP service. However, because of “separation of concerns” considerations, this higher-order Service would not be aware of the existence of VNF 1 and VNF 2. All management of these VNFs would be delegated to Service A. VNF 1 VNF 2 ETSI NS A Translate VNF 1 VNF 2 ONAP Service A ONAP SDC would translate the Network Service Descriptor into the ONAP internal format. ONAP would not manage the application level configuration or LCM of that ONAP Service. Rather, external actors would do this (e.g., EM).

5 Proposal Summary: Service Provider Option 1
Best viewed in “slideshow model” Of course, the resultant Service can still be included in a higher-order ONAP service. Again, because of “separation of concerns” considerations, this higher-order Service would not be aware of the existence of VNF 1 and VNF 2. All management of these VNFs would be delegated to Service A’. VNF 3 ONAP Service B Enrich VNF 1 VNF 2 ETSI NS A Translate VNF 1 VNF 2 ONAP Service A VNF 1’ VNF 2’ ONAP Service A’ If the Service Provider wants ONAP to manage the application level configuration and LCM of the VNFs, the ONAP Service model can be “enriched” with the application level support information.

6 ONAP SO Approach to TOSCA Model-Driven Orchestration

7 Nested Service Topology Templates Drive SO Orchestration
Service Service Template Assign (inputs) Create (inputs) Configure (inputs) Activate (inputs) Build (inputs) VNF Service Template Assign (inputs) Create (inputs) Configure (inputs) Activate (inputs) VF Module Service Template Assign (inputs) Request (inputs) TOSCA Standard Node Templates Network Service Template Assign (Inputs) Create/Config (Inputs) PNF Service Template Assign Configure Activate AllottedResource Service Template Assign Create/Config Activate

8 “Outer” Topology Template Drives Service-Level Flow
Service Service Template Assign Create Configure Activate Build Instantiate (Build) Service_Request Service Level Flow Decompose Home Assign Service Create Service Configure Activate Assign Service_Instance OOF Create Service_Instance Configure Service_Instance Activate Service_Instance Decompose Service Configure Service Instance Configure Resources Assign Service Instance Create Service Instance Activate Service Instance Assign Resources Assign Svc Instance Loop Thru Resources Create Resources Activate Resources Loop Thru Resources Loop Thru Resources Loop Thru Resources ANF Service Template Configure PNF Service Template Configure Assign Service Instance VNF Service Template Configure Network Service Template Create Network Service Template Activate Network Service Template Assign ANF Service Template Create ANF Service Template Activate ANF Service Template Assign VNF Service Template Create PNF Service Template Activate PNF Service Template Assign VNF Service Template Activate VNF Service Template Assign

9 “Inner” Topology Template Drives VNF-Level Flow
Assign VNF_Instance Request VNF_Instance With “Plugged In” VNFM Assign VNF Instance Request VNF Instance (with VNFM) Assign VF Module Get VF Mod Assignments Loop Thru VF Modules Activate VF Module Request VNF_Instance Assign VNF Instance Create VNF Instance No “Plugged In” VNFM Loop Thru VF Modules Loop Thru VF Modules Request VNF Instance (MultiVIM) VNFM Create VF Module Activate VF Module Get Vf Mod Assign Activate Vf Module Assign Vnf Loop Thru VF Modules Assign Vf Module Send a VF-Module activate request to SND-C Update the vf-module object in A&AI, orchestration-status = Active Create generic-vnf object in A&AI, orchestration-status = Inventoried Call SDN-C Assign Update generic-vnf object in A&AI, orchestration-status = Assigned Request Vf Module Create Activate Vf Module Call SDN-C to get vf-module assignments Generate VF Module Template (or HEAT) input parameter instance values (e.g., ENV) and pass to Cloud Orchestrator (e.g., OpenStack HEAT) to create object in cloud Update vf-module object in A&AI, orchestration-status = Created Create vf-module object in A&AI, orchestration-status = Inventoried Call SDN-C Assign Update volume-group object in A&AI, orchestration-status = Assigned

10 Terminology and Background

11 Terminology VNF Onboarding and Enrichment (Onboarding SOL001/4 Example)
Manually Enrich Promote to Finished Good VNF 1 SOL004 Package Attachments VNF Descriptor Promote to Finished Good Translate Auto Enrich Manually Enrich Promote to Finished Good Translate – Convert from “onboarding” model to ONAP internal model Auto Enrich – Onboard any “application level” management information from the “AppConfig Template,” an ONAP-standard format attachment to the SOL004 package Manually Enrich – The “Resource Designer” adds any additional information or constraints that are deemed necessary for the VNF as a “generic” VNF (i.e., across all Services). For example, the Resource Designer could choose to constrain, for perceived security reasons, a particular attribute setting that was allowed by the vendor. Promote to Finished Good – The Resource Designer indicates that their work on the VNF model is complete, and is now ready to be used in Services as an “ONAP Generic VNF Design Time Model”. Promote to Finished Good

12 That which the VNF Vendor knows as VNF 1
Background A Note About Notation – Use of ’ to denote “Application Level Awareness” VNF 1’ Model information descriptive of “Application Aspects” of that which the VNF Vendor knows as VNF 1 VNF 1 Model information descriptive of the “Infrastructure Aspects” of that which the VNF Vendor knows as VNF 1 That which the VNF Vendor knows as VNF 1 VNF 1

13 Background A Note About Notation
The notation ’ indicates that the “application level” aspects are included in the management of that object. E.g., VNF 1’ indicates that the management of that object includes the application level management. VNF 1 VNF 2 NS A Model formally specified in ETSI E.g., because VNF 1 does not have a ’ behind its numeral, the ETSI specification (descriptor) of VNF 1 would not include any information about the application level management of VNF 1. Model formally specified in ONAP VNF 1’ VNF 2’ Service A’ E.g., VNF 1’ in this color indicates that management of that object includes both the application level management as well as information about how to instantiate and perform LCM functions on VNF 1. The VNF itself VNF 1 VNF 1 in this color represents the VNF 1 itself as a managed object (potentially) in the network. Service A’ VNF 2’ VNF 1’ Model outside the scope of ETSI E.g., VNF 1’ in this color indicates that management of that object includes only the application level management. I.e., the “specification” of VNF 1’ represented in this color would not include any information about how to instantiate or perform LCM functions on VNF 1.

14 (*EM is optionally considered part of OSS)
Background Assumed Understanding of an ETSI Service Provider’s Operations Environment 1 BSS/OSS Design/Develop Time: Create and distribute Service A’, VNF 1’, and VNF 2’ definitions (outside of the scope of MANO) to OSS/BSS. In this example VNF 1’ and VNF 2’ “descriptors” capture the application level configuration needs of what the VNFM knows as (though the OSS/BSS does not) VNF 1 and VNF 2. Create and distribute VNF 1, VNF 2, and NS A descriptors to NFVO. Create and distribute VNF 1 and VNF 2 descriptors to VNFM. Run Time: OSS/BSS receives request to create an instance of Service A’. OSS/BSS “decomposes” request into NS A, VNF 1’, VNF 2’. OSS/BSS calls NFVO via SOL005 API requesting instantiation of NS A. NFVO calls VNFM 1 via SOL003 API, requesting creation of VNF 1, passing necessary “deployment data” values. VNFM 1 calls VIM to create VNF 1, and applies any needed deployment data via SOL002 API. At this point VNF 1 only has “deployment data” (networking data) configured. “Deployment data” can be thought of as the functional equivalent of the sort of data one might expect to find captured in a HEAT ENV. NFVO calls VNFM 2 via SOL003 API, requesting creation of VNF 2, passing necessary “deployment data” values. VNFM 2 calls VIM to create VNF 2, and applies any needed deployment data via SOL002 API. At this point VNF 2 only has “deployment data” (networking data) configured. Connectivity between the VNFs is configured via a direct interface between the NFVO and the VIM The BSS/OSS stages the EM(s) with the appropriate application configuration data. (Note that this is outside of the scope of ETSI, and so different Service Providers can use different triggers for sending application level data to the EMs, and triggering the application of that data into the VNFs.) (*EM is optionally considered part of OSS) 1 Service A’ (Service A’ Request) Does not formally specify application level data, only deployment data NS A SM (Service A’) VNF 2’ VNF 1’ 8 (Service A’ Request) NM 2 NS A 2 SOL005 (“NS A” request) VNF 1 VNF 2 Ntw A SOL001 (NSD) NFVO Application Level configuration of VNF 1 in context of Service A’ Application Level configuration of VNF 2 in context of Service A’ SOL003 3 3 5 SOL001 (VNFD) VNFM 1 VNFM 2 7 VIM 4 6 SOL002 (deployment data) VIM VNF1 EMs Ntw A VNF2 EM Does not formally specify application level data, only deployment data

15 Detailed Proposal: Design Time and Run Time

16 SDC VNF 1 VNF 2 NS A Ntw A Service A’ OSS/BSS NS A VNF 2’ VNF 1’ ONAP
Service Provider Options for Migrating a Given ETS NS into ONAP without an Optional “Plugged In” VNFM Service Provider Option A1: ONAP Supports Application Level Configuration Does not formally specify application level data, only deployment data Service Designer enriches the Service A model to create the Service A’ model. Included is the definition of the input level data that must be supplied with the service A’ instantiation request and the associated data transformation and mapping (to the NFVO). Also included is the definition of the transformation and mapping of the Service A’ input parameters to the underlying VNF 1’ and VNF 2’ application data parameters. SDC 4 6 VNF 1 VNF 2 NS A Ntw A 1 2 Service A’ Translate Enrich OSS/BSS 1 OSS would be modified to relinquish the SM and NM functionality to ONAP. OSS would thus send a single Service A’ level request, as opposed to separate NS A and Service A’/VNF 1 and Service A’/VNF 2 requests. 5 Enrich Translate 3 NS A VNF 2’ SOL001 (NSD, VNFD) VNF 1’ TBD (Service A’ request) 2 VNF 1 AppConfig Template VNF 2 AppConfig Template Automated enrichment based on vendor’s artifact 7 ONAP 3 ONAP Service Descriptor 4 5 Service A’ An ONAP formalization of the VNF’s application level configuration needs, incorporated as an attached into the SOL004 VNF Package. VNF 1’ VNF 2’ Ntw A application data 9 10 7 8 Though not formally a part of the ONAP internal model, the ETSI Network Service is still conceptually present in this approach, but is merged into the single ONAP Service, allowing ONAP to treat both the application level configuration and the deployment level LCM as part of the same service. 6 (*if an optional EM is present, its configuration data and activation trigger would be handled by ONAP) VIM Ntw A VNF1 VNF2

17 Service Provider Options for Migrating a Given ETS NS into ONAP with a “Plugged In” VNFM Service Provider Option A1: ONAP Supports Application Level Configuration Design/Develop Time: OSS/BSS is modified such that it no longer knows how to decompose Service A’ into component NS A, VNF 1’, and VNF 2’. OSS/BSS also modified such that its endpoint of requesting Service A’ instantiation is now ONAP. The existing NS A descriptor is loaded into ONAP SDC, along with the VNF 1 and VNF 2 descriptors. ONAP SDC translates the VNF 1 and VNF 2 descriptors from the onboarding model (green VNF 1 and 2) to the SDC internal VNF models (blue VNF 1 and 2) ONAP SDC translates the NS A descriptor from the onboarding model to the SDC internal Service model (Service A). ONAP defines a standard format in which a VNF vendor can capture their VNF’s application level configuration needs. This ONAP-specific artifact would be included in the VNF Package as an attachment. SDC would extract this content and apply to the VNFs, now referring to them as VNF 1’ and VNF 2’. SDC service designer enriches the SDC internal model for Service A to capture the application level configuration data needs of the corresponding “end to end service”. We now refer to this as Service A’. Distribute VNF 1’, VNF 2’, and Service A’ descriptors to ONAP run time catalog. Distribute VNF 1 and VNF 2 descriptors to VNFM. Run Time: OSS/BSS receives request to create an instance of Service A’. OSS/BSS does not decompose request. OSS/BSS calls ONAP via (TBD) API requesting instantiation of Service A’. ONAP decomposes Service A’ into VNF 1’, VNF 2’ and Ntw A, and performs homing for these Resources. ONAP makes network assignments for Ntw A. ONAP makes network assignments for VNF 1’. ONAP makes network assignments for VNF 2’. ONAP calls appropriate endpoint to create/configure Ntw A. ONAP calls VIM to create VNF 1, and applies any needed deployment data (e.g., via HEAT ENV). At this point VNF 1 only has “deployment data” (networking data) configured. ONAP calls VIM to create VNF 2, and applies any needed deployment data (e.g., via HEAT ENV). At this point VNF 2 only has “deployment data” (networking data) configured. ONAP configures application level data of VNF 1’. ONAP configures application level data of VNF 2’.

18 SDC VNF 1 VNF 2 NS A Ntw A Service A’ OSS/BSS NS A VNF 2’ VNF 1’ ONAP
Service Provider Options for Migrating a Given ETS NS into ONAP with an Optional “Plugged In” VNFM Service Provider Option A2: ONAP Supports Application Level Configuration Does not formally specify application level data, only deployment data Service Designer enriches the Service A model to create the Service A’ model. Included is the definition of the input level data that must be supplied with the service A’ instantiation request and the associated data transformation and mapping (to the NFVO). Also included is the definition of the transformation and mapping of the Service A’ input parameters to the underlying VNF 1’ and VNF 2’ application data parameters. SDC 4 6 VNF 1 VNF 2 NS A Ntw A 1 2 Service A’ Translate Enrich OSS/BSS 1 OSS would be modified to relinquish the SM and NM functionality to ONAP. OSS would thus send a single Service A’ level request, as opposed to separate NS A and Service A’/VNF 1 and Service A’/VNF 2 requests. 5 Enrich Translate 3 NS A VNF 2’ SOL001 (NSD, VNFD) VNF 1’ TBD (Service A’ request) 2 VNF 1 AppConfig Template VNF 2 AppConfig Template Automated enrichment based on vendor’s artifact 7 ONAP SM/NM/EM ONAP Service Descriptor NFVO The “DataMap” function reverse maps instance data from the ONAP internal to the ETSI model. 3 4 5 Service A’ An ONAP formalization of the VNF’s application level configuration needs, incorporated as an attached into the SOL004 VNF Package. 8 DataMap -> VNF 1 DataMap -> VNF 2 VNF 1’ VNF 2’ Ntw A SOL003 7 9 application data 11 12 This reverse mapping can be derived from the SDC onboard translate. VNFM 1 ETSI VNF Descriptor VNFM 2 Though not formally a part of the ONAP internal model, the ETSI Network Service is still conceptually present in this approach, but is merged into the single ONAP Service, allowing ONAP to treat both the application level configuration and the deployment level LCM as part of the same service. 6 8 10 SOL002 (deployment data) VIM (*if an optional EM is present, its configuration data and activation trigger would be handled by ONAP) Ntw A VNF1 VNF2

19 Service Provider Options for Migrating a Given ETS NS into ONAP with a “Plugged In” VNFM Service Provider Option A2: ONAP Supports Application Level Configuration Design/Develop Time: OSS/BSS is modified such that it no longer knows how to decompose Service A’ into component NS A, VNF 1’, and VNF 2’. OSS/BSS also modified such that its endpoint of requesting Service A’ instantiation is now ONAP. The existing NS A descriptor is loaded into ONAP SDC, along with the VNF 1 and VNF 2 descriptors. ONAP SDC translates the VNF 1 and VNF 2 descriptors from the onboarding model (green VNF 1 and 2) to the SDC internal VNF models (blue VNF 1 and 2) ONAP SDC translates the NS A descriptor from the onboarding model to the SDC internal Service model (Service A). ONAP defines a standard format in which a VNF vendor can capture their VNF’s application level configuration needs. This ONAP-specific artifact would be included in the VNF Package as an attachment. SDC would extract this content and apply to the VNFs, now referring to them as VNF 1’ and VNF 2’. SDC service designer enriches the SDC internal model for Service A to capture the application level configuration data needs of the corresponding “end to end service”. We now refer to this as Service A’. Distribute VNF 1’, VNF 2’, and Service A’ descriptors to ONAP run time catalog. Distribute VNF 1 and VNF 2 descriptors to VNFM. Run Time: OSS/BSS receives request to create an instance of Service A’. OSS/BSS does not decompose request. OSS/BSS calls ONAP via (TBD) API requesting instantiation of Service A’. ONAP decomposes Service A’ into VNF 1’, VNF 2’ and Ntw A, and performs homing for these Resources. ONAP makes network assignments for Ntw A. ONAP makes network assignments for VNF 1’. ONAP makes network assignments for VNF 2’. ONAP calls appropriate endpoint to create/configure Ntw A. ONAP calls VNFM 1 via SOL003 API, requesting creation of VNF 1, passing necessary “deployment data” values (e.g., assignments). This requires reverse translation of VNF 1’->VNF 1 be preserved in the SDC onboarding translation function. VNFM calls VIM to create VNF 1, and applies any needed deployment data via SOL002 API. At this point VNF 1 only has “deployment data” (networking data) configured. “Deployment data” can be thought of as the functional equivalent of the sort of data one might expect to find captured in a HEAT ENV ONAP calls VNFM 2 requesting creation of VNF 2, passing necessary “deployment data” values (e.g., assignments). This requires reverse translation of VNF 2’->VNF 2 be preserved in the SDC onboarding translation function. At this point VNF 1 only has “deployment data” (networking data) configured. VNFM calls VIM to create VNF 2, and applies any needed deployment data via SOL002 API. At this point VNF 1 only has “deployment data” (networking data) configured. ONAP configures application level data of VNF 1’. ONAP configures application level data of VNF 2’.

20 OSS/BSS Service A’ VNF 2’ VNF 1’ SDC VNF 1 VNF 2 NS A Ntw A NS A ONAP
Service Provider Options for Migrating a Given ETS NS into ONAP without an Optional “Plugged In” VNFM Service Provider Option B1: OSS/BSS Supports Application Level Configuration In this option, ONAP is unaware of Service A’ OSS/BSS In this option the OSS/BSS and EMs retain the responsibility of managing Service A’, including applying the application level data. Service A’ VNF 2’ VNF 1’ 1 SDC 3 SM (Service A’) VNF 1 VNF 2 NS A Ntw A 1 NS A (Service A’ Request) 12 Translate NM 2 SOL001 (NSD, VNFD) SOL005 (“NS A” request) 2 In this option, ONAP is unaware of the application-level data associated with these VNFs. Translate ONAP Adaptor (TBD) (Service A request) 3 Application Level configuration of VNF 1 in context of Service A’ Application Level configuration of VNF 2 in context of Service A’ 4 ONAP Service Descriptor ONAP Does not formally specify application level data, only deployment data NM/EM NFVO VNF 1 VNF 2 Service A Ntw A 4 5 6 Does not know about application level data, only deployment data 10 11 7 8 9 For VNFs which are supported by a “plug in” VNFM, the SDC “Translate” function maps ETSI “resource data” and “deployment data” into ONAP “cloud services” data sent across the SOL003 API to the VNFM. In this case, ONAP interacts with the VNFM at the “Create” operation, and not with a VIM directly. VIM Ntw A Ntw A VNF1 EMs VNF2 EMs

21 Service Provider Options for Migrating a Given ETS NS into ONAP with a “Plugged In” VNFM Service Provider Option B1: OSS/BSS Supports Application Level Configuration Design/Develop Time: The existing NS A descriptor is loaded into ONAP SDC, along with the VNF 1 and VNF 2 descriptors. ONAP SDC translates the VNF 1 and VNF 2 descriptors from the onboarding model (green VNF 1 and 2) to the SDC internal VNF models (blue VNF 1 and 2). ONAP SDC translates the NS A descriptor from the onboarding model to the SDC internal Service model (Service A). Distribute VNF 1, VNF 2, and Service A descriptors to ONAP run time catalog. Distribute VNF 1 and VNF 2 descriptors to VNFM. Run Time: OSS/BSS receives request to create an instance of Service A’. OSS/BSS decomposes request into NS A, VNF 1’, VNF 2’. OSS/BSS calls ONAP SOL005 Adaptor requesting instantiation of NS A. ONAP Adaptor uses SDC model information to translate the SOL005 NS A request into an ONAP API request for Service A. ONAP decomposes Service A into VNF 1 and VNF 2, and performs homing for these VNFs. ONAP makes network assignments for Ntw A. ONAP makes any needed network assignments for VNF 1 as per the VNF 1 descriptor. (Depends upon whether the Service Provider wants the OSS/BSS to pass in VNF 1 network assignments with the SOL005 request, or whether wants to have ONAP make these assignments.) ONAP makes any needed network assignments for VNF 2 as per the VNF 2 descriptor. (Depends upon whether the Service Provider wants the OSS/BSS to pass in VNF 2 network assignments with the SOL005 request, or whether wants to have ONAP make these assignments.) ONAP calls appropriate endpoint to create/configure Ntw A. ONAP calls VIM to create VNF 1, and applies any needed deployment data (e.g., via HEAT ENV). At this point VNF 1 only has “deployment data” (networking data) configured. ONAP calls VIM to create VNF 2, and applies any needed deployment data (e.g., via HEAT ENV). At this point VNF 2 only has “deployment data” (networking data) configured. ONAP determines that, as per the SDC model thereof, there is no application level data for ONAP to configure for VNF 1 in the context of Service A. ONAP determines that, as per the SDC model thereof, there is no application level data for ONAP to configure VNF 2 in the context of Service A. Upon receipt of success from ONAP, OSS/BSS requests the appropriate EM(s) to configure VNF 1’ and VNF 2’ (i.e., the application level data configuration of VNF 1 and VNF 2 in the Service A’ context).

22 OSS/BSS Service A’ VNF 2’ VNF 1’ SDC VNF 1 VNF 2 NS A Ntw A NS A ONAP
Service Provider Options for Migrating a Given ETS NS into ONAP with an Optional “Plugged In” VNFM Service Provider Option B2: OSS/BSS Supports Application Level Configuration In this option, ONAP is unaware of Service A’ OSS/BSS In this option the OSS/BSS and EMs retain the responsibility of managing Service A’, including applying the application level data. Service A’ VNF 2’ VNF 1’ 1 SDC 3 SM (Service A’) VNF 1 VNF 2 NS A Ntw A 1 NS A (Service A’ Request) 14 Translate NM 2 SOL001 (NSD, VNFD) SOL005 (“NS A” request) 2 In this option, ONAP is unaware of the application-level data associated with these VNFs. Translate ONAP Adaptor (TBD) (Service A request) 3 Application Level configuration of VNF 1 in context of Service A’ Application Level configuration of VNF 2 in context of Service A’ 4 ONAP Service Descriptor ONAP Does not formally specify application level data, only deployment data 4 5 6 NM/EM NFVO VNF 1 VNF 2 Service A Ntw A Does not know about application level data, only deployment data DataMap -> VNF 1 DataMap -> VNF 2 12 13 SOL003 8 10 7 ETSI VNF Descriptor 5 VNFM 1 VNFM 2 For VNFs which are supported by a “plug in” VNFM, the SDC “Translate” function maps ETSI “resource data” and “deployment data” into ONAP “cloud services” data sent across the SOL003 API to the VNFM. In this case, ONAP interacts with the VNFM at the “Create” operation, and not with a VIM directly. 9 SOL002 11 VIM Ntw A Ntw A VNF1 EMs VNF2 EMs

23 Service Provider Options for Migrating a Given ETS NS into ONAP with a “Plugged In” VNFM Service Provider Option B2: OSS/BSS Supports Application Level Configuration Design/Develop Time: The existing NS A descriptor is loaded into ONAP SDC, along with the VNF 1 and VNF 2 descriptors. ONAP SDC translates the VNF 1 and VNF 2 descriptors from the onboarding model (green VNF 1 and 2) to the SDC internal VNF models (blue VNF 1 and 2). ONAP SDC translates the NS A descriptor from the onboarding model to the SDC internal Service model (Service A). Distribute VNF 1, VNF 2, and Service A descriptors to ONAP run time catalog. Distribute VNF 1 and VNF 2 descriptors to VNFM. Run Time: OSS/BSS receives request to create an instance of Service A’. OSS/BSS decomposes request into NS A, VNF 1’, VNF 2’. OSS/BSS calls ONAP SOL005 Adaptor requesting instantiation of NS A. ONAP Adaptor uses SDC model information to translate the SOL005 NS A request into an ONAP API request for Service A. ONAP decomposes Service A into VNF 1 and VNF 2, and performs homing for these VNFs. ONAP makes network assignments for Ntw A. ONAP makes any needed network assignments for VNF 1 as per the VNF 1 descriptor. (Depends upon whether the Service Provider wants the OSS/BSS to pass in VNF 1 network assignments with the SOL005 request, or whether wants to have ONAP make these assignments.) ONAP makes any needed network assignments for VNF 2 as per the VNF 2 descriptor. (Depends upon whether the Service Provider wants the OSS/BSS to pass in VNF 2 network assignments with the SOL005 request, or whether wants to have ONAP make these assignments.) ONAP calls appropriate endpoint to create/configure Ntw A. ONAP calls VNFM 1 via SOL003 API, requesting creation of VNF 1, passing necessary “deployment data” values (e.g., assignments). This requires reverse translation of internal VNF 1 model (blue) to ETSI VNF 1 model (green), which in turn requires this mapping be preserved in the SDC onboarding translation function. VNFM calls VIM to create VNF 1, and applies any needed deployment data via SOL002 API. At this point VNF 1 only has “deployment data” (networking data) configured. “Deployment data” can be thought of as the functional equivalent of the sort of data one might expect to find captured in a HEAT ENV ONAP calls VNFM 2 via SOL003 API, requesting creation of VNF 2, passing necessary “deployment data” values (e.g., assignments). This requires reverse translation of internal VNF 2 model (blue) to ETSI VNF 2 model (green), which in turn requires this mapping be preserved in the SDC onboarding translation function. VNFM calls VIM to create VNF 2, and applies any needed deployment data via SOL002 API. At this point VNF 2 only has “deployment data” (networking data) configured. ONAP determines that, as per the SDC model thereof, there is no application level data for ONAP to configure for VNF 1. ONAP determines that, as per the SDC model thereof, there is no application level data for ONAP to configure for VNF 2. Upon receipt of success from ONAP, OSS/BSS requests the appropriate EM(s) to configure VNF 1’ and VNF 2’ (i.e., the application level data configuration of VNF 1 and VNF 2 in the Service A’ context).

24 Backup Slides

25 “Plugging In” a VNFM Into ONAP: Instantiate VNF
Determine cloud instance for each VNF Resource (including this one) 1 SO 3 OOF Create Service Instance SO Internal: Service Level Workflow Request Homing 4 2 Decompose Determine Resource needs (including this VNF) Spawn Resource-Level Sub-Flows Only this single “instantiate VNF” sub-flow shown SO Internal: VNF Level Workflow 5 Locate ordered set of VF Modules associated with the requested instantiation level (from the transformed VNF TOSCA). Determine if requested instantiation level is allowed. (If not, return Error) 8 Instantiate VNF Inventory 6 Assign VNF (Instantiate) 14 Configure VNF 13 SO or VNFM Adaptor responsible for retrieving the assignments from SDNC (organized by VF Module) and consolidating them (organizing by VM type). SO Loop: Per VF Module If necessary Stub 12 VNFM Adaptor 9 SOL003 (CreateVnf, InstantiateVnf,Grant) 7 Assign VF Module VNFM (Doesn’t necessarily care about VF Modules) Only those major ONAP components associated with this new option are represented. A&AI Gen NFC SDNC 11 Deployment Data (SOL002) Application Data Resource Data VIM 10 15 VNF

26 ECOMP Delegates Application Level Configuration to an External Entity
Background AT&T Currently Supports Two Separate Approaches to Managing Application Level Data ECOMP Delegates Application Level Configuration to an External Entity ECOMP Performs Application Level Configuration BSS/OSS* OSS/BSS (*if an optional EM is present, its configuration data and activation trigger would be handled by BSS/OSS) 1 ECOMP’s responsibility is to stand up collections of VNFs as infrastructure. 4 In AT&T’s understanding, this first approach is similar to the approach that ETSI took for support of NFV. 1 ECOMP ECOMP Application Level configuration 4 Application Level configuration VNF instantiation 2 2 VNF instantiation (*if an optional EM is present, its configuration data and activation trigger would be handled by ECOMP) 3 VIM 3 VIM VNF1 Ntw A VNF2 Ntw A VNF1 VNF2

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