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Welcome to Year 1!
Who’s who? Ms Curtis – Executive Principal
Miss Abbotts – Deputy Head Teacher Miss Matthews – Key Stage 1 Leader Mrs Price – Class Teacher Mrs Keites – PE Teacher Mrs Diedhiou – Music Teacher Mrs Beale – Singing Teacher
Differences between Yr1 and Rec
There will still be a topic based approach to our learning. The children will follow a weekly timetable and take part in set lessons, including daily English and Maths lessons. The children will be working in a more structured way, by completing set activities at their tables, but they will still learn through exploration and play and use a variety of practical resources to support their learning.
The Year Ahead In English topics include: Pirates, Dinosaurs, Julia Donaldson, Mr Men, Animals, Handa’s Surprise and The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch Maths lessons will cover: Number Work, Data Handling, Shape, Space and Measure and Problem Solving. Science topics include: Seasonal Changes, Everyday Materials, Plants and Animals including Humans. During our Computing lessons the children will develop their understanding of using the laptops independently and safely. They will use programmable toys and explore a variety of software to develop skills such as filming and illustrating an eBook.
The Year Ahead Art and DT lessons include: Self Portraits, Sculptures, Designing and Making a Rocket and Creating a Town. History lessons will cover: Changes within Living Memory, Toys from the Past and we will also focus on a significant individual from the past – Neil Armstrong Geography lessons will cover: World Countries, Hot and Cold Countries and Our Own Town. RE lessons include: Books and Stories in Christianity, the Family in Judaism and Places in Christianity.
Homework The following will start shortly and will be accompanied with a detailed letter: Guided Reading – The children will have a weekly guided reading session with an adult. Please ensure that you regularly listen to your child read out loud, as well as, regularly reading to them. Sight Words - Highlighted high frequency words, in the back of your child’s reading record, to practise reading and writing each week. Please ensure that your child has their reading record and sight words in school every day as they will take part in 1:1, group and independent reading throughout the week which might be on a different day to their guided reading group. Spellings - Spelling tests will begin in Autumn Term 2. The children will have weekly spellings to learn, at home, each week. These spellings will follow a specific sound pattern which will have already been taught during the children’s phonic sessions. These will then be tested in school weekly and a new set of spellings will then be given. Home Learning Project – These are done on a half termly basis and are linked to the topic we are covering and can be presented in anyway.
Phonics Check In line with the National Assessment and Reporting Arrangements for Key Stage One the children will complete a phonics screening check during the Summer Term. The children will be preparing for this during their Phonic sessions throughout the year. The sound patterns that the children need to become familiar with will also be included within their weekly spellings, to support their fluency. During the check, the children will use their knowledge of sound patterns to decode and read real and nonsense words.
Uniform Purple tartan skirt or purple tartan pinafore dress, black trousers or black tailored shorts, polo shirt (logo preferred), TRPS jumper or cardigan, white, black or grey socks or tights and black shoes. PE – Purple shorts, white t-shirt (logo preferred), black plimsolls or trainers, TRPS PE bag. TRPS book bag. Please ensure ALL items are clearly named so that, if lost, they can be returned to the owner. Please can we also ask that each child brings a named water bottle into school each day. They will be provided with a daily healthy snack.
Timetable PE will be on a Thursday with Mrs Keites.
Please ensure children bring their PE kits into school at the beginning of each half term. These will then be sent home for washing half termly. Long hair must be tied back for all PE lessons and the children are not permitted to wear any jewellery (including earrings) for PE. Art - Please can we ask you send the children in with a named apron. This can be either a proper art apron or an old baggy t-shirt. Wednesday – Miss Matthews will be teaching.
Daily Timings School starts promptly at 8.45am. The children can be dropped off at the outside classroom door from 8.30am, where they will be greeted by a member of the Year 1 team. Please access the school via the side gate and make your way to the classroom. Please note scooters and bikes are not to be ridden on the school site and there is no car parking available. Please support your child to develop their independence skills and encourage them to enter the classroom independently and put their own book bags and lunch boxes away. The children will then complete an independent activity or reading task on the carpet. The school day finishes at 3.15pm. The gates are opened from 3pm to allow parents to gradually enter the school site to collect.
Communications Newsletters (termly)
Parent’s Evenings What’s on at TRPS Class Dojo Story Facebook – The Radstone Primary School
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